
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

xml_parser_set_option — Set options in an XML parser


bool xml_parser_set_option ( resource $parser , int $option , mixed $value )

Sets an option in an XML parser.

Список параметров


A reference to the XML parser to set an option in.


Which option to set. See below.

The following options are available:

XML parser options
Option constant Data type Description
XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING integer Controls whether case-folding is enabled for this XML parser. Enabled by default.
XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART integer Specify how many characters should be skipped in the beginning of a tag name.
XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE integer Whether to skip values consisting of whitespace characters.
XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING string Sets which target encoding to use in this XML parser.By default, it is set to the same as the source encoding used by xml_parser_create(). Supported target encodings are ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII and UTF-8.


The option's new value.

Возвращаемые значения

This function returns FALSE if parser does not refer to a valid parser, or if the option could not be set. Else the option is set and TRUE is returned.


XML is case sensitive, then, from my point of view, disabling case folding doesn't goes against xml 1.0 specifications but the contrary, disabling case folding allow us to distiguish between diferent cases of the same letter ('a' and 'A') which of XML are two diferent things.
From my point of view, disabling case folding is a good practice and I think it should be disabled by default.
More information on:
Thank you.
2002-11-16 03:14:56
In the function below, you need to update two lines if you don't want php to throw warnings. 

change these two:
           $elements[$index]['attributes'] = $tag['attributes'];
           $elements[$index]['content'] = $tag['value'];

to this:
      $elements[$index]['attributes'] = empty($tag['attributes']) ? "" : $tag['attributes'];
      $elements[$index]['content']    = empty($tag['value']) ? "" : $tag['value'];
2007-03-08 22:08:43
The option XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE has no effect in my PHP 5.2.6 (with expat-1.95.8-5). To skip cdata composed of white space only, simply check for that at the beginning of your cdata callback function:

function callback_cdata($parser$cdata)

// ... continue processing ...
2008-07-31 05:22:49

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