Класс RecursiveIteratorIterator
(PHP 5)
Может быть использован для перебора рекурсивных итераторов.
Обзор классов
/* Константы */
/* Методы */
public __construct
( Traversable
[, int $mode
= RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY
[, int $flags
= 0
]] )/* Наследуемые методы */
}Предопределенные константы
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren — Переход к первому дочернему элементу
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginIteration — Начало навигации
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callGetChildren — Получение дочерних элементов
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callHasChildren — Проверка, есть ли у элемента дочерние
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct — Конструктор класса RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::current — Получает значение текущего элемента
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren — End children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endIteration — Окончание навигации
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth — Определяет текущую глубину рекурсии
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getInnerIterator — Получение ссылки на внутренний итератор
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth — Получение максимальной глубины рекурсии
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator — Получение активного вложенного итератора
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::key — Получение ключа текущего элемента
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::next — Перемещение итератора к следующему элементу
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement — Следующий элемент
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind — Перемещает итератор на первый элемент самого верхнего уровня вложенности внутреннего итератора
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth — Установка максимальной глубины вложенности
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid — Проверка допустимости текущей позиции
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
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- Другие базовые расширения
- Стандартная библиотека PHP (SPL)
- Класс AppendIterator
- Класс ArrayIterator
- Класс CachingIterator
- Класс CallbackFilterIterator
- Класс DirectoryIterator
- Класс EmptyIterator
- Класс FilesystemIterator
- Класс FilterIterator
- Класс GlobIterator
- Класс InfiniteIterator
- Класс IteratorIterator
- Класс LimitIterator
- Класс MultipleIterator
- Класс NoRewindIterator
- Класс ParentIterator
- Класс RecursiveArrayIterator
- Класс RecursiveCachingIterator
- Класс RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
- Класс RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- Класс RecursiveFilterIterator
- Класс RecursiveIteratorIterator
- Класс RecursiveRegexIterator
- Класс RecursiveTreeIterator
- Класс RegexIterator
You can use this to quickly find all the files (recursively) in a certain directory. This beats maintaining a stack yourself.
$directory = "/tmp/";
$fileSPLObjects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory),
try {
foreach( $fileSPLObjects as $fullFileName => $fileSPLObject ) {
print $fullFileName . " " . $fileSPLObject->getFilename() . "\n";
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
printf("Directory [%s] contained a directory we can not recurse into", $directory);
Note: if there is a directory contained within the directory you are searching in that you have no access to read an UnexpectedValueException will be thrown (leaving you with an empty list).
Note: objects returned are SPLFileObjects
This example demonstrates using the getDepth() method with a RecursiveArrayIterator.
$tree = array();
$tree[1][2][3] = 'lemon';
$tree[1][4] = 'melon';
$tree[2][3] = 'orange';
$tree[2][5] = 'grape';
$tree[3] = 'pineapple';
$arrayiter = new RecursiveArrayIterator($tree);
$iteriter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($arrayiter);
foreach ($iteriter as $key => $value) {
$d = $iteriter->getDepth();
echo "depth=$d k=$key v=$value\n";
The output of this would be:
[1] => Array
[2] => Array
[3] => lemon
[4] => melon
[2] => Array
[3] => orange
[5] => grape
[3] => pineapple
depth=2 k=3 v=lemon
depth=1 k=4 v=melon
depth=1 k=3 v=orange
depth=1 k=5 v=grape
depth=0 k=3 v=pineapple
This class operates on a tree of elements, which is build by nesting recursive iterators into one another.
Thus you might say it is an iterator over iterators. While traversing those, the class pushes the iterators on a stack while traversing down to a leaf and removes them from the stack while going back up.
A very important thing to note about \RecursiveIteratorIterator is that it returns a flattened array when used with the iterator_to_array function. Ex:
$arr = array('Zero', 'name'=>'Adil', 'address' => array( 'city'=>'Dubai', 'tel' => array('int' => 971, 'tel'=>12345487)), '' => 'nothing');
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($arr));
This code will return :
array(6) {
string(4) "Zero"
string(4) "Adil"
string(5) "Dubai"
string(7) "nothing"
To get the non-flattened proper array use the getArrayCopy() method, like so :
This will return
array(4) {
string(4) "Zero"
string(4) "Adil"
array(2) {
string(5) "Dubai"
array(2) {
string(7) "nothing"
if you want traversal directory。
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("./")) as $key=>$val)
echo $key,"=>",$val,"\n";
Carefull when using iterator_to_array(). Because it flattens down your subiterators, elements with the same keys will overwrite eachother.
For example:
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveArrayIterator([
['foo', 'bar'],
['baz', 'qux']
foreach ($iterator as $element) {
echo $element;
This will output all 4 elements as expected:
string(3) "foo"
string(3) "bar"
string(3) "baz"
string(3) "qux"
While doing:
will output an array with only the last 2 elements:
array(2) {
string(3) "baz"
string(3) "qux"
A very useful use case for RecusiveIteratorIterator in combination with RecursiveArrayIterator is to replace array values on a multidimensional array at any level deep.
Usually, array_walk_recursive would be used to replace values deep within arrays, but unfortunately this only works when there is a standard key value pair - in other words, array_walk_recursive ONLY VISITS LEAF NODES, NOT arrays.
So to get around this, the iterators can be used in this way:
$array = [
'test' => 'value',
'level_one' => [
'level_two' => [
'level_three' => [
'replace_this_array' => [
'special_key' => 'replacement_value',
'key_one' => 'testing',
'key_two' => 'value',
'four' => 'another value'
'ordinary_key' => 'value'
$arrayIterator = new \RecursiveArrayIterator($array);
$recursiveIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($arrayIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($recursiveIterator as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('special_key', $value)) {
// Here we replace ALL keys with the same value from 'special_key'
$replaced = array_fill(0, count($value), $value['special_key']);
$value = array_combine(array_keys($value), $replaced);
// set a new key
$value['new_key'] = 'new value';
// Get the current depth and traverse back up the tree, saving the modifications
$currentDepth = $recursiveIterator->getDepth();
for ($subDepth = $currentDepth; $subDepth >= 0; $subDepth--) {
// Get the current level iterator
$subIterator = $recursiveIterator->getSubIterator($subDepth);
// If we are on the level we want to change, use the replacements ($value) other wise set the key to the parent iterators value
$subIterator->offsetSet($subIterator->key(), ($subDepth === $currentDepth ? $value : $recursiveIterator->getSubIterator(($subDepth+1))->getArrayCopy()));
return $recursiveIterator->getArrayCopy();
// return:
$array = [
'test' => 'value',
'level_one' => [
'level_two' => [
'level_three' => [
'replace_this_array' => [
'special_key' => 'replacement_value',
'key_one' => 'replacement_value',
'key_two' => 'replacement_value',
'four' => 'replacement_value',
'new_key' => 'new value'
'ordinary_key' => 'value'
The key is in traversing back up the tree to save the changes at that level - simply calling $recursiveIterator->offsetSet(); will only set a key on the root array.