Класс Imagick

(PECL imagick 2.0.0)

Обзор классов

Imagick implements Iterator {
bool adaptiveBlurImage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool adaptiveResizeImage ( int $columns , int $rows [, bool $bestfit = false ] )
bool adaptiveSharpenImage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool adaptiveThresholdImage ( int $width , int $height , int $offset )
bool addImage ( Imagick $source )
bool addNoiseImage ( int $noise_type [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool animateImages ( string $x_server )
bool annotateImage ( ImagickDraw $draw_settings , float $x , float $y , float $angle , string $text )
Imagick appendImages ( bool $stack = false )
public void autoLevelImage ([ string $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
Imagick averageImages ( void )
bool blackThresholdImage ( mixed $threshold )
public void blueShiftImage ([ float $factor = 1.5 ] )
bool blurImage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel ] )
bool borderImage ( mixed $bordercolor , int $width , int $height )
public void brightnessContrastImage ( string $brightness , string $contrast [, string $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool charcoalImage ( float $radius , float $sigma )
bool chopImage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
public void clampImage ([ string $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool clear ( void )
bool clipImage ( void )
public void clipImagePath ( string $pathname , string $inside )
bool clipPathImage ( string $pathname , bool $inside )
Imagick clone ( void )
bool clutImage ( Imagick $lookup_table [, float $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
Imagick coalesceImages ( void )
bool colorFloodfillImage ( mixed $fill , float $fuzz , mixed $bordercolor , int $x , int $y )
bool colorizeImage ( mixed $colorize , mixed $opacity )
public void colorMatrixImage ( string $color_matrix = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT )
Imagick combineImages ( int $channelType )
bool commentImage ( string $comment )
array compareImageChannels ( Imagick $image , int $channelType , int $metricType )
Imagick compareImageLayers ( int $method )
array compareImages ( Imagick $compare , int $metric )
bool compositeImage ( Imagick $composite_object , int $composite , int $x , int $y [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
__construct ( mixed $files )
bool contrastImage ( bool $sharpen )
bool contrastStretchImage ( float $black_point , float $white_point [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool convolveImage ( array $kernel [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
public void count ([ string $mode ] )
bool cropImage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
bool cropThumbnailImage ( int $width , int $height )
Imagick current ( void )
bool cycleColormapImage ( int $displace )
bool decipherImage ( string $passphrase )
Imagick deconstructImages ( void )
bool deleteImageArtifact ( string $artifact )
public void deleteImageProperty ( string $name )
public bool deskewImage ( float $threshold )
bool despeckleImage ( void )
bool destroy ( void )
bool displayImage ( string $servername )
bool displayImages ( string $servername )
bool distortImage ( int $method , array $arguments , bool $bestfit )
bool drawImage ( ImagickDraw $draw )
bool edgeImage ( float $radius )
bool embossImage ( float $radius , float $sigma )
bool encipherImage ( string $passphrase )
bool enhanceImage ( void )
bool equalizeImage ( void )
bool evaluateImage ( int $op , float $constant [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
public array exportImagePixels ( int $x , int $y , int $width , int $height , string $map , int $STORAGE )
bool extentImage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
public void filter ( ImagickKernel $ImagickKernel [, int $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
Imagick flattenImages ( void )
bool flipImage ( void )
bool floodFillPaintImage ( mixed $fill , float $fuzz , mixed $target , int $x , int $y , bool $invert [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool flopImage ( void )
public void forwardFourierTransformimage ( bool $magnitude )
bool frameImage ( mixed $matte_color , int $width , int $height , int $inner_bevel , int $outer_bevel )
public bool functionImage ( int $function , array $arguments [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
Imagick fxImage ( string $expression [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool gammaImage ( float $gamma [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool gaussianBlurImage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
