
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp:1.1.1-1.1.4)

mssql_min_error_severity — Sets the lower error severity


void mssql_min_error_severity ( int $severity )

К настоящему времени эта функция еще не была документирована; для ознакомления доступен только список аргументов.

Список параметров


Возвращаемые значения

Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.


If you have not worked with MS SQL, severity is based on 5 levels. 

Level 0:
The code contains a genuine error, and if executed, may not run as expected. For example, a syntax error or a reference to a non-existent method will cause a Level 0 error.

Level 1:
The code is syntactically correct, and has some defined meaning, but it may not be what the programmer was expecting. For example, a statement with no side effects such as x+1 will generate a Level 1 warning.

Level 2:
The code is correct but may cause problems in the future. For example, using deprecated features will generate a Level 2 warning.

Level 3:
The code is correct but may result in bad performance. For example, if type inferencing fails for a variable, a Level 3 warning will be issued.

Level 4:
The code is correct but there may be a better way to accomplish the same thing. For example, using a non-Common Language Specification (CLS) compliant method signature will generate a Level 4 warning.
2003-07-04 02:44:10
2013-12-16 17:28:58

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