(PHP 4)
hw_Document_Content — Returns content of hw_document
string hw_document_content
( int
)Gets the content of the document.
Список параметров
The document identifier.
Возвращаемые значения
Returns the content of the document. If the document is an HTML document the content is everything after the BODY tag. Information from the HEAD and BODY tag is in the stored in the object record.
Смотрите также
- hw_document_attributes() - Object record of hw_document
- hw_document_size() - Size of hw_document
- hw_document_setcontent() - Sets/replaces content of hw_document
[an error occurred while processing the directive]
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- hw_Document_Attributes
- hw_Document_BodyTag
- hw_Document_Content
- hw_Document_SetContent
- hw_Document_Size
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