
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PECL mysql:1.0)

mysql_real_escape_string — Экранирует специальные символы в строках для использования в выражениях SQL


string mysql_real_escape_string ( string $unescaped_string [, resource $link_identifier ] )

Экранирует специальные символы в unescaped_string , принимая во внимание кодировку соединения, таким образом, что результат можно безопасно использовать в SQL-запросе в функци mysql_query(). Если вставляются бинарные данные, то к ним так же необходимо применять эту функцию.

mysql_real_escape_string() вызывает библиотечную функцмю MySQL mysql_real_escape_string, которая добавляет обратную косую черту к следующим символам: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a.

Эта функция должна всегда (за несколькими исключениями) использоваться для того, чтобы обезопасить данные, вставляемые в запрос перед отправкой его в MySQL.

Список параметров


Строка, которая должна быть экранирована.


The MySQL connection. If the link identifier is not specified, the last link opened by mysql_connect() is assumed. If no such link is found, it will try to create one as if mysql_connect() was called with no arguments. If by chance no connection is found or established, an E_WARNING level error is generated.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает строку, в которой экранированы все необходимые символы, или FALSE в случае ошибки.


Пример #1 Простой пример использования mysql_real_escape_string()

// Connect
$link mysql_connect('mysql_host''mysql_user''mysql_password')
    OR die(

// Query
$query sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='%s' AND password='%s'",

Пример #2 Пример взлома с использованием SQL Injection

// посылаем запрос, чтобы проверить имя и пароль пользователя
$query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='{$_POST['username']}' AND password='{$_POST['password']}'";

// Мы не никак проверили переменную $_POST['password'], 
// а она может содержать совсем не то, что мы ожидали. Например:
$_POST['username'] = 'aidan';
$_POST['password'] = "' OR ''='";

// посмотрим, какой запрос будет отправлен в MySQL:
echo $query;

Запрос, который будет отправлен в MySQL:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='aidan' AND password='' OR ''=''

Это позволит кому угодно войти в систему без пароля.

Пример #3 Лучший вариант составления запроса

Применение mysql_real_escape_string() к каждой переменной, вставляемой в запрос, предотвращает SQL Injection. Нижеследующий код является наилучшим вариантом составления запросов и не зависит от установки Magic Quotes.

// Функция экранирования переменных
function quote_smart($value)
// если magic_quotes_gpc включена - используем stripslashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value stripslashes($value);
// Если переменная - число, то экранировать её не нужно
    // если нет - то окружем её кавычками, и экранируем
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
$value "'" mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";

// Соединяемся
$link mysql_connect('mysql_host''mysql_user''mysql_password')
    OR die(

// Составляем безопасный запрос
$query sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user=%s AND password=%s",


Запрос, составленный таким образом, будет выполнен без ошибок, и взлом с помощью SQL Injection окажется невозможен.


Замечание: Функцию mysql_real_escape_string() можно использовать только после того, как установлено соединение с MySQL. В противном случае возникнет ошибка уровня E_WARNING, а функция возвратит FALSE. Если link_identifier не указан, используется последнее открытое соединение.

Замечание: Если magic_quotes_gpc включены, то сначала данные следует обработать функцией stripslashes(). Если mysql_real_escape_string() применяется к данным, которые уже были прослешены, то в результате слеши в данных будут удваиваться.

Замечание: Если не пользоваться этой функцией, то запрос становится уязвимым для взлома с помощью SQL Injection.

Замечание: mysql_real_escape_string() не экранирует символы % и _. Эти знаки являются масками групп символов в операторах MySQL LIKE, GRANT или REVOKE.

Смотрите также


Note that mysql_real_escape_string doesn't prepend backslashes to \x00, \n, \r, and and \x1a as mentionned in the documentation, but actually replaces the character with a MySQL acceptable representation for queries (e.g. \n is replaced with the '\n' litteral). (\, ', and " are escaped as documented) This doesn't change how you should use this function, but I think it's good to know.
2006-05-30 16:38:12
Don't forget that if you're using Mysqli (ie, the "improved" Mysql extension) then you need to use the corresponding mysqli function mysqli_real_escape_string().  The parameter order is also different.
2009-07-27 04:05:58
There's an interesting quirk in the example #2 about SQL injection:  AND takes priority over OR, so the injected query actually executes as WHERE (user='aidan' AND password='') OR ''='', so instead of returning a database record corresponding to an arbitrary username (in this case 'aidan'), it would actually return ALL database records.  In no particular order.  So an attacker might be able to log in as any account, but not necessarily with any control over which account it is.

Of course a potential attacker could simply modify their parameters to target specific users of interest:


// E.g. attacker's values
$_POST['username'] = '';
$_POST['password'] = "' OR user = 'administrator' AND '' = '";

// Malformed query
$query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$_POST[username]' AND password='$_POST[password]'";


// The query sent to MySQL would read:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='' AND password='' OR user='administrator' AND ''='';
// which would allow anyone to gain access to the account named 'administrator'

2009-12-08 13:17:24
If you want to make sure that the ID you're using to do a query is a number, use sprint() of (int) or intval(), but don't use mysql_real_escape_string.

