(No version information available, might only be in Git)
IntlBreakIterator::getLocale — Get the locale associated with the object
public ReturnType IntlBreakIterator::getLocale
( string
This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.
Return Values
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Поддержка языков и кодировок
- Internationalization Functions
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::__construct() - Private constructor for disallowing instantiation
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createCharacterInstance() - Create break iterator for boundaries of combining character sequences
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createCodePointInstance() - Create break iterator for boundaries of code points
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createLineInstance() - Create break iterator for logically possible line breaks
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createSentenceInstance() - Create break iterator for sentence breaks
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createTitleInstance() - Create break iterator for title-casing breaks
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::createWordInstance() - Create break iterator for word breaks
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::current() - Get index of current position
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::first() - Set position to the first character in the text
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::following() - Advance the iterator to the first boundary following specified offset
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::getErrorCode() - Get last error code on the object
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::getErrorMessage() - Get last error message on the object
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::getLocale() - Get the locale associated with the object
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator() - Create iterator for navigating fragments between boundaries
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::getText() - Get the text being scanned
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::isBoundary() - Tell whether an offset is a boundaryʼs offset
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::last() - Set the iterator position to index beyond the last character
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::next() - Advance the iterator the next boundary
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::preceding() - Set the iterator position to the first boundary before an offset
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::previous() - Set the iterator position to the boundary immediately before the current
- Функция IntlBreakIterator::setText() - Set the text being scanned
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