(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
Конструкция declare используется для установки директив исполнения для блока кода. Синтаксис declare схож с синтаксисом других конструкций управления исполнением:
declare (directive) statement
Секция directive позволяет установить поведение блока declare. В настоящее время распознаются только две директивы: директива ticks (Дополнительная информация о директиве ticks доступна ниже) и директива encoding (Дополнительная информация о директиве encoding доступна ниже).
Замечание: Директива encoding была добавлена в PHP 5.3.0
Так как директива обрабатывается при компиляции файла, то только символьные данные могут использоваться как значения директивы. Нельзя использовать переменные и константы. Пример:
// Правильно:
// Недопустимо:
const TICK_VALUE = 1;
Часть statement блока declare будет исполнена - как исполняется и какие сторониие эффекты возникают в процессе исполнения может зависеть от набора директив в блоке directive.
Конструкция declare может так же быть использована в глобальной области видимости, влияя на весь следующий за ней код (однако если файл с declare был включен, тогда он не имеет воздействия на родительский файл).
// выполняется одинаково:
// можно так:
declare(ticks=1) {
// прочие действия
// или так:
// прочие действия
Тик - это событие, которое случается каждые
N низкоуровневых операций, выполненных
парсером внутри блока declare.
Значение N задается, используя
секции directive блока declare.
Не все выражения подсчитываются. Обычно, условные выражения и выражения аргументов не подсчитываются.
Событие (или несколько событий), которое возникает на каждом тике определяется, используя register_tick_function(). Смотрите пример ниже для дополнительной информации. Имейте в виду, что для одного тика может возникать несколько событий.
Пример #1 Пример использования тика
// Функция, исполняемая при каждом тике
function tick_handler()
echo "tick_handler() выполнено\n";
$a = 1;
if ($a > 0) {
$a += 2;
Пример #2 Пример использования тиков
function tick_handler()
echo "tick_handler() called\n";
$a = 1;
if ($a > 0) {
$a += 2;
См. также register_tick_function() и unregister_tick_function().
Кодировка скрипта может быть указана для каждого скрипта используя директиву encoding.
Пример #3 Определение кодировки для скрипта.
// прочий код
Скомбинированный с пространством имен, единственно допустимый синтаксис для declare является declare(encoding='...'); где ... это значение кодировки. declare(encoding='...') {} приведет к ошибке парсера, если используется вместе с пространством имен.
Значение кодировки в declare игнорируется в PHP 5.3 если php не скомпилирован с --enable-zend-multibyte.
Имейте в виду, что PHP не может показать был ли он скомпилирован с --enable-zend-multibyte иначе как с помощью phpinfo().
Смотрите также zend.script_encoding.
This is a very simple example using ticks to execute a external script to show rx/tx data from the server
function traf(){
passthru( './' );
echo "<br />\n";
flush(); // keeps it flowing to the browser...
sleep( 1 );
register_tick_function( "traf" );
declare( ticks=1 ){
while( true ){} // to keep it running...
contents of
# Shows TX/RX for eth0 over 1sec
TX1=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $9}'`
RX1=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
sleep 1
TX2=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $9}'`
RX2=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
echo -e "TX: $[ $TX2 - $TX1 ] bytes/s \t RX: $[ $RX2 - $RX1 ] bytes/s"
#--= the end. =--
Note that the two methods for calling declare are not identical.
Method 1:
// Print "tick" with a timestamp and optional suffix.
function do_tick($str = '') {
list($sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime());
printf("[%.4f] Tick.%s\n", $sec + $usec, $str);
// Tick once before declaring so we have a point of reference.
// Method 1
while(1) sleep(1);
/* Output:
[1234544435.7160] Tick.--start--
[1234544435.7161] Tick.
[1234544435.7162] Tick.
[1234544436.7163] Tick.
[1234544437.7166] Tick.
Method 2:
// Print "tick" with a timestamp and optional suffix.
function do_tick($str = '') {
list($sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime());
printf("[%.4f] Tick.%s\n", $sec + $usec, $str);
// Tick once before declaring so we have a point of reference.
