
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

posix_getgrgid — Return info about a group by group id


array posix_getgrgid ( int $gid )

Gets information about a group provided its id.

Список параметров


The group id.

Возвращаемые значения

The array elements returned are:

The group information array
Element Description
name The name element contains the name of the group. This is a short, usually less than 16 character "handle" of the group, not the real, full name.
passwd The passwd element contains the group's password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing "shadow" passwords, an asterisk is returned instead.
gid Group ID, should be the same as the gid parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant.
members This consists of an array of string's for all the members in the group.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
4.2.0 Prior to this version, members was simply an integer representing the number of members in the group, and the member names were returned with numerical indices.


Пример #1 Example use of posix_getgrgid()


$groupinfo posix_getgrgid($groupid);


Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

    [name]    => toons
    [passwd]  => x
    [members] => Array
            [0] => tom
            [1] => jerry
    [gid]     => 42

Смотрите также


Returns an array containing the elements of the group structure. The array has both numeric indices, each of which is a string naming one member of the group, and named string indices. The array elements are:

$_["name"]  string groupname (users)
$_["gid"] integer gidnumber (e.g. 0 for wheel/root)
$_["members"] int number of users in group
$_[0]..$_[n] string usernames in the group
2000-02-21 20:10:55

This code should be considered as an OPTION only, it works under MY set of circumstances, and that is all I intended. The below funtion will return the NAME of the GROUP if provided with the Group ID#

  function RC_posix_getgrgid($gid) 
    $LocationGroup = "/etc/group"; //EDIT THIS IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT OS. mine = debian
    $fp = fopen ("/etc/group","r");
    while ($groupinfo = fscanf ($fp, "%[a-zA-Z0-9]:x:%[0-9]:%[a-zA-Z0-9]\n")) 
        list ($name, $groupID, $nfi) = $groupinfo;
        if ($groupID == $gid)
            $returnval = $name;
    if($returnval) { return $returnval; } else { return 0; }
2002-05-13 09:27:04
in php-4.3 the array returned seems to have changed.

it now returns:

["name"] group name
["passwd"] group password
["members"] group members (array of usernames)
["gid"] numeric group id
2003-04-16 14:21:52
When posix_getgrgid() fails (e.g. an invalid/unknown group id), it returns false.
This is except for Mac OSX on which you get an array with name "nogroup" and gid of "-1".
2009-05-10 10:50:18

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