(PHP 4, PHP 5)
ftp_rawlist — Возвращает подробный список файлов в заданной директории
, string $directory
[, bool $recursive
= false
] )ftp_rawlist() отправляет FTP-серверу команду LIST и возвращает результат в виде массива.
Список параметров
Идентификатор соединения с FTP-сервером.
Имя директории на сервере. Может включать аргументы для команды LIST.
Если передано значение
, серверу будет отправлена команда LIST -R.
Возвращаемые значения
Возвращает массив, каждый элемент которого содержит одну строку ответа сервера.
Ответ сервера никак не обрабатывается. Для определения того, как следует интерпретировать результат, можно использовать результат работы функции ftp_systype().
Пример #1 Пример использования ftp_rawlist()
// установка соединения
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
// проверка имени пользователя и пароля
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
// получение списка файлов директории /
$buff = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, '/');
// закрытие соединения
// вывод буфера
Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:
array(3) { [0]=> string(65) "drwxr-x--- 3 vincent vincent 4096 Jul 12 12:16 public_ftp" [1]=> string(66) "drwxr-x--- 15 vincent vincent 4096 Nov 3 21:31 public_html" [2]=> string(73) "lrwxrwxrwx 1 vincent vincent 11 Jul 12 12:16 www -> public_html" }
Список изменений
Версия | Описание |
4.3.0 |
Добавлен аргумент recursive .
- ftp_alloc
- ftp_cdup
- ftp_chdir
- ftp_chmod
- ftp_close
- ftp_connect
- ftp_delete
- ftp_exec
- ftp_fget
- ftp_fput
- ftp_get_option
- ftp_get
- ftp_login
- ftp_mdtm
- ftp_mkdir
- ftp_nb_continue
- ftp_nb_fget
- ftp_nb_fput
- ftp_nb_get
- ftp_nb_put
- ftp_nlist
- ftp_pasv
- ftp_put
- ftp_pwd
- ftp_quit
- ftp_raw
- ftp_rawlist
- ftp_rename
- ftp_rmdir
- ftp_set_option
- ftp_site
- ftp_size
- ftp_ssl_connect
- ftp_systype
If you write
rawlist ($ftp, "-a");
The command will be "LIST -a", so the retuned list will also contain hidden files like ".htaccess".
In this case all files and folders of the current directory are contained.
To list another folder, you must change to it with "ftp_chdir".
The above examples are all wrong, the spaces given in array are not there "just because", its just a tabbed structure. In php we don't have structures like in c/cpp, but the following function will do the job.
function parse_rawlist( $array ) {
for ( $i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++ ) {
$current = $array[$i];
$structure[$i]['perms'] = substr($current, 0, 10);
$structure[$i]['number'] = trim(substr($current, 11, 3));
$structure[$i]['owner'] = trim(substr($current, 15, 8));
$structure[$i]['group'] = trim(substr($current, 24, 8));
$structure[$i]['size'] = trim(substr($current, 33, 8));
$structure[$i]['month'] = trim(substr($current, 42, 3));
$structure[$i]['day'] = trim(substr($current, 46, 2));
$structure[$i]['time'] = substr($current, 49, 5);
$structure[$i]['name'] = substr($current, 55, strlen($current) - 55);
return $structure;
Note that there is no standard for the format, therefore don't be suprised when parsing routines for this work perfectly on some servers, and fail horribly on some.
The previous regular expression(by Jonathan Almarez,ergye at yahoo dot com and guru at virusas dot lt) is very good.But i found it does not take into account for directories(number>9)
Change [0-9] to [0-9]*
The code below not only parses:
drwxrwxr-x 9 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
It also parses:
drwxrwxr-x 19 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
drwxrwxr-x 119 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
0 = file
1 = directory
2 = simlink
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
list all (including hidden files and dirs):
$contents = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "-al ".$dir_name);
just as ftp command:
"-aF " is equal to '-al', please refer to "ls --help"
Excelent expresion, but don't match SUID, SGUI and Sticky flags when 'x' is disabled. Fix it with [rwxstST-].
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxstST-]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
When you try:
$path = "directory pathname with spaces";
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id,$path);
It doesn't work
but when you try:
$path = "directory pathname with spaces";
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id,".");
It works
this snip fixes the date problem with the listing and sorts out the variables:
list($filedata['access_permissions'], $filedata['link_count'], $filedata['uid'], $filedata['gid'], $filedata['size'], $filedata['mod_date_month'], $filedata['mod_date_day'], $filedata['mod_time'], $filedata['name']) = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $value);
$filedata['type'] = $filedata['access_permissions']{0};
$filedata['access_permissions'] = substr($filedata['access_permissions'],1);
// now check the date to see if the last modifcation was this year or last.