// Method 2
declare(ticks=1) {
while(1) sleep(1);
/* Output:
[1234544471.6486] Tick.--start--
[1234544472.6489] Tick.
[1234544473.6490] Tick.
[1234544474.6492] Tick.
[1234544475.6493] Tick.
Notice that when using {} after declare, do_tick wasn't auto-called until about 1 second after we entered the declare {} block. However when not using the {}, do_tick was auto-called not once but twice immediately after calling declare();.
I'm assuming this is due to how PHP handles ticking internally. That is, declare() without the {} seems to trigger more low-level instructions which in turn fires tick a few times (if ticks=1) in the act of declaring.
It's amazing how many people didn't grasp the concept here. Note the wording in the documentation. It states that the tick handler is called every n native execution cycles. That means native instructions, not including system calls (i'm guessing). This can give you a very good idea if you need to optimize a particular part of your script, since you can measure quite effectively how many native instructions are in your actual code.
A good profiler would take that into account, and force you, the developer, to include calls to the profiler as you're entering and leaving every function. That way you'd be able to keep an eye on how many cycles it took each function to complete. Independent of time.
That is extremely powerful, and not to be underestimated. A good solution would allow aggregate stats, so the total time in a function would be counted, including inside called functions.
In the following example:
function handler(){
print "hello <br />";
declare(ticks = 1){
$b = 2;
} //closing curly bracket tickable
"Hello" will be displayed twice because the closing curly bracket is also tickable.
One may wonder why the opening curly bracket is not tickable if the closing is tickable. This is because the instruction for PHP to start ticking is given by the opening curly bracket so the ticking starts immediately after it.
you can register multiple tick functions:
function a() { echo "a\n"; }
function b() { echo "b\n"; }
will output on every tick:
Note that in PHP 7 <?php declare(encoding='...'); ?> throws an E_WARNING if Zend Multibyte is turned off.
Don't use uft-8 encoding with BOM. Then fatal error occurs ALWAYS. Substitute it with utf-8 without BOM.
//Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script
A few important things to note for anyone using this in conjunction with signal handlers:
If anyone is trying to optionally use either pcntl_async_signals() when available (PHP >= 7.1) or ticks for older versions, this is not least not in a way that does NOT enable ticks for newer PHP versions. This is because there is simply no way to conditionally declare ticks. For example, the following will "work" but not in the way you might expect:
if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) {
} else {
While signal handlers will work with this for old and new version, ticks WILL be enabled even in the case where pcntl_async_signals exists, simply because the declare statement exists. So the above is functionally equivalent to:
if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) pcntl_async_signals(true);
Another thing to be aware of is that the scoping of this declaration changed a bit from PHP 5.6 to 7.x...actually it was corrected apparently as noted here:
This can cause some very confusing behavior. One example is with the pear/System_Daemon module. With PHP 5.6 that will work with a SIGTERM handler even if the script using it doesn't itself use declare(ticks=1), but does not work in PHP 7 unless the script itself has the declaration. Not only does the handler not get called, but the signal does nothing at all, and the script doesn't exit.
A side note regarding ticks that's annoyed me for some time: As if there wasn't enough confusion around all this, the Internet is full of false rumors that ticks were deprecated and are being removed, and I believe they all started here:
Despite a very obscure author's note at the very end of the page saying he got that wrong (that even I just noticed), the first very prominent sentence of the article still says this, and that page is near the top of any Google search.
Regarding my previous comment as to the change in scope of declare(ticks=1) between 5.6 and 7.x, I intended to mention another example of the affect this can have on signal handlers:
If your script uses declare(ticks=1) and assigns handlers, in 5.6 signals will get caught and call the handler even when the code that is running is in an included file (where the included file doesn't have the declaration). However in 7.x the signal wouldn't get caught until the code returns to the main script.
The best solution to that is to use pcntl_async_signals(true) when it's available, which will allow the signals to get caught regardless of what file the code happens to be in.
It's possible to set directives at one time if every directive is supported.
declare(strict_types=1, encoding='UTF-8');