(PHP 4, PHP 5)
get_loaded_extensions — Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
array get_loaded_extensions
([ bool $zend_extensions=FALSE
] )
This function returns the names of all the modules compiled and loaded in the PHP interpreter.
Список параметров
- zend_extensions
Return zend_extensions or not, defaults to FALSE (do not list zend_extensions).
Возвращаемые значения
Returns an indexed array of all the modules names.
Список изменений
Версия | Описание |
5.2.4 | The optional zend_extensions parameter was added |
Пример #1 get_loaded_extensions() Example
Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:
Array ( [0] => xml [1] => wddx [2] => standard [3] => session [4] => posix [5] => pgsql [6] => pcre [7] => gd [8] => ftp [9] => db [10] => calendar [11] => bcmath )
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Изменение поведения PHP
- PHP Опции и Информация
- assert_options
- assert
- cli_get_process_title
- cli_set_process_title
- dl
- extension_loaded
- gc_collect_cycles
- gc_disable
- gc_enable
- gc_enabled
- gc_mem_caches
- get_cfg_var
- get_current_user
- get_defined_constants
- get_extension_funcs
- get_include_path
- get_included_files
- get_loaded_extensions
- get_magic_quotes_gpc
- get_magic_quotes_runtime
- get_required_files
- get_resources
- getenv
- getlastmod
- getmygid
- getmyinode
- getmypid
- getmyuid
- getopt
- getrusage
- ini_alter
- ini_get_all
- ini_get
- ini_restore
- ini_set
- magic_quotes_runtime
- main
- memory_get_peak_usage
- memory_get_usage
- php_ini_loaded_file
- php_ini_scanned_files
- php_logo_guid
- php_sapi_name
- php_uname
- phpcredits
- phpinfo
- phpversion
- putenv
- restore_include_path
- set_include_path
- set_magic_quotes_runtime
- set_time_limit
- sys_get_temp_dir
- version_compare
- zend_logo_guid
- zend_thread_id
- zend_version
if you want to sort the extensions from a to z the easiest way is to use natcasesort.