
(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

DomNode->child_nodes — Returns children of node


array DomNode->child_nodes ( void )

Returns all children of the node.

See also domnode_next_sibling(), and domnode_previous_sibling().

[an error occurred while processing the directive]


I was using child_nodes and if I have a node like this.

the node <node> have two children: one the "    " spaces that appear as #text on php and <child/>. Is that normal? I think node has just one child <child/>
2002-08-27 21:36:42
To answer hrosas)at(linuxmail)dot(org.


<node> has 3 children. 
1. whitespace between <node> and <child/>
2. <child/>
3. whitespace between <child/> and </node>

The whitespace is treated like text. To avoid this remove all whitespace.


This can get hard to read, but correct.

But, you can tell some programs to ignore the whitespace, so it remains easy to read.

Jon Sprague
2002-09-10 19:54:21
A better way to check for Text Child nodes (PHP 4.3.0)

    if ($childnode->node_type() == XML_TEXT_NODE)
        echo "<br/>This item is a text node.";
        echo "<br/>This item is not a text node.";

You may want to look at DomElement->is_blank_node() as well.
2003-03-09 19:32:45
to avoid the "#text" what you can simply do without changing your xml file, is:

if($item->nodeName != "#text"){
// do your code.
2008-04-30 05:57:06

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