Microsoft SQL Server Functions (PDO_SQLSRV)


PDO_SQLSRV is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to MS SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2005) and SQL Azure databases.


The PDO_SQLSRV extension is enabled by adding appropriate DLL file to your PHP extension directory and the corresponding entry to the php.ini file. The PDO_SQLSRV download comes 8 driver files, four of which are for PDO support. If you are running non-thread-safe PHP (PHP 5.3), use the php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_nts.dll file. (You should use a non-thread-safe version if you are using IIS as your web server). If you are running thread-safe PHP, use the php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll file. Similarly for PHP 5.4, use the php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_nts.dll or php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_ts.dll depending on whether your PHP installation is non-thread-safe or thread-safe.

The most recent version of the driver is available for download here: » SQLSRV 3.0 download. If you need support for PHP 5.2 and/or PHP compiled with VC6, use