(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0)
DomNode::add_namespace — Adds a namespace declaration to a node
This method adds a namespace declaration to a node.
This method is not part of the DOM specification.
Список параметров
- uri
The namespace URI of the node.
- prefix
The namespace prefix of the node.
Возвращаемые значения
Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.
Migrating to PHP 5
You can set the namespace URI and prefix of a DOMElement or a DOMAttr at creation time by using DOMDocument::createElementNS or DOMDocument::createAttributeNS.
Remember the an attribute does not inherit its namespace from the element it is attached to.
- DomAttribute::name
- DomAttribute::set_value
- DomAttribute::specified
- DomAttribute::value
- DomDocument::add_root
- DomDocument::create_attribute
- DomDocument::create_cdata_section
- DomDocument::create_comment
- DomDocument::create_element_ns
- DomDocument::create_element
- DomDocument::create_entity_reference
- DomDocument::create_processing_instruction
- DomDocument::create_text_node
- DomDocument::doctype
- DomDocument::document_element
- DomDocument::dump_file
- DomDocument::dump_mem
- DomDocument::get_element_by_id
- DomDocument::get_elements_by_tagname
- DomDocument::html_dump_mem
- DomDocument::xinclude
- DomDocumentType::entities
- DomDocumentType::internal_subset
- DomDocumentType::name
- DomDocumentType::notations
- DomDocumentType::public_id
- DomDocumentType::system_id
- DomElement::get_attribute_node
- DomElement::get_attribute
- DomElement::get_elements_by_tagname
- DomElement::has_attribute
- DomElement::remove_attribute
- DomElement::set_attribute_node
- DomElement::set_attribute
- DomElement::tagname
- DomNode::add_namespace
- DomNode::append_child
- DomNode::append_sibling
- DomNode::attributes
- DomNode::child_nodes
- DomNode::clone_node
- DomNode::dump_node
- DomNode::first_child
- DomNode::get_content
- DomNode::has_attributes
- DomNode::has_child_nodes
- DomNode::insert_before
- DomNode::is_blank_node
- DomNode::last_child
- DomNode::next_sibling
- DomNode::node_name
- DomNode::node_type
- DomNode::node_value
- DomNode::owner_document
- DomNode::parent_node
- DomNode::prefix
- DomNode::previous_sibling
- DomNode::remove_child
- DomNode::replace_child
- DomNode::replace_node
- DomNode::set_content
- DomNode::set_name
- DomNode::set_namespace
- DomNode::unlink_node
- DomProcessingInstruction::data
- DomProcessingInstruction::target
- DomXsltStylesheet::process
- DomXsltStylesheet::result_dump_file
- DomXsltStylesheet::result_dump_mem
- domxml_new_doc
- domxml_open_file
- domxml_open_mem
- domxml_version
- domxml_xmltree
- domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc
- domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file
- domxml_xslt_stylesheet
- domxml_xslt_version
- xpath_eval_expression
- xpath_eval
- xpath_new_context
- xpath_register_ns_auto
- xpath_register_ns
- xptr_eval
- xptr_new_context
Integer overflow for 64 bit platform
If PHP encounters a number beyond the bounds of the integer type, it will be interpreted as a float.
This above general rule differs depending on whether a 32 bit or 64 bit platform is used, which is described as follows.
Platform:32 bit,Range: -2^31-1 to 2^31-1,Numbers:-2147483647 to 2147483647
Platform:64 bit,Range: -2^63-1 and 2^63 -1,Numbers:-9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807
// output: int(9223372036854775807)
$large_number = 9223372036854775808;
// output: float(9.2233720368548E+18) as 9223372036854775808
//2^64-1 is 18446744073709551615
// output: float(1.844674407371E+19) as 18446744073709551615