int getColorspace ( void )
int getCompression ( void )
int getCompressionQuality ( void )
string getCopyright ( void )
string getFilename ( void )
string getFont ( void )
string getFormat ( void )
int getGravity ( void )
string getHomeURL ( void )
Imagick getImage ( void )
int getImageAlphaChannel ( void )
string getImageArtifact ( string $artifact )
public string getImageAttribute ( string $key )
ImagickPixel getImageBackgroundColor ( void )
string getImageBlob ( void )
array getImageBluePrimary ( void )
ImagickPixel getImageBorderColor ( void )
int getImageChannelDepth ( int $channel )
float getImageChannelDistortion ( Imagick $reference , int $channel , int $metric )
float getImageChannelDistortions ( Imagick $reference , int $metric [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
array getImageChannelExtrema ( int $channel )
public array getImageChannelKurtosis ([ int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
array getImageChannelMean ( int $channel )
array getImageChannelRange ( int $channel )
Imagick getImageClipMask ( void )
ImagickPixel getImageColormapColor ( int $index )
int getImageColors ( void )
int getImageColorspace ( void )
int getImageCompose ( void )
int getImageCompression ( void )
int getImageDelay ( void )
int getImageDepth ( void )
int getImageDispose ( void )
float getImageDistortion ( MagickWand $reference , int $metric )
array getImageExtrema ( void )
string getImageFilename ( void )
string getImageFormat ( void )
float getImageGamma ( void )
array getImageGeometry ( void )
int getImageGravity ( void )
array getImageGreenPrimary ( void )
int getImageHeight ( void )
array getImageHistogram ( void )
int getImageIndex ( void )
int getImageIterations ( void )
int getImageLength ( void )
string getImageMagickLicense ( void )
bool getImageMatte ( void )
ImagickPixel getImageMatteColor ( void )
public string getImageMimeType ( void )
int getImageOrientation ( void )
array getImagePage ( void )
ImagickPixel getImagePixelColor ( int $x , int $y )
string getImageProfile ( string $name )
array getImageProfiles ([ string $pattern = "*" [, bool $only_names = true ]] )
array getImageProperties ([ string $pattern = "*" [, bool $only_names = true ]] )
string getImageProperty ( string $name )
array getImageRedPrimary ( void )
Imagick getImageRegion ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
array getImageResolution ( void )
string getImagesBlob ( void )
int getImageScene ( void )
string getImageSignature ( void )
int getImageSize ( void )
float getImageTotalInkDensity ( void )
int getImageType ( void )
int getImageUnits ( void )
array getImageWhitePoint ( void )
int getImageWidth ( void )
int getInterlaceScheme ( void )
int getIteratorIndex ( void )
int getNumberImages ( void )
string getOption ( string $key )
string getPackageName ( void )
array getPage ( void )
ImagickPixelIterator getPixelIterator ( void )
ImagickPixelIterator getPixelRegionIterator ( int $x , int $y , int $columns , int $rows )
float getPointSize ( void )
public static int getQuantum ( void )
array getQuantumDepth ( void )
array getQuantumRange ( void )
public static string getRegistry ( string $key )
string getReleaseDate ( void )
int getResource ( int $type )
int getResourceLimit ( int $type )
array getSamplingFactors ( void )
array getSize ( void )
int getSizeOffset ( void )
array getVersion ( void )
public bool haldClutImage ( Imagick $clut [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool hasNextImage ( void )
bool hasPreviousImage ( void )
public string|false identifyFormat ( string $embedText )
array identifyImage ([ bool $appendRawOutput = false ] )
bool implodeImage ( float $radius )
public bool importImagePixels ( int $x , int $y , int $width , int $height , string $map , int $storage , array $pixels )
public void inverseFourierTransformImage ( string $complement , string $magnitude )
bool labelImage ( string $label )
bool levelImage ( float $blackPoint , float $gamma , float $whitePoint [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool linearStretchImage ( float $blackPoint , float $whitePoint )
bool liquidRescaleImage ( int $width , int $height , float $delta_x , float $rigidity )
public static array listRegistry ( void )
bool magnifyImage ( void )
bool mapImage ( Imagick $map , bool $dither )
bool matteFloodfillImage ( float $alpha , float $fuzz , mixed $bordercolor , int $x , int $y )
bool medianFilterImage ( float $radius )
Imagick mergeImageLayers ( int $layer_method )
bool minifyImage ( void )
bool modulateImage ( float $brightness , float $saturation , float $hue )
Imagick montageImage ( ImagickDraw $draw , string $tile_geometry , string $thumbnail_geometry , int $mode , string $frame )
