mnoGoSearch Функции
- udm_add_search_limit — Add various search limits
- udm_alloc_agent_array — Allocate mnoGoSearch session
- udm_alloc_agent — Allocate mnoGoSearch session
- udm_api_version — Get mnoGoSearch API version
- udm_cat_list — Get all the categories on the same level with the current one
- udm_cat_path — Get the path to the current category
- udm_check_charset — Check if the given charset is known to mnogosearch
- udm_check_stored — Check connection to stored
- udm_clear_search_limits — Clear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions
- udm_close_stored — Close connection to stored
- udm_crc32 — Return CRC32 checksum of given string
- udm_errno — Get mnoGoSearch error number
- udm_error — Get mnoGoSearch error message
- udm_find — Perform search
- udm_free_agent — Free mnoGoSearch session
- udm_free_ispell_data — Free memory allocated for ispell data
- udm_free_res — Free mnoGoSearch result
- udm_get_doc_count — Get total number of documents in database
- udm_get_res_field — Fetch a result field
- udm_get_res_param — Get mnoGoSearch result parameters
- udm_hash32 — Return Hash32 checksum of gived string
- udm_load_ispell_data — Load ispell data
- udm_open_stored — Open connection to stored
- udm_set_agent_param — Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters
I have found that if you compile php with "--with-ftp and --with-mnogosearch=/dir" you must compile and build mnogosearch with "--disable-ftp" first. There are some naming conflicts between php's ftp libs and mno's ftp libs.
Hope this helps
for win32 users, mnogosearch since version 3.2.x
support COM interface
for Reflection API of COM use Visual Studio .NET
-> Tools ..
-> OLE/COM object viewer
- > C:\Program Files\mnoGoSearch\searchcom.dll
simple code
(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3))=='WIN') && extension_loaded('COM'));
die('MnoGoSearch COM not loaded');
/** Create COM object */
$agent = new COM('MnoGoSearch.GoSearch')
or die('Can\'t create COM object MnoGoSearch.GoSearch');
$agent->DBAddr = $params['DBAddr'];
//buggy, not work
//$agent->DBMode = $params['DBMode'];
$q = 'q='. $query .'&np='. $_REQUEST['page'] .'&ps='. $_REQUEST['pg_size'] .'&m='. $_REQUEST['match'];
$q .= '&wm='. $_REQUEST['word_match'] .'&ul='. $_REQUEST['url_match']. '&wf='. $_REQUEST['where_find'];
$q .= '&typ='. $_REQUEST['content_type'] .'&s='. $_REQUEST['sortby'].'';
$result = $agent->Find($q);
if ($agent->ErrorCode>0 || !$result->Valid)
die('MnogoSearch win32 COM Error #'.$agent->ErrorCode.' - '.$agent->ErrorDescription);
$hl_begin = '<span class="mnogosearch_hilight">';
$hl_end= '</span>';
for($row=$first;$row<=$last;$row++) {
$line = $result->Line($row);
$fetched_result[$i] = array(
'order'=>$line->Section('Order', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'url'=> $line->Section('URL', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'relevance'=>$line->Section('Score', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'pagerank'=> $line->Section('Pop_Rank', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'content_type'=> $line->Section('Content-Type', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'content_length'=> $line->Section('Content-Length', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'last_time'=> $line->Section('Last-Modified', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'title'=> $line->Section('title', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'body'=> $line->Section('body', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'metadesc'=> $line->Section('meta.description', $hl_begin, $hl_end),
'metakeywords'=> $line->Section('meta.keywords', $hl_begin, $hl_end)
echo '<br/>search time : '.$result->SearchSeconds;
echo '<br/>words stats :'.$result->WordInfo;
echo '<br/>pg_count: '.$result->NPages;
echo '<br/>total_rows: '. $result->Count;
echo '<br/>first_doc: '.$result->FirstDoc;
echo '<br/>last_doc: '.$result->LastDoc;
echo '<br/>rows_in_page: '.$result->RowsOnPage;
Well since the function udm_get_res_param used with UDM_PARAM_NUM_ROWS does infact not get the number of rows on the current page, it can actualy find more rows than specified by UDM_PARAM_PAGE_SIZE, ??? well i had to rewrite the some stuff I also added highlightning since the parameter UDM_PARAM_HLBEG nor UDM_PARAM_HLEND doesnt seem to work, alot of things here are fairly undocumented, I also found out after reading the Search_Mnogosearch pear class that replacing "\2" and "\3" in the text with HLBEG and HLEND works. well here is the class rewritten (without fetch, just find):
class MnogoSearch
public $matches = NULL;
public $total = NULL;
public $hilites = array('title', 'text');
public $hlbeg = '<span class="hilite">';
public $hlend = '</span>';
protected $agent = NULL;
protected $res = NULL;
public function __construct() {
$this->agent = udm_alloc_agent('mysql://user:pass@localhost/mnogosearch/');
$this->set(UDM_PARAM_CHARSET, 'iso-8859-1');
$this->set(UDM_PARAM_BROWSER_CHARSET, 'iso-8859-1');
private function hiLite($t) {
if ($t == '')
return '';
$t = str_replace("\2", $this->hlbeg, $t);
$t = str_replace("\3", $this->hlend, $t);
return $t;
public function set($k, $v) {
udm_set_agent_param($this->agent, $k, $v);
public function find($q, $page=0, $rows=10) {
if ($page < 0 || $rows <= 0) {
$page = 0;
$rows = 10;
$this->set(UDM_PARAM_PAGE_SIZE, $rows);
$this->set(UDM_PARAM_PAGE_NUM, $page);
$this->res = udm_find($this->agent, $q);
$this->total = udm_get_res_param($this->res, UDM_PARAM_FOUND);
$found = udm_get_res_param($this->res, UDM_PARAM_NUM_ROWS);
if($found) {
$b = udm_get_res_param($this->res, UDM_PARAM_FIRST_DOC);
$e = udm_get_res_param($this->res, UDM_PARAM_LAST_DOC);
$rows = $e - $b + 1;
$fields = array('urlid', 'url', 'content', 'title', 'keywords', 'desc',
'text', 'size', 'rating', 'modified', 'order', 'crc', 'category',
'lang', 'charset', 'siteid', 'pop_rank', 'originid');
for($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++){
for($j=0; $j<count($fields); $j++) {
$this->matches[$i][$fields[$j]] = udm_get_res_field($this->res, $i, $j+1);
foreach($this->hilites as $hilite) {
$this->matches[$i][$hilite] = $this->hiLite($this->matches[$i][$hilite]);
return $rows;
} else {
return FALSE;
public function __destruct() {
if (isset($this->res)) {
Im thinking, maybe swish-e is better ? :)