
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

openssl_pkey_get_private — Get a private key


resource openssl_pkey_get_private ( mixed $key [, string $passphrase ] )

openssl_get_privatekey() parses key and prepares it for use by other functions.

Список параметров


key can be one of the following:

  1. a string having the format file://path/to/file.pem. The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both).
  2. A PEM formatted private key.


The optional parameter passphrase must be used if the specified key is encrypted (protected by a passphrase).

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a positive key resource identifier on success, or FALSE on error.


It's actually "file://key.pem" when you want to give a relative path using unix systems. It will be three '/' in case of absolute path (e.g "file:///home/username/..."). But this path consists of two '/' originated from "file://" and one '/' from the fact that home is a subfolder of the unix filesystem's root directory ("/home/username/..."). This two part will be concatenated and you will get three '/' characters following each other.

So you only have to concatenate "file://" with an existing path string in every case.
2014-05-10 18:34:43

If this function not work with pathname try with a file_get_contents of a key file.
2020-10-10 17:26:26

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