(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha — Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
bool ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha
( float
This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.
Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture. Fully opaque is 1.0.
fill alpha
Return Values
No value is returned.
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Обработка и генерация изображений
- Обработка изображений (ImageMagick)
- Функция ImagickDraw::affine() - Adjusts the current affine transformation matrix
- Функция ImagickDraw::annotation() - Draws text on the image
- Функция ImagickDraw::arc() - Draws an arc
- Функция ImagickDraw::bezier() - Draws a bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::circle() - Draws a circle
- Функция ImagickDraw::clear() - Clears the ImagickDraw
- Функция ImagickDraw::clone() - Makes an exact copy of the specified ImagickDraw object
- Функция ImagickDraw::color() - Draws color on image
- Функция ImagickDraw::comment() - Adds a comment
- Функция ImagickDraw::composite() - Composites an image onto the current image
- Функция ImagickDraw::__construct() - The ImagickDraw constructor
- Функция ImagickDraw::destroy() - Frees all associated resources
- Функция ImagickDraw::ellipse() - Draws an ellipse on the image
- Функция ImagickDraw::getClipPath() - Obtains the current clipping path ID
- Функция ImagickDraw::getClipRule() - Returns the current polygon fill rule
- Функция ImagickDraw::getClipUnits() - Returns the interpretation of clip path units
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFillColor() - Returns the fill color
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFillOpacity() - Returns the opacity used when drawing
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFillRule() - Returns the fill rule
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFont() - Returns the font
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFontFamily() - Returns the font family
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFontSize() - Returns the font pointsize
- ImagickDraw::getFontStretch
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFontStyle() - Returns the font style
- Функция ImagickDraw::getFontWeight() - Returns the font weight
- Функция ImagickDraw::getGravity() - Returns the text placement gravity
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeAntialias() - Returns the current stroke antialias setting
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeColor() - Returns the color used for stroking object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashArray() - Returns an array representing the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashOffset() - Returns the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineCap() - Returns the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineJoin() - Returns the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeMiterLimit() - Returns the stroke miter limit
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeOpacity() - Returns the opacity of stroked object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::getStrokeWidth() - Returns the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::getTextAlignment() - Returns the text alignment
- Функция ImagickDraw::getTextAntialias() - Returns the current text antialias setting
- Функция ImagickDraw::getTextDecoration() - Returns the text decoration
- Функция ImagickDraw::getTextEncoding() - Returns the code set used for text annotations
- ImagickDraw::getTextInterlineSpacing
- ImagickDraw::getTextInterwordSpacing
- ImagickDraw::getTextKerning
- Функция ImagickDraw::getTextUnderColor() - Returns the text under color
- Функция ImagickDraw::getVectorGraphics() - Returns a string containing vector graphics
- Функция ImagickDraw::line() - Draws a line
- Функция ImagickDraw::matte() - Paints on the image's opacity channel
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathClose() - Adds a path element to the current path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToAbsolute() - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute() - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative() - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute() - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative() - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToRelative() - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothAbsolute() - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothRelative() - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcAbsolute() - Draws an elliptical arc
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcRelative() - Draws an elliptical arc
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathFinish() - Terminates the current path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToAbsolute() - Draws a line path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalAbsolute() - Draws a horizontal line path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalRelative() - Draws a horizontal line
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToRelative() - Draws a line path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalAbsolute() - Draws a vertical line
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalRelative() - Draws a vertical line path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathMoveToAbsolute() - Starts a new sub-path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathMoveToRelative() - Starts a new sub-path
- Функция ImagickDraw::pathStart() - Declares the start of a path drawing list
- Функция ImagickDraw::point() - Draws a point
- Функция ImagickDraw::polygon() - Draws a polygon
- Функция ImagickDraw::polyline() - Draws a polyline
- Функция ImagickDraw::pop() - Destroys the current ImagickDraw in the stack, and returns to the previously pushed ImagickDraw
- Функция ImagickDraw::popClipPath() - Terminates a clip path definition
- Функция ImagickDraw::popDefs() - Terminates a definition list
- Функция ImagickDraw::popPattern() - Terminates a pattern definition
- Функция ImagickDraw::push() - Clones the current ImagickDraw and pushes it to the stack
- Функция ImagickDraw::pushClipPath() - Starts a clip path definition
- Функция ImagickDraw::pushDefs() - Indicates that following commands create named elements for early processing
- Функция ImagickDraw::pushPattern() - Indicates that subsequent commands up to a ImagickDraw::opPattern() command comprise the definition of a named pattern
- Функция ImagickDraw::rectangle() - Draws a rectangle
- Функция ImagickDraw::render() - Renders all preceding drawing commands onto the image
- ImagickDraw::resetVectorGraphics
- Функция ImagickDraw::rotate() - Applies the specified rotation to the current coordinate space
- Функция ImagickDraw::roundRectangle() - Draws a rounded rectangle
- Функция ImagickDraw::scale() - Adjusts the scaling factor
- Функция ImagickDraw::setClipPath() - Associates a named clipping path with the image
- Функция ImagickDraw::setClipRule() - Set the polygon fill rule to be used by the clipping path
- Функция ImagickDraw::setClipUnits() - Sets the interpretation of clip path units
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha() - Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFillColor() - Sets the fill color to be used for drawing filled objects
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFillOpacity() - Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFillPatternURL() - Sets the URL to use as a fill pattern for filling objects
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFillRule() - Sets the fill rule to use while drawing polygons
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFont() - Sets the fully-specified font to use when annotating with text
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFontFamily() - Sets the font family to use when annotating with text
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFontSize() - Sets the font pointsize to use when annotating with text
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFontStretch() - Sets the font stretch to use when annotating with text
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFontStyle() - Sets the font style to use when annotating with text
- Функция ImagickDraw::setFontWeight() - Sets the font weight
- Функция ImagickDraw::setGravity() - Sets the text placement gravity
- ImagickDraw::setResolution
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeAlpha() - Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeAntialias() - Controls whether stroked outlines are antialiased
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor() - Sets the color used for stroking object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashArray() - Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashOffset() - Specifies the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap() - Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineJoin() - Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeMiterLimit() - Specifies the miter limit
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeOpacity() - Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokePatternURL() - Sets the pattern used for stroking object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::setStrokeWidth() - Sets the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- Функция ImagickDraw::setTextAlignment() - Specifies a text alignment
- Функция ImagickDraw::setTextAntialias() - Controls whether text is antialiased
- Функция ImagickDraw::setTextDecoration() - Specifies a decoration
- Функция ImagickDraw::setTextEncoding() - Specifies specifies the text code set
- ImagickDraw::setTextInterlineSpacing
- ImagickDraw::setTextInterwordSpacing
- ImagickDraw::setTextKerning
- Функция ImagickDraw::setTextUnderColor() - Specifies the color of a background rectangle
- Функция ImagickDraw::setVectorGraphics() - Sets the vector graphics
- Функция ImagickDraw::setViewbox() - Sets the overall canvas size
- Функция ImagickDraw::skewX() - Skews the current coordinate system in the horizontal direction
- Функция ImagickDraw::skewY() - Skews the current coordinate system in the vertical direction
- Функция ImagickDraw::translate() - Applies a translation to the current coordinate system
setFillAlpha is deprecated use the replacement: setFillOpacity