Event callbacks

If a callback is registered for an event, it will be called when the event becomes active. To associate a callback with event one can pass a callable to whether Event::__construct() , or Event::set() , or one of the factory methods like Event::timer() .

An event callback should match the following prototype:

void callback ([ mixed $fd = NULL [, int $what [, mixed $arg = NULL ]]] )


The file descriptor, stream resource or socket associated with the event. For signal event fd is equal to the signal number.


Bit mask of all events triggered.


User custom data.

Event::timer() expects the callback to match the following prototype:

void callback ([ mixed $arg = NULL ] )


User custom data.

Event::signal() expects the callback to match the following prototype:

void callback ([ int $signum [, mixed $arg = NULL ]] )


The number of the triggered signal(e.g. SIGTERM ).


User custom data.


For event timers, the callback prototype is equivalent to sockets related callback. User arguments are given as the third parameter.

This has been tested under : Event version 1.6.1
2013-05-27 18:23:32

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