(PHP 4, PHP 5)
is_float — Finds whether the type of a variable is float
Finds whether the type of the given variable is float.
Замечание: To test if a variable is a number or a numeric string (such as form input, which is always a string), you must use is_numeric().
Список параметров
- var
The variable being evaluated.
Возвращаемые значения
Returns TRUE if var is a float, FALSE otherwise.
Пример #1 is_float() example
if(is_float(27.25)) {
echo "is float\n";
}else {
echo "is not float\n";
var_dump(is_float(1e7)); //Scientific Notation
Результат выполнения данного примера:
is float bool(false) bool(false) bool(true) bool(true) bool(false)
- PHP Руководство
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- Расширения, относящиеся к переменным и типам
- Функции для работы с переменными
- boolval
- debug_zval_dump
- doubleval
- empty
- floatval
- get_defined_vars
- get_resource_type
- gettype
- import_request_variables
- intval
- is_array
- is_bool
- is_callable
- is_double
- is_float
- is_int
- is_integer
- is_long
- is_null
- is_numeric
- is_object
- is_real
- is_resource
- is_scalar
- is_string
- isset
- print_r
- serialize
- settype
- strval
- unserialize
- unset
- var_dump
- var_export
As celelibi at gmail dot com stated, is_float checks ONLY the type of the variable not the data it holds!
If you want to check if string represent a floating point value use the following regular expression and not is_float(),
or poorly written custom functions.
If you want to test whether a string is containing a float, rather than if a variable is a float, you can use this simple little function:
function isfloat($f) return ($f == (string)(float)$f);
Yet another regular expression for float in real life:
function isTrueFloat($val)
$pattern = '/^[-+]?(((\\\\d+)\\\\.?(\\\\d+)?)|\\\\.\\\\d+)([eE]?[+-]?\\\\d+)?$/';
return (!is_bool($val) && (is_float($val) || preg_match($pattern, trim($val))));
// Matches:
1, -1, 1.0, -1.0, '1', '-1', '1.0', '-1.0', '2.1', '0', 0, ' 0 ', ' 0.1 ', ' -0.0 ', -0.0, 3., '-3.', '.27', .27, '-0', '+4', '1e2', '+1353.0316547', '13213.032468e-13465', '-8E+3', '-1354.98879e+37436'
// Non-matches:
false, true, '', '-', '.a', '-1.a', '.a', '.', '-.', '1+', '1.3+', 'a1', 'e.e', '-e-4', 'e2', '8e', '3,25'
Coercing the value to float and back to string was a neat trick. You can also just add a literal 0 to whatever you're checking.
function isfloat($value) {
// PHP automagically tries to coerce $value to a number
return is_float($value + 0);
Seems to work ok:
isfloat("5.0" + 0); // true
isfloat("5.0"); // false
isfloat(5 + 0); // false
isfloat(5.0 + 0); // false
isfloat('a' + 0); // false
Boylett's solution is elegant (, but won't work for long float's or variables that are not explicitly type of 'string' or for long floats that are encased in quotes, making it a string that will be truncated/rounded when cast to a float. So, further logic must be completed to test for the case. Take the following example:
if (!function_exists("test_float")) {
function test_float($test) {
if (!is_scalar($test)) {return false;}
$type = gettype($test);
if ($type === "float") {
return true;
} else {
return preg_match("/^\\d+\\.\\d+$/", $test) === 1;
$test = "3.14159265358979323846264338g32795";
var_dump($test == (string)(float)$test);
Will produce (32-bit):
string(34) "3.14159265358979323846264338g32795"
So far, so good, right? Yeah, but it's misleading, because the string is so long, that when it's converted to a float, it won't be equivalent to the comparison of the value being cast back into a string . So the aforementioned short function works. Look at this next example:
$test = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
var_dump($test == (string)(float)$test);
Will produce (32-bit):
Why is it not working now, but the value is truly a float? Same reasoning as mentioned before. The float is so long that it's truncated/rounded and doesn't match the comparison being done with the short-hand function.
So, as you can see, more logic should be applied to the variable you're testing.
is_float() returns true for NAN, INF and -INF. You may want to test is_float($value) && is_finite($value), or alternatively filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) !== false.