
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML -- XML Rendering Driver

Supported operations modes

This driver supports the following operation modes:


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 58-2. Options for this driver

Option Type Description Default Value
buildFooter bool Whether to build the footer. true
buildHeader bool Whether to build the header. true
columnAttributes array Column cells attributes. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => array(attribute => value, ...) ...) This option is only used by XML/HTML based drivers. array()
defaultCellValue string What value to put by default into empty cells. null
defaultColumnValues array Per-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...). array()
encoding string The content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1. 'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVars array Variables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries. array()
extraVars array Variables to be added to the generated HTTP queries. array()
fieldAttribute string The name of the attribute for the field name. null stands for no attribute null
fieldTag string The name of the tag for each field inside a row, without brackets. The special value '{field}' is replaced by the field name. '{field}'
filename string Filename of the generated XML file; boolean false means that no filename will be sent false
fillWithEmptyRows bool Ensures that all pages have the same number of rows. false
hideColumnLinks array By default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting. array()
labelAttribute string The name of the attribute for the column label. null stands for no attribute null
numberAlign bool Whether to right-align numeric values. true
outerTag string The name of the tag for the datagrid, without brackets 'DataGrid'
rowTag string The name of the tag for each row, without brackets 'Row'
saveToFile boolean Whether the output should be saved on the local filesystem. Please note that the 'filename' option must be given if this option is set to true. false
useXMLDecl bool Whether the XML declaration string should be added to the output. The encoding attribute value will get set from the common "encoding" option. If you need to further customize the XML declaration (version, etc..), then please set "useXMLDecl" to false, and add your own declaration string. true
writeMode string The mode that is used in the internal fopen() calls. Useful e.g. when you want to append to existing file. C.p. the fopen() documentation for the allowed modes. 'wb'
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