Output Control Functions
See Also
See also header() and setcookie().
Table of Contents
- flush — Flush the output buffer
- ob_clean — Clean (erase) the output buffer
- ob_end_clean — Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
- ob_end_flush — Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
- ob_flush — Flush (send) the output buffer
- ob_get_clean — Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer
- ob_get_contents — Return the contents of the output buffer
- ob_get_flush — Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering
- ob_get_length — Return the length of the output buffer
- ob_get_level — Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism
- ob_get_status — Get status of output buffers
- ob_gzhandler — ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
- ob_implicit_flush — Turn implicit flush on/off
- ob_list_handlers — List all output handlers in use
- ob_start — Turn on output buffering
- output_add_rewrite_var — Add URL rewriter values
- output_reset_rewrite_vars — Reset URL rewriter values
For those who are looking for optimization, try using buffered output.
I noticed that an output function call (i.e echo()) is somehow time expensive. When using buffered output, only one output function call is made and it seems to be much faster.
Try this :
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
echo str_repeat ("your string blablabla bla bla", (rand() % 4) + 1)."<br>\n";
echo your_benchmark_end_function();
And then :
ob_start ();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
echo str_repeat ("your string blablabla bla bla", (rand() % 4) + 1)."<br>\n";
echo your_benchmark_end_function();
ob_end_flush ();
It seems that while using output buffering, an included file which calls die() before the output buffer is closed is flushed rather than cleaned. That is, ob_end_flush() is called by default.
// a.php (this file should never display anything)
// b.php
print "b";
This ends up printing "b" rather than nothing as ob_end_flush() is called instead of ob_end_clean(). That is, die() flushes the buffer rather than cleans it. This took me a while to determine what was causing the flush, so I thought I'd share.
You possibly also want to end your benchmark after the output is flushed.
ob_start ();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
echo str_repeat ("your string blablabla bla bla", (rand() % 4) + 1)."<br>\n";
echo your_benchmark_end_function(); |
ob_end_flush (); ------------------------