(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PECL xmlwriter >= 0.1.0)
XMLWriter::writeComment -- xmlwriter_write_comment — Write full comment tag
Object oriented style
bool XMLWriter::writeComment
( string
)Procedural style
bool xmlwriter_write_comment
( resource
, string $content
)Writes a full comment.
Only for procedural calls. The XMLWriter resource that is being modified. This resource comes from a call to xmlwriter_open_uri() or xmlwriter_open_memory().
The contents of the comment.
Return Values
Returns TRUE
on success or FALSE
on failure.
See Also
- XMLWriter::startComment() - Create start comment
- XMLWriter::endComment() - Create end comment
- XMLWriter::endAttribute
- XMLWriter::endCData
- XMLWriter::endComment
- XMLWriter::endDocument
- XMLWriter::endDTDAttlist
- XMLWriter::endDTDElement
- XMLWriter::endDTDEntity
- XMLWriter::endDTD
- XMLWriter::endElement
- XMLWriter::endPI
- XMLWriter::flush
- XMLWriter::fullEndElement
- XMLWriter::openMemory
- XMLWriter::openURI
- XMLWriter::outputMemory
- XMLWriter::setIndentString
- XMLWriter::setIndent
- XMLWriter::startAttributeNS
- XMLWriter::startAttribute
- XMLWriter::startCData
- XMLWriter::startComment
- XMLWriter::startDocument
- XMLWriter::startDTDAttlist
- XMLWriter::startDTDElement
- XMLWriter::startDTDEntity
- XMLWriter::startDTD
- XMLWriter::startElementNS
- XMLWriter::startElement
- XMLWriter::startPI
- XMLWriter::text
- XMLWriter::writeAttributeNS
- XMLWriter::writeAttribute
- XMLWriter::writeCData
- XMLWriter::writeComment
- XMLWriter::writeDTDAttlist
- XMLWriter::writeDTDElement
- XMLWriter::writeDTDEntity
- XMLWriter::writeDTD
- XMLWriter::writeElementNS
- XMLWriter::writeElement
- XMLWriter::writePI
- XMLWriter::writeRaw
This will write a XML <!----> style comment to your XMLWriter resource.
Strings up to 50 characters long are displayed on a single line with no spacing between the tags.
Anything above 50 characters will show on multiple formatted lines. Using the \n metacharater inserts a newline and maintains indenting.