
(PHP >= 5.3.0)

gethostnameGets the host name


string gethostname ( void )

gethostname() gets the standard host name for the local machine.

Return Values

Returns a string with the hostname on success, otherwise FALSE is returned.


Example #1 A simple gethostname() example

echo gethostname(); // may output e.g,: sandie

// Or, an option that also works before PHP 5.3
echo php_uname('n'); // may output e.g,: sandie

See Also

  • gethostbyname() - Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name
  • gethostbyaddr() - Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address
  • php_uname() - Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on


On Linux, use the command `hostname` to view your host name, or `sudo hostname servername` to set it
2018-08-28 07:26:23
To the prev. note: **NEVER USE*** 
#`sudo hostname servername`

Some *nix systems will then force to set the 'servername' as new hostname!
2019-10-27 13:25:33
Since I built a PHP app that runs on Linux Windows and MacOS I just discovered that using gethostname() behaves differently on different OSes. Linux will return "hostname" while MacOS 10.15 will return "hostname.local"  . Have yet to determine how Windows behaves but the difference is worth noting. Only a few days ago I was wanting to get the LAN extension in Linux and was never able to. I was oly hable to get "hostname".  In MacOS it is just there. with "hostname.local"
2022-04-13 08:11:04
Regarding Linux vs. macOS, that is not a difference in OS or PHP. macOS sets the hostname to <shortname>.local. Open a terminal window and run `hostname` to check. The local hostname can be set on macOS under the Sharing Preferences (or Settings if Ventura 13 or newer).
2023-05-18 18:01:09

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