Imagick morphImages ( int $number_frames )
public void morphology ( int $morphologyMethod , int $iterations , ImagickKernel $ImagickKernel [, string $CHANNEL ] )
Imagick mosaicImages ( void )
bool motionBlurImage ( float $radius , float $sigma , float $angle [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool negateImage ( bool $gray [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool newImage ( int $cols , int $rows , mixed $background [, string $format ] )
bool newPseudoImage ( int $columns , int $rows , string $pseudoString )
bool nextImage ( void )
bool normalizeImage ([ int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool oilPaintImage ( float $radius )
bool opaquePaintImage ( mixed $target , mixed $fill , float $fuzz , bool $invert [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool optimizeImageLayers ( void )
bool orderedPosterizeImage ( string $threshold_map [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool paintFloodfillImage ( mixed $fill , float $fuzz , mixed $bordercolor , int $x , int $y [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool paintOpaqueImage ( mixed $target , mixed $fill , float $fuzz [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool paintTransparentImage ( mixed $target , float $alpha , float $fuzz )
bool pingImage ( string $filename )
bool pingImageBlob ( string $image )
bool pingImageFile ( resource $filehandle [, string $fileName ] )
bool polaroidImage ( ImagickDraw $properties , float $angle )
bool posterizeImage ( int $levels , bool $dither )
bool previewImages ( int $preview )
bool previousImage ( void )
bool profileImage ( string $name , string $profile )
bool quantizeImage ( int $numberColors , int $colorspace , int $treedepth , bool $dither , bool $measureError )
bool quantizeImages ( int $numberColors , int $colorspace , int $treedepth , bool $dither , bool $measureError )
array queryFontMetrics ( ImagickDraw $properties , string $text [, bool $multiline ] )
array queryFonts ([ string $pattern = "*" ] )
array queryFormats ([ string $pattern = "*" ] )
bool radialBlurImage ( float $angle [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool raiseImage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y , bool $raise )
bool randomThresholdImage ( float $low , float $high [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool readImage ( string $filename )
bool readImageBlob ( string $image [, string $filename ] )
bool readImageFile ( resource $filehandle [, string $fileName = null ] )
public Imagick readImages ( string $filenames )
bool recolorImage ( array $matrix )
bool reduceNoiseImage ( float $radius )
public bool remapImage ( Imagick $replacement , int $DITHER )
bool removeImage ( void )
string removeImageProfile ( string $name )
bool render ( void )
bool resampleImage ( float $x_resolution , float $y_resolution , int $filter , float $blur )
bool resetImagePage ( string $page )
bool resizeImage ( int $columns , int $rows , int $filter , float $blur [, bool $bestfit = false ] )
bool rollImage ( int $x , int $y )
bool rotateImage ( mixed $background , float $degrees )
public void rotationalBlurImage ( string $angle [, string $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool roundCorners ( float $x_rounding , float $y_rounding [, float $stroke_width = 10 [, float $displace = 5 [, float $size_correction = -6 ]]] )
bool sampleImage ( int $columns , int $rows )
bool scaleImage ( int $cols , int $rows [, bool $bestfit = false ] )
public bool segmentImage ( int $COLORSPACE , float $cluster_threshold , float $smooth_threshold [, bool $verbose = false ] )
public void selectiveBlurImage ( float $radius , float $sigma , float $threshold , int $CHANNEL )
bool separateImageChannel ( int $channel )
bool sepiaToneImage ( float $threshold )
bool setBackgroundColor ( mixed $background )
bool setColorspace ( int $COLORSPACE )
bool setCompression ( int $compression )
bool setCompressionQuality ( int $quality )
bool setFilename ( string $filename )
bool setFirstIterator ( void )
bool setFont ( string $font )
bool setFormat ( string $format )
bool setGravity ( int $gravity )
bool setImage ( Imagick $replace )
bool setImageAlphaChannel ( int $mode )
bool setImageArtifact ( string $artifact , string $value )
public void setImageAttribute ( string $key , string $value )
bool setImageBackgroundColor ( mixed $background )
bool setImageBias ( float $bias )
public void setImageBiasQuantum ( string $bias )
bool setImageBluePrimary ( float $x , float $y )
bool setImageBorderColor ( mixed $border )
bool setImageChannelDepth ( int $channel , int $depth )
