
This » PECL extension is not bundled with PHP.

Information for installing this PECL extension may be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL extensions. Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here: »

A DLL for this PECL extension is currently unavailable. See also the building on Windows section.


Yar Concurrent Client doesn't work on Mac OS.  It is because the cURL shipped with Mac has some difference.

you can resolve that by install a new cURL, like (brew install curl).

then use :
"export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-new-curl/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"

make the PHP use the new cURL.

of course you can also re-compile your PHP with --with-curl=/path-to-new-curl/
2013-12-08 07:35:41

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