(PHP 5, PECL sqlite:1.0.1-1.0.3)
sqlite_fetch_single — Выбирает значение первого поля из результат запроса в виде строки
string sqlite_fetch_single
( resource $result
[, bool $decode_binary
] )
sqlite_fetch_single() идентична sqlite_fetch_array() за исключением того, что возвращается значение только первого поля.
Использование этой функции является оптимальным способом получения данных, когда нужно получить значение только одного поля.
Пример #1 Пример использования sqlite_fetch_single()
if ($dbhandle = sqlite_open('mysqlitedb', 0666, $sqliteerror)) {
$sql = "SELECT id FROM sometable WHERE id = 42";
$res = sqlite_query($dbhandle, $sql);
if (sqlite_num_rows($res) > 0) {
echo sqlite_fetch_single($res); // 42
Смотрите также
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Расширения для работы с базами данных
- Расширения для работы с базами данных отдельных производителей
- SQLite
- sqlite_array_query
- sqlite_busy_timeout
- sqlite_changes
- sqlite_close
- sqlite_column
- sqlite_create_aggregate
- sqlite_create_function
- sqlite_current
- sqlite_error_string
- sqlite_escape_string
- sqlite_exec
- sqlite_factory
- sqlite_fetch_all
- sqlite_fetch_array
- sqlite_fetch_column_types
- sqlite_fetch_object
- sqlite_fetch_single
- sqlite_fetch_string
- sqlite_field_name
- sqlite_has_more
- sqlite_has_prev
- sqlite_key
- sqlite_last_error
- sqlite_last_insert_rowid
- sqlite_libencoding
- sqlite_libversion
- sqlite_next
- sqlite_num_fields
- sqlite_num_rows
- sqlite_open
- sqlite_popen
- sqlite_prev
- sqlite_query
- sqlite_rewind
- sqlite_seek
- sqlite_single_query
- sqlite_udf_decode_binary
- sqlite_udf_encode_binary
- sqlite_unbuffered_query
- sqlite_valid
Be careful with the use of sqlite_fetch_single() in a while-loop:
$result = sqlite_query($db_handle, 'SELECT foo FROM bar;');
while ($row = sqlite_fetch_single($result)) {
/*...do s.th. with $row...*/
This may not work as expected because the loop will stop if any of the foos has a false value (e.g. zero).
Use sqlite_has_more() instead:
$result = sqlite_query($db_handle, 'SELECT foo FROM bar;');
while (sqlite_has_more($result)) {
$row = sqlite_fetch_single($result);
/*...do s.th. with $row...*/
It isnt specified in the above description for this function, but yes this function will not only return the first column, but it will also return the first value (ie from the first row in the result set) of that column. Also the result set pointer is involved here in that if you use sqlite_fetch_single in a loop, it will return each value in the first column sequentially and advance the result set pointer each time.
i.e. the first loop iteration it returns the first value in the first column. the second loop iteration it returns the second value in the first column. the third loop iteration the third value and so on.
$handle = sqlite_open("database_file_name") or die("Could not open database");
//generate query string
$query = "select distinct field1 from database_name";
//execute query
$result = sqlite_query($handle,$query)
//if a row exists
echo "<table cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"1\">";
//check for more rows
//get first field from each row
//print values
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$row."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
//close database file
With the help of sqlite_fetch_single, you can quickly and easily calculate the number of elements in the table
// create new database (OO interface)
$db = new SQLiteDatabase('database.db', 0666);
// create table inbox and paste data
inbox_send varchar(20) NOT NULL,
inbox_text TEXT NOT NULL,
inbox_user varchar(20) NOT NULL
$ins_query = "
INSERT INTO inbox (inbox_send, inbox_text, inbox_time, inbox_user) VALUES ('Ilia1', 'Message1', '".time()."', 'my_name');
INSERT INTO inbox (inbox_send, inbox_text, inbox_time, inbox_user) VALUES ('Ilia2', 'Message2', '".time()."', 'user');
INSERT INTO inbox (inbox_send, inbox_text, inbox_time, inbox_user) VALUES ('Ilia2', 'Message3', '".time()."', 'my_name');
//view all posts by my_name
$total = $db->singleQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM inbox WHERE inbox_user='my_name';");
echo $total;
// the result will be the number 2
/* P.S. sorry for my english */