There is no difference between ISO-8859-1's number 10 and UTF-8's number 10.
2010-01-28 09:05:07
Just a little function which mimics the original mysql_real_escape_string but which doesn't need an active mysql connection. Could be implemented as a static function in a database class. Hope it helps someone.

function mysql_escape_mimic($inp) {

$inp) && is_string($inp)) {
str_replace(array('\\'"\0""\n""\r""'"'"'"\x1a"), array('\\\\''\\0''\\n''\\r'"\\'"'\\"''\\Z'), $inp);

2010-12-05 10:38:54
For further information:
(replace your MySQL version in the URL)
2012-03-30 17:20:39
No discussion of escaping is complete without telling everyone that you should basically never use external input to generate interpreted code. This goes for SQL statements, or anything you would call any sort of "eval" function on.

So, instead of using this terribly broken function, use parametric prepared statements instead.

Honestly, using user provided data to compose SQL statements should be considered professional negligence and you should be held accountable by your employer or client for not using parametric prepared statements.

What does that mean?

It means instead of building a SQL statement like this:


You should use mysqli's prepare() function (mysqli.prepare) to execute a statement that looks like this:


NB: This doesn't mean you should never generate dynamic SQL statements. What it means is that you should never use user-provided data to generate those statements. Any user-provided data should be passed through as parameters to the statement after it has been prepared.

So, for example, if you are building up a little framework and want to do an insert to a table based on the request URI, it's in your best interest to not take the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] value (or any part of it) and directly concatenate that with your query. Instead,  you should parse out the portion of the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] value that you want, and map that through some kind of function or associative array to a non-user provided value. If the mapping produces no value, you know that something is wrong with the user provided data.

Failing to follow this has been the cause of a number of SQL-injection problems in the Ruby On Rails framework, even though it uses parametric prepared statements. This is how GitHub was hacked at one point. So, no language is immune to this problem. That's why this is a general best practice and not something specific to PHP and why you should REALLY adopt it.

Also, you should still do some kind of validation of the data provided by users, even when using parametric prepared statements. This is because that user-provided data will often become part of some generated HTML, and you want to ensure that the user provided data isn't going to cause security problems in the browser.
2012-10-19 20:33:41
To Quote Sam at Numb Safari

[ "No discussion of escaping is complete without telling everyone that you should basically never use external input to generate interpreted code. This goes for SQL statements, or anything you would call any sort of "eval" function on.

So, instead of using this terribly broken function, use parametric prepared statements instead.

Honestly, using user provided data to compose SQL statements should be considered professional negligence and you should be held accountable by your employer or client for not using parametric prepared statements." ]

Sam is right........

However I do not think it is sensible to stop all sanitising and simply pass the task on to parametric prepared statements.

A particular developer working in a particular situation will always know more about valid input (specific to that context). 

If you ask a user to pass in a value you have already given them and you know that all such values start AB****** and the string should be of length 7 or 11 but never any other length then you have the basis of a good pre-sanitiser - different allowable lengths of a string might indicate legacy data.

I would never want to simply pass the rubbish that a malicious user may have passed in through a form to the parametric prepared statements, I would always want to do my own sanity checks first and in some cases these may err on the side of caution and simply choose to abort the Database op completely. 

That way my DB does not get clogged up with unsafe statements made safe - it simply does not get clogged up which is better.

Security in layers - sanitisation and validation should still be considered in every situation BEFORE using prepared statements.

In addition as far as I can read into the official doc

"Escaping and SQL injection

Bound variables are sent to the server separately from the query and thus cannot interfere with it. The server uses these values directly at the point of execution, after the statement template is parsed. Bound parameters do not need to be escaped as they are never substituted into the query string directly"

That suggests to me that danger is avoided in the internals by alternative handling not by nullification.

This means that a large project with incomplete conversion to prepared statements, legacy code in different parts of an organisation or servers talking to one another could all pass on the bad news from an immune location or situation to one that is not immune.

As long as the sanitisation is competently performed without incurring additional risks then personally I would stick with certain layers of sanitisation and then call the prepared statements.
2017-03-31 13:53:02
I elaborated his note as following:
$string = "asda\0sd\x1aas\\\\\\\\dasd\'asdasd\na\'\'sdasdad";
$array1 = array('\\\\\\\\', '\0', '\n', '\r', "'", '"', '\x1a');
$array2 = array('\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', '\\\0', '\\\n', '\\\r', "\\\'", '\\\"', '\\\Z');
for( $i=0; $i<count($array1); $i++ ) {
    if ($i==0)
    $p = '/(?<!\\\\)'.$array1[$i].'(?!\\\\)/';
    $p = '/(?<!\\\\)'.$array1[$i].'/';
    echo( $array2[$i]);
    $string = preg_replace($p, $array2[$i], $string);
2017-11-04 19:14:01
There is requirement for old projects which are using `mysql_escape_string`, and upgrading the PHP version to 7 and above. Basically this happens in maintenance projects where we don't know how many files the functions are used in application. We can use [mysqli.real-escape-string][1] for the function:

If you have a typical connection file like `conn.php`

    $conn = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $db);
    // may be few more lines to handle the $conn
    if (!function_exists('mysql_escape_string')) {
        function mysql_escape_string($sting){ // if mysql_escape_string not available
            return $conn->real_escape_string($string); // escape using the $conn instance

2021-08-11 10:26:39

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