(PHP 4 >= 4.3.3)
SWFMovie::setbackground — Sets the background color
, int $green
, int $blue
)This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This function should be used at your own risk.
Sets the background color.
Why is there no rgba version? Think about it, you might want to let the HTML background show through. There's a way to do that, but it only works on IE4. Search the » http://www.macromedia.com/ site for details.
These parameters are integers between 0 and 255 or hexadecimals between 0x00 and 0xFF:
Value of red component
Value of green component
Value of blue component
Return Values
No value is returned.
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Генерация нетекстовых MIME форматов
- Ming (flash)
- Функция SWFMovie::add() - Adds any type of data to a movie
- Функция SWFMovie::addExport() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::addFont() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::__construct() - Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie
- Функция SWFMovie::importChar() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::importFont() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::labelFrame() - Labels a frame
- Функция SWFMovie::nextFrame() - Moves to the next frame of the animation
- Функция SWFMovie::output() - Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out
- Функция SWFMovie::remove() - Removes the object instance from the display list
- Функция SWFMovie::save() - Saves the SWF movie in a file
- Функция SWFMovie::saveToFile() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::setbackground() - Sets the background color
- Функция SWFMovie::setDimension() - Sets the movie's width and height
- Функция SWFMovie::setFrames() - Sets the total number of frames in the animation
- Функция SWFMovie::setRate() - Sets the animation's frame rate
- Функция SWFMovie::startSound() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::stopSound() - Описание
- Функция SWFMovie::streamMP3() - Streams a MP3 file
- Функция SWFMovie::writeExports() - Описание
here's how to make the background transparent (IE4 or higher):
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
If you specify bgcolor in the html tags embedding the flash movie, this command have no effect.
To make setBackground() have an effect, make sure you remove
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff>" />
and remove bgcolor="#ffffff" part from:
<embed src="file.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" ...>
Adding the following parameter to the EMBED tag works for a few browsers or will (maybe) work in future:
(redirecting to http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14201.html )