bool setImageClipMask ( Imagick $clip_mask )
bool setImageColormapColor ( int $index , ImagickPixel $color )
bool setImageColorspace ( int $colorspace )
bool setImageCompose ( int $compose )
bool setImageCompression ( int $compression )
bool setImageCompressionQuality ( int $quality )
bool setImageDelay ( int $delay )
bool setImageDepth ( int $depth )
bool setImageDispose ( int $dispose )
bool setImageExtent ( int $columns , int $rows )
bool setImageFilename ( string $filename )
bool setImageFormat ( string $format )
bool setImageGamma ( float $gamma )
bool setImageGravity ( int $gravity )
bool setImageGreenPrimary ( float $x , float $y )
bool setImageIndex ( int $index )
bool setImageInterlaceScheme ( int $interlace_scheme )
bool setImageInterpolateMethod ( int $method )
bool setImageIterations ( int $iterations )
bool setImageMatte ( bool $matte )
bool setImageMatteColor ( mixed $matte )
bool setImageOpacity ( float $opacity )
bool setImageOrientation ( int $orientation )
bool setImagePage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
bool setImageProfile ( string $name , string $profile )
bool setImageProperty ( string $name , string $value )
bool setImageRedPrimary ( float $x , float $y )
bool setImageRenderingIntent ( int $rendering_intent )
bool setImageResolution ( float $x_resolution , float $y_resolution )
bool setImageScene ( int $scene )
bool setImageTicksPerSecond ( int $ticks_per_second )
bool setImageType ( int $image_type )
bool setImageUnits ( int $units )
bool setImageVirtualPixelMethod ( int $method )
bool setImageWhitePoint ( float $x , float $y )
bool setInterlaceScheme ( int $interlace_scheme )
bool setIteratorIndex ( int $index )
bool setLastIterator ( void )
bool setOption ( string $key , string $value )
bool setPage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
bool setPointSize ( float $point_size )
public void setProgressMonitor ( callable $callback )
public static void setRegistry ( string $key , string $value )
bool setResolution ( float $x_resolution , float $y_resolution )
bool setResourceLimit ( int $type , int $limit )
bool setSamplingFactors ( array $factors )
bool setSize ( int $columns , int $rows )
bool setSizeOffset ( int $columns , int $rows , int $offset )
bool setType ( int $image_type )
bool shadeImage ( bool $gray , float $azimuth , float $elevation )
bool shadowImage ( float $opacity , float $sigma , int $x , int $y )
bool sharpenImage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool shaveImage ( int $columns , int $rows )
bool shearImage ( mixed $background , float $x_shear , float $y_shear )
bool sigmoidalContrastImage ( bool $sharpen , float $alpha , float $beta [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool sketchImage ( float $radius , float $sigma , float $angle )
public Imagick smushImages ( string $stack , string $offset )
bool solarizeImage ( int $threshold )
public bool sparseColorImage ( int $SPARSE_METHOD , array $arguments [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
bool spliceImage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y )
bool spreadImage ( float $radius )
public void statisticImage ( int $type , int $width , int $height [, string $CHANNEL = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] )
Imagick steganoImage ( Imagick $watermark_wand , int $offset )
bool stereoImage ( Imagick $offset_wand )
bool stripImage ( void )
public Imagick subImageMatch ( Imagick $Imagick [, array &$offset [, float &$similarity ]] )
bool swirlImage ( float $degrees )
bool textureImage ( Imagick $texture_wand )
bool thresholdImage ( float $threshold [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool thumbnailImage ( int $columns , int $rows [, bool $bestfit = false [, bool $fill = false ]] )
bool tintImage ( mixed $tint , mixed $opacity )
string __toString ( void )
Imagick transformImage ( string $crop , string $geometry )
bool transformImageColorspace ( int $colorspace )
bool transparentPaintImage ( mixed $target , float $alpha , float $fuzz , bool $invert )
bool transposeImage ( void )
bool transverseImage ( void )
bool trimImage ( float $fuzz )
bool uniqueImageColors ( void )
bool unsharpMaskImage ( float $radius , float $sigma , float $amount , float $threshold [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL ] )
bool valid ( void )
bool vignetteImage ( float $blackPoint , float $whitePoint , int $x , int $y )
bool waveImage ( float $amplitude , float $length )
bool whiteThresholdImage ( mixed $threshold )
bool writeImage ([ string $filename = NULL ] )
bool writeImageFile ( resource $filehandle )
bool writeImages ( string $filename , bool $adjoin )
bool writeImagesFile ( resource $filehandle )

