Connecting over SSL

The driver supports connecting to » MongoDB over SSL and can optionally use SSL Stream Context options to provide more details, such as verifying certificates against specific certificate chain, or authenticate to » MongoDB using X509 certificates.

Пример #1 Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption

= new MongoClient("mongodb://server1", array("ssl" => true));

Пример #2 Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption, verifying it is who we think it is

"ssl" => array(
/* Optionally verify the server is who he says he is, and has been certified by CA we trust */
"verify_peer"       => true,
"allow_self_signed" => false,
"cafile"            => "/vagrant/certs/ca.pem",

$mc = new MongoClient(
"ssl" => true), 
"context" => $ctx)

Пример #3 Connect to MongoDB Instance that Requires Client Certificates

"ssl" => array(
"local_cert" => "/vagrant/certs/client.pem",
/* If the certificate we are providing was passphrase encoded, we need to set it here */
"passphrase" => "My Passphrase for the local_cert",

/* Optionally verify the server is who he says he is */
"verify_peer" => true,
"cafile"      => "/vagrant/certs/ca.pem",

$mc = new MongoClient(
"context" => $ctx)

Пример #4 Authenticating with X.509 certificates

The username is the certificate subject from the X509, which can be extracted like this:

openssl x509 -in /vagrant/certs/ca-signed-client.pem -inform PEM -subject -nameopt RFC2253
stream_context_create( array(
"ssl" => array(
"local_cert" => "/vagrant/certs/ca-signed-client.pem",
) );

$mc = new MongoClient(
"context" => $ctx)

Where username is the certificate subject.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
1.5.0 Added support for X509 authentication.
1.4.0 Added support for connecting to SSL enabled MongoDB.


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