(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)
cli_get_process_title — Returns the current process title
string cli_get_process_title
( void
Returns the current process title, as set by cli_set_process_title(). Note that this may not exactly match what is shown in ps or top, depending on your operating system.
This function is available only in CLI mode.
Список параметров
У этой функции нет параметров.
Возвращаемые значения
Return a string with the current process title or NULL
on error.
will be generated if the operating system
is unsupported.
Пример #1 cli_get_process_title() example
echo "Process title: " . cli_get_process_title() . "\n";
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- cli_get_process_title
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- main
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- memory_get_usage
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For versions of PHP < 5.5.0, you can get the name of the script from $argv[0]: reserved.variables.argv