Методы изображения и глобальные методы

Класс Imagick имеет возможность удерживать и обрабатывать несколько изображений одновременно. Это достигается за счет внутреннего стека, в котором существует указатель, указывающий на текущее изображение. Некоторые функции работают со всеми изображениями в классе Imagick, но всё-таки, большинство работает только с текущим изображением во внутреннем стеке. По соглашению, имена методов могут содержать слово Image для обозначения того, что они влияют только на текущее изображение в стеке.

Методы класса

Здесь приведён список наиболее используемых методов, объединённых в группы по назначению:

Методы класса по назначению
Эффекты изображения Методы получения Методы установки Чтение/запись изображений Другие
Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage() Imagick::getCompression() Imagick::setBackgroundColor() Imagick::__construct() Imagick::clear()
Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage() Imagick::getFilename() Imagick::setCompressionQuality() Imagick::addImage() Imagick::clone()
Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage() Imagick::getFormat() Imagick::setCompression() Imagick::appendImages() Imagick::current()
Imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage() Imagick::getImageBackgroundColor() Imagick::setFilename() Imagick::getFilename() Imagick::destroy()
Imagick::addNoiseImage() Imagick::getImageBlob() Imagick::getImagesBlob() Imagick::setFormat() Imagick::getFormat()
Imagick::affinetransformimage() Imagick::getImageBluePrimary() Imagick::setImageBackgroundColor() Imagick::getImageFilename() Imagick::getHomeURL()
Imagick::annotateImage() Imagick::getImageBorderColor() Imagick::setFirstIterator() Imagick::getImageFormat() Imagick::commentImage()
Imagick::averageImages() Imagick::getImageChannelDepth() Imagick::setImageBias() Imagick::getImage() Imagick::getNumberImages()
Imagick::blackThresholdImage() Imagick::getImageChannelDistortion() Imagick::setImageBluePrimary() Imagick::setImageFilename() Imagick::getReleaseDate()
Imagick::blurImage() Imagick::getImageChannelExtrema() Imagick::setImageBorderColor() Imagick::setImageFormat() Imagick::getVersion()
Imagick::borderImage() Imagick::getImageChannelMean() Imagick::setImageChannelDepth() Imagick::readImageFile() Imagick::hasNextImage()
Imagick::charcoalImage() Imagick::getImageChannelStatistics() Imagick::setImageColormapColor() Imagick::readImage() Imagick::hasPreviousImage()
Imagick::chopImage() Imagick::getImageColormapColor() Imagick::setImageColorSpace() Imagick::writeImages() Imagick::labelImage()
Imagick::clipImage() Imagick::getImageColorspace() Imagick::setImageCompose() Imagick::writeImage() Imagick::newImage()
Imagick::clipPathImage() Imagick::getImageColors() Imagick::setImageCompression()   Imagick::newPseudoImage()
Imagick::coalesceImages() Imagick::getImageCompose() Imagick::setImageDelay()   Imagick::nextImage()
Imagick::colorFloodFillImage() Imagick::getImageDelay() Imagick::setImageDepth()   Imagick::pingImageBlob()
Imagick::colorizeImage() Imagick::getImageDepth() Imagick::setImageDispose()   Imagick::pingImageFile()
Imagick::combineImages() Imagick::getImageDispose() Imagick::setImageDispose()   Imagick::pingImage()
Imagick::compareImageChannels() Imagick::getImageDistortion() Imagick::setImageExtent()   Imagick::previousImage()
Imagick::compareImageLayers() Imagick::getImageExtrema() Imagick::setImageFilename()   Imagick::profileImage()
Imagick::compositeImage() Imagick::getImageFilename() Imagick::setImageFormat()   Imagick::queryFormats()
Imagick::contrastImage() Imagick::getImageFormat() Imagick::setImageGamma()   Imagick::removeImageProfile()
Imagick::contrastStretchImage() Imagick::getImageGamma() Imagick::setImageGreenPrimary()   Imagick::removeImage()
Imagick::convolveImage() Imagick::getImageGeometry() Imagick::setImageIndex()   Imagick::setFirstIterator()
Imagick::cropImage() Imagick::getImageGreenPrimary() Imagick::setImageInterpolateMethod()   Imagick::setImageIndex()
Imagick::cycleColormapImage() Imagick::getImageHeight() Imagick::setImageIterations()   Imagick::valid()
