(PHP 4)
swf_startdoaction — Start a description of an action list for the current frame
void swf_startdoaction
( void
Starts the description of an action list for the current frame. This must be called before actions are defined for the current frame.
Возвращаемые значения
Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Генерация нетекстовых MIME форматов
- Shockwave Flash
- swf_actiongeturl
- swf_actiongotoframe
- swf_actiongotolabel
- swf_actionnextframe
- swf_actionplay
- swf_actionprevframe
- swf_actionsettarget
- swf_actionstop
- swf_actiontogglequality
- swf_actionwaitforframe
- swf_addbuttonrecord
- swf_addcolor
- swf_closefile
- swf_definebitmap
- swf_definefont
- swf_defineline
- swf_definepoly
- swf_definerect
- swf_definetext
- swf_endbutton
- swf_enddoaction
- swf_endshape
- swf_endsymbol
- swf_fontsize
- swf_fontslant
- swf_fonttracking
- swf_getbitmapinfo
- swf_getfontinfo
- swf_getframe
- swf_labelframe
- swf_lookat
- swf_modifyobject
- swf_mulcolor
- swf_nextid
- swf_oncondition
- swf_openfile
- swf_ortho2
- swf_ortho
- swf_perspective
- swf_placeobject
- swf_polarview
- swf_popmatrix
- swf_posround
- swf_pushmatrix
- swf_removeobject
- swf_rotate
- swf_scale
- swf_setfont
- swf_setframe
- swf_shapearc
- swf_shapecurveto3
- swf_shapecurveto
- swf_shapefillbitmapclip
- swf_shapefillbitmaptile
- swf_shapefilloff
- swf_shapefillsolid
- swf_shapelinesolid
- swf_shapelineto
- swf_shapemoveto
- swf_showframe
- swf_startbutton
- swf_startdoaction
- swf_startshape
- swf_startsymbol
- swf_textwidth
- swf_translate
- swf_viewport
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