(PHP 5 >= 5.1.3)
iterator_to_array — Copy the iterator into an array
array iterator_to_array
( IteratorAggregate $iterator
[, bool $use_keys
] )
К настоящему времени эта функция еще не была документирована; для ознакомления доступен только список аргументов.
Count the elements in an iterator.
Список параметров
- iterator
The iterator being counted.
- use_keys
Возвращаемые значения
The number of elements in iterator .
Using the boolean param :
$first = new ArrayIterator( array('k1' => 'a' , 'k2' => 'b', 'k3' => 'c', 'k4' => 'd') );
$second = new ArrayIterator( array( 'k1' => 'X', 'k2' => 'Y', 'Z' ) );
$combinedIterator= new AppendIterator();
$combinedIterator->append( $first );
$combinedIterator->append( $second );
var_dump( iterator_to_array($combinedIterator, false) );
will output :
array(7) (
string(1) "a"
string(1) "b"
string(1) "c"
string(1) "d"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "Z"
var_dump( iterator_to_array($combinedIterator, true) );
will output (since keys would merge) :
array(5) (
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "c"
string(1) "d"
string(1) "Z"
To generate an deep array from nested iterators:
function iterator_to_array_deep(\Traversable $iterator, $use_keys = true) {
$array = array();
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
if ($value instanceof \Iterator) {
$value = iterator_to_array_deep($value, $use_keys);
if ($use_keys) {
$array[$key] = $value;
} else {
$array[] = $value;
return $array;
I use it to test an iterator:
When using iterator_to_array() on an SplObjectStorage object, it's advisable to set $use_keys to false.
The resulting array is identical, since the iterator keys produced by SplObjectStorage::key() are always integers from 0 to (COUNT-1). Passing $use_keys=false cuts out the unnecessary calls to SplObjectStorage::key(), giving a slight performance advantage.
One important thing to remember is that in iterator can be infinite. Not all iterators necessarily end. If iterator_to_array is used on such an iterator, it will exhaust the available memory, and throw a fatal error.
For example, consider the following code:
function fibonacci(): Generator
yield $a = 1;
yield $b = 2;
yield $c = $a + $b;
$a = $b;
$b = $c;
goto start;
$fibonacciSequence = fibonacci();
Since <?php fibonacci(); ?> generates an infinite fibonacci sequence, which is valid, since it is actually an infinite sequence, then attempting to convert it to an array will fail.