
Tidy is currently available for PHP 4.3.x and PHP 5 as a PECL extension from » http://pecl.php.net/package/tidy.

Замечание: Tidy 1.0 is just for PHP 4.3.x, while Tidy 2.0 is just for PHP 5.

If » PEAR is available on your *nix-like system you can use the pear installer to install the tidy extension, by the following command: pecl install tidy.

You can always download the tar.gz package and install tidy by hand:

Пример #1 tidy install by hand in PHP 4.3.x

gunzip tidy-xxx.tgz
tar -xvf tidy-xxx.tar
cd tidy-xxx
./configure && make && make install

Windows users can download the extension dll from » http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php_tidy.dll.

In PHP 5 you need only to compile using the --with-tidy option.


On Redhat-ish linux, you must install both libtidy and libtidy-devel (PHP 5.x):
sudo yum install libtidy libtidy-devel
2014-02-05 21:06:58
On Ubuntu 17.10 and php 7.1:
sudo apt install libtidy-dev libtidy5 php-tidy
2018-05-17 02:26:59
install tidy on ubuntu 20.0.4 for PHP 8.1
sudo apt-get install php8.1-tidy
2022-07-01 16:51:52

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