if ( strrpos($filedata['mod_time'], ':') != 2 ) { $filedata['mod_date'] = $filedata['mod_date_month'] ." " . $filedata['mod_date_day'] . " " . $filedata['mod_time']; $filedata['mod_time'] = "00:00"; } else { $filedata['mod_date'] = $filedata['mod_date_month'] ." " . $filedata['mod_date_day'] . " " . date("Y"); }
I was having problems picking up the directories on a mac using cjacobsen at pge dot cl's (11-Jan-05) solution. Slight ammendment to the regexp works for me:
ereg("([-dl][rwxstST-]+).* ?([0-9 ]* )?([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)
This is a little cleaner:
function parse_rawlist( $array )
foreach($array as $curraw)
$struc = array();
$current = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$curraw,9);
$struc['perms'] = $current[0];
$struc['number'] = $current[1];
$struc['owner'] = $current[2];
$struc['group'] = $current[3];
$struc['size'] = $current[4];
$struc['month'] = $current[5];
$struc['day'] = $current[6];
$struc['time'] = $current[7];
$struc['year'] = $current[8];
$struc['raw'] = $curraw;
$structure[$struc['name']] = $struc;
return $structure;
With this handy function based on functions presented here you get the file list in alphabetical order with all directories on top:
function rawlist_dump() {
global $ftp_connect;
$ftp_rawlist = ftp_rawlist($ftp_connect, ".");
foreach ($ftp_rawlist as $v) {
$info = array();
$vinfo = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $v, 9);
if ($vinfo[0] !== "total") {
$info['chmod'] = $vinfo[0];
$info['num'] = $vinfo[1];
$info['owner'] = $vinfo[2];
$info['group'] = $vinfo[3];
$info['size'] = $vinfo[4];
$info['month'] = $vinfo[5];
$info['day'] = $vinfo[6];
$info['time'] = $vinfo[7];
$info['name'] = $vinfo[8];
$rawlist[$info['name']] = $info;
$dir = array();
$file = array();
foreach ($rawlist as $k => $v) {
if ($v['chmod']{0} == "d") {
$dir[$k] = $v;
} elseif ($v['chmod']{0} == "-") {
$file[$k] = $v;
foreach ($dir as $dirname => $dirinfo) {
echo "[ $dirname ] " . $dirinfo['chmod'] . " | " . $dirinfo['owner'] . " | " . $dirinfo['group'] . " | " . $dirinfo['month'] . " " . $dirinfo['day'] . " " . $dirinfo['time'] . "<br>";
foreach ($file as $filename => $fileinfo) {
echo "$filename " . $fileinfo['chmod'] . " | " . $fileinfo['owner'] . " | " . $fileinfo['group'] . " | " . $fileinfo['size'] . " Byte | " . $fileinfo['month'] . " " . $fileinfo['day'] . " " . $fileinfo['time'] . "<br>";
Regarding converting permissions from symbolic notation to octal, note that Hazem dot Khaled at gmail dot com's chmodnum function produces INCORRECT results. The resutls are base-10 numbers that only LOOK like they are octal numbers. The function also ignores setuid, setgid and sticky bits, and will produce incorrect numbers if such a file is encountered. Instead, this brute-force code works. Maybe there is something more slick, but this isn't too CPU-intensive (note that it assumes you've error-checked that you indeed have a 10-character string!):
$permissions = 'drwxr-xr-x'; // or whatever
$mode = 0;
if ($permissions[1] == 'r') $mode += 0400;
if ($permissions[2] == 'w') $mode += 0200;
if ($permissions[3] == 'x') $mode += 0100;
else if ($permissions[3] == 's') $mode += 04100;
else if ($permissions[3] == 'S') $mode += 04000;
if ($permissions[4] == 'r') $mode += 040;
if ($permissions[5] == 'w') $mode += 020;
if ($permissions[6] == 'x') $mode += 010;
else if ($permissions[6] == 's') $mode += 02010;
else if ($permissions[6] == 'S') $mode += 02000;
if ($permissions[7] == 'r') $mode += 04;
if ($permissions[8] == 'w') $mode += 02;
if ($permissions[9] == 'x') $mode += 01;
else if ($permissions[9] == 't') $mode += 01001;
else if ($permissions[9] == 'T') $mode += 01000;
printf('Mode is %d decimal and %o octal', $mode, $mode);
Some FTP servers only allow you to get list of files under current working directory. So if you always get result as empty array (array(0){ }), try changing the cwd befor get the list:
function ftprawlist($connid, $dir) {
ftp_chdir($connid, $dir);
return ftp_rawlist($connid, "-a");
Why not using POSIX regex to do the job here ? A preg_replace returns the information in an associative array with the following keys:
<type> * that's a bonus: it will tell you if the item is either a file or a directory
Code is shown below:
$list=@ftp_rawlist($con,$directory) ;
$items=array() ;
foreach($list as $_)
"owner"=>"$5", "group"=>"$7",
"mod_time"=>"$10 $12 $14:$15",
$_) ; # :p
To format the _recrusive_ result of this function I use this:
$conn_id = ftp_connect(FTP_SERVER);
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, FTP_USR, FTP_PASS);
$rawfiles = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, '/', true);
// here the magic begins!