Imagick::deconstructImages() Imagick::getImageHistogram() Imagick::setImageMatteColor()   Imagick::getCopyright()
Imagick::drawImage() Imagick::getImageIndex() Imagick::setImageMatte()    
Imagick::edgeImage() Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme() Imagick::setImagePage()    
Imagick::embossImage() Imagick::getImageInterpolateMethod() Imagick::setImageProfile()    
Imagick::enhanceImage() Imagick::getImageIterations() Imagick::setImageProperty()    
Imagick::equalizeImage() Imagick::getImageMatteColor() Imagick::setImageRedPrimary()    
Imagick::evaluateImage() Imagick::getImageMatte() Imagick::setImageRenderingIntent()    
Imagick::flattenImages() Imagick::getImagePage() Imagick::setImageResolution()    
Imagick::flipImage() Imagick::getImagePixelColor() Imagick::setImageScene()    
Imagick::flopImage() Imagick::getImageProfile() Imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond()    
  Imagick::getImageProperty() Imagick::setImageType()    
Imagick::fxImage() Imagick::getImageRedPrimary() Imagick::setImageUnits()    
Imagick::gammaImage() Imagick::getImageRegion() Imagick::setImageVirtualPixelMethod()    
Imagick::gaussianBlurImage() Imagick::getImageRenderingIntent() Imagick::setImageWhitepoint()    
Imagick::implodeImage() Imagick::getImageResolution() Imagick::setInterlaceScheme()    
Imagick::levelImage() Imagick::getImageScene() Imagick::setOption()    
Imagick::linearStretchImage() Imagick::getImageSignature() Imagick::setPage()    
Imagick::magnifyImage() Imagick::getImageTicksPerSecond() Imagick::setResolution()    
Imagick::matteFloodFillImage() Imagick::getImageTotalInkDensity() Imagick::setResourceLimit()    
Imagick::medianFilterImage() Imagick::getImageType() Imagick::setSamplingFactors()    
Imagick::minifyImage() Imagick::getImageUnits() Imagick::setSizeOffset()    
Imagick::modulateImage() Imagick::getImageVirtualPixelMethod() Imagick::setSize()    
Imagick::montageImage() Imagick::getImageWhitepoint() Imagick::setType()    
Imagick::morphImages() Imagick::getImageWidth()      
Imagick::mosaicImages() Imagick::getImage()      
Imagick::motionBlurImage() Imagick::getInterlaceScheme()      
Imagick::negateImage() Imagick::getNumberImages()      
Imagick::normalizeImage() Imagick::getOption()      
Imagick::oilPaintImage() Imagick::getPackageName()      
Imagick::optimizeImageLayers() Imagick::getPage()      
Imagick::paintOpaqueImage() Imagick::getPixelIterator()      
Imagick::paintTransparentImage() Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator()      
Imagick::posterizeImage() Imagick::getQuantumDepth()      
Imagick::radialBlurImage() Imagick::getQuantumRange()      
Imagick::raiseImage() Imagick::getResourceLimit()      
Imagick::randomThresholdImage() Imagick::getResource()      
Imagick::reduceNoiseImage() Imagick::getSamplingFactors()      
Imagick::render() Imagick::getSizeOffset()      
Imagick::resampleImage() Imagick::getSize()      
Imagick::resizeImage() Imagick::identifyImage()      
Imagick::rollImage() Imagick::getImageSize()      



Users looking to save  with these functions should know it can be done easily, for example

("Content-Type: image/{$Imagick->getImageFormat()}");
$data $Imagick->getImageBlob ();
file_put_contents ('test.png'$data);

That would display the image, and then save it to test.png. Such things are helpful especially when you need to reload images after creating them or save for later. :)
2008-10-23 10:15:13
You can find the documentation for all of these magick_wand--the interface Imagic seems to be built on--functions at http://www.graphicsmagick.org/wand/magick_wand.html
2010-12-21 14:39:14
When using this library with PDFs, the term "image" applies to a page where the pointer begins at the last page of the document.


= new Imagick('myPdf.pdf'); //2 page PDF

$document->getNumberImages(); //returns 2

var_dump($document->hasNextImage()); //returns false - remember, we're on the last page
var_dump($document->hasPreviousImage()); //returns true


If you need to do more than generate thumbnails from a PDF, use XPDF: http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/home.html
2013-01-24 21:52:49

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