Filesystem Security
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PHP is subject to the security built into most server systems with respect to permissions on a file and directory basis. This allows you to control which files in the filesystem may be read. Care should be taken with any files which are world readable to ensure that they are safe for reading by all users who have access to that filesystem.
Since PHP was designed to allow user level access to the filesystem, it's entirely possible to write a PHP script that will allow you to read system files such as /etc/passwd, modify your ethernet connections, send massive printer jobs out, etc. This has some obvious implications, in that you need to ensure that the files that you read from and write to are the appropriate ones.
Consider the following script, where a user indicates that they'd like to delete a file in their home directory. This assumes a situation where a PHP web interface is regularly used for file management, so the Apache user is allowed to delete files in the user home directories.
Example #1 Poor variable checking leads to....
// remove a file from the user's home directory
$username = $_POST['user_submitted_name'];
$userfile = $_POST['user_submitted_filename'];
$homedir = "/home/$username";
echo "The file has been deleted!";
Example #2 ... A filesystem attack
// removes a file from anywhere on the hard drive that
// the PHP user has access to. If PHP has root access:
$username = $_POST['user_submitted_name']; // "../etc"
$userfile = $_POST['user_submitted_filename']; // "passwd"
$homedir = "/home/$username"; // "/home/../etc"
unlink("$homedir/$userfile"); // "/home/../etc/passwd"
echo "The file has been deleted!";
- Only allow limited permissions to the PHP web user binary.
- Check all variables which are submitted.
Example #3 More secure file name checking
// removes a file from the hard drive that
// the PHP user has access to.
$username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; // using an authentication mechanisim
$userfile = basename($_POST['user_submitted_filename']);
$homedir = "/home/$username";
$filepath = "$homedir/$userfile";
if (file_exists($filepath) && unlink($filepath)) {
$logstring = "Deleted $filepath\n";
} else {
$logstring = "Failed to delete $filepath\n";
$fp = fopen("/home/logging/filedelete.log", "a");
fwrite($fp, $logstring);
echo htmlentities($logstring, ENT_QUOTES);
Example #4 More secure file name checking
$username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; // using an authentication mechanisim
$userfile = $_POST['user_submitted_filename'];
$homedir = "/home/$username";
$filepath = "$homedir/$userfile";
if (!ctype_alnum($username) || !preg_match('/^(?:[a-z0-9_-]|\.(?!\.))+$/iD', $userfile)) {
die("Bad username/filename");
Depending on your operating system, there are a wide variety of files which you should be concerned about, including device entries (/dev/ or COM1), configuration files (/etc/ files and the .ini files), well known file storage areas (/home/, My Documents), etc. For this reason, it's usually easier to create a policy where you forbid everything except for what you explicitly allow.
- Вступление
- Общие рассуждения
- Если PHP установлен как CGI
- Если PHP установлен как модуль Apache
- Session Security
- Безопасность файловой системы
- Безопасность баз данных
- Сообщения об ошибках
- Использование глобальных переменных (Register_Globals)
- Данные, введенные пользователем
- Волшебные кавычки
- Сокрытие PHP
- Необходимость обновлений
Well, the fact that all users run under the same UID is a big problem. Userspace security hacks (ala safe_mode) should not be substitution for proper kernel level security checks/accounting.
Good news: Apache 2 allows you to assign UIDs for different vhosts.
when using Apache you might consider a apache_lookup_uri on the path, to discover the real path, regardless of any directory trickery.
then, look at the prefix, and compare with a list of allowed prefixes.
for example, my source.php for my website includes:
if(isset($doc)) {
$apacheres = apache_lookup_uri($doc);
$really = realpath($apacheres->filename);
if(substr($really, 0, strlen($DOCUMENT_ROOT)) == $DOCUMENT_ROOT) {
if(is_file($really)) {
hope this helps
All of the fixes here assume that it is necessary to allow the user to enter system sensitive information to begin with. The proper way to handle this would be to provide something like a numbered list of files to perform an unlink action on and then the chooses the matching number. There is no way for the user to specify a clever attack circumventing whatever pattern matching filename exclusion syntax that you may have.
Anytime you have a security issue, the proper behaviour is to deny all then allow specific instances, not allow all and restrict. For the simple reason that you may not think of every possible restriction.
(A) Better not to create files or folders with user-supplied names. If you do not validate enough, you can have trouble. Instead create files and folders with randomly generated names like fg3754jk3h and store the username and this file or folder name in a table named, say, user_objects. This will ensure that whatever the user may type, the command going to the shell will contain values from a specific set only and no mischief can be done.
(B) The same applies to commands executed based on an operation that the user chooses. Better not to allow any part of the user's input to go to the command that you will execute. Instead, keep a fixed set of commands and based on what the user has input, and run those only.
For example,
(A) Keep a table named, say, user_objects with values like:
username|chosen_name |actual_name|file_or_dir
jdoe |trekphotos |m5fg767h67 |D
jdoe |notes.txt |nm4b6jh756 |F
tim1997 |_imp_ folder |45jkh64j56 |D
and always use the actual_name in the filesystem operations rather than the user supplied names.
$op = $_POST['op'];//after a lot of validations
$dir = $_POST['dirname'];//after a lot of validations or maybe you can use technique (A)
case "cd":
case "rd":
mail("", "Mischief", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." is probably attempting an attack.");
A basic filename/directory/symlink checking may be done (and I personally do) via realpath() ...
if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
$base = '/home/polizei/public_html/'; // it seems this one is good to be realpath too.. meaning not a symlinked path..
if (strpos($file = realpath($base.$_GET['file']), $base) === 0 && is_file($file)) {
} else {