$structure = array();
$arraypointer = &$structure;
foreach ($rawfiles as $rawfile) {
if ($rawfile[0] == '/') {
$paths = array_slice(explode('/', str_replace(':', '', $rawfile)), 1);
$arraypointer = &$structure;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
foreach ($arraypointer as $i => $file) {
if ($file['text'] == $path) {
$arraypointer = &$arraypointer[ $i ]['children'];
} elseif(!empty($rawfile)) {
$info = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $rawfile, 9);
$arraypointer[] = array(
'text' => $info[8],
'isDir' => $info[0]{0} == 'd',
'size' => byteconvert($info[4]),
'chmod' => chmodnum($info[0]),
'date' => strtotime($info[6] . ' ' . $info[5] . ' ' . $info[7]),
'raw' => $info
// the 'children' attribut is automatically added if the folder contains at least one file
// in $structure is all the data
// little helper functions
function byteconvert($bytes) {
$symbol = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB');
$exp = floor( log($bytes) / log(1024) );
return sprintf( '%.2f ' . $symbol[ $exp ], ($bytes / pow(1024, floor($exp))) );
function chmodnum($chmod) {
$trans = array('-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1');
$chmod = substr(strtr($chmod, $trans), 1);
$array = str_split($chmod, 3);
return array_sum(str_split($array[0])) . array_sum(str_split($array[1])) . array_sum(str_split($array[2]));
this is function to check for dirs
function ftp_isdir($connect_id,$dir)
return true;
return false;
ftp_rawlist kept returning empty file listing, it would work on some machines but not others, it turned out to be ftp_pasv command was needed.
Very frustrating
There are a couple of php-related reasons given here for ftp_rawlist returning an empty result. However be aware that ZoneAlarm (and possibly other) firewalls can block responses without giving any visible clue so be sure to check that first.
Get a listing of all files including hidden files except '.' or '..' use:
ftp_chdir($connid, $dir);
ftp_rawlist($connid, "-A");
This had me dancing in circles for some time!
In case anybody wants to get a detailed listing using the MLSD command over a passive connection, the following function might be helpful as a starting point for your own implementation:
function ftp_mlsd($ftp, $directory) {
$ok = @ftp_chdir($ftp, $directory);
if (!$ok) {
return false;
$ret = ftp_raw($ftp, 'PASV');
if (preg_match(
$ret[0], $matches)) {
$controlIP = str_replace(',', '.', $matches[1]);
$controlPort = intval($matches[2])*256+intval($matches[3]);
$socket = fsockopen($controlIP, $controlPort);
ftp_raw($ftp, 'MLSD');
$s = '';
while (!feof($socket)) {
$s .= fread($socket, 4096);
$files = array();
foreach (explode("\n", $s) as $line) {
if (!$line) {
$file = array();
foreach (explode(';', $line) as $property) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $property);
if ($value) {
$file[$key] = $value;
} else {
$filename = trim($key);
$files[$filename] = $file;
return $files;
return false;
Please note that this function ignores the setting of ftp_pasv(). Making the function to work universally for both active and passive connections is left as an exercise to the reader ;-)
Here's a simple function that'll parse the data returned by ftp_rawlist() into an associative array. I wrote it because some of the functions listed below are way to long, complex or won't work with file names that contain spaces.
function listDetailed($resource, $directory = '.') {
if (is_array($children = @ftp_rawlist($resource, $directory))) {
$items = array();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$chunks = preg_split("/\s+/", $child);
list($item['rights'], $item['number'], $item['user'], $item['group'], $item['size'], $item['month'], $item['day'], $item['time']) = $chunks;
$item['type'] = $chunks[0]{0} === 'd' ? 'directory' : 'file';
array_splice($chunks, 0, 8);
$items[implode(" ", $chunks)] = $item;
return $items;
// Throw exception or return false < up to you
All parse_rawlist Functions here have one Problem.
when a file starts with a space character like " robots.txt ", it will be ignored.
Rename, delete will fail...
The solution of fredvanetten at tinqle dot com is nice but needs further evaluation as because of the preg_split and static listing of the variables will produce different values: comparing a file of today or an older, from a previous year:
[time] => 2012
[day] => 11
[month] => Sep
[size] => 37262
[group] => group
[user] => owner
[number] => 1
[rights] => -rw-rw-rw-
[time] => 14:01
[day] => 23
[month] => Apr
[size] => 37262
[group] => group
[user] => owner
[number] => 1
[rights] => -rw-rw-rw-
Note that this function also will return false if the content of the provided directory is empty.