
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)

mcrypt_list_algorithms — Get an array of all supported ciphers


array mcrypt_list_algorithms ([ string $lib_dir ] )

mcrypt_list_algorithms() is used to get an array of all supported algorithms in the lib_dir parameter.

mcrypt_list_algorithms() takes an optional lib_dir parameter which specifies the directory where all algorithms are located. If not specifies, the value of the mcrypt.algorithms_dir php.ini directive is used.

Пример #1 mcrypt_list_algorithms() Example


    foreach (
$algorithms as $cipher) {
"$cipher<br />\n";

The above example will produce a list with all supported algorithms in the "/usr/local/lib/libmcrypt" directory.


$algorithms = mcrypt_list_algorithms();


// sample output from PHP 5.3.3 on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)

array(19) {
  string(8) "cast-128"
  string(4) "gost"
  string(12) "rijndael-128"
  string(7) "twofish"
  string(7) "arcfour"
  string(8) "cast-256"
  string(6) "loki97"
  string(12) "rijndael-192"
  string(9) "saferplus"
  string(4) "wake"
  string(15) "blowfish-compat"
  string(3) "des"
  string(12) "rijndael-256"
  string(7) "serpent"
  string(4) "xtea"
  string(8) "blowfish"
  string(6) "enigma"
  string(3) "rc2"
  string(9) "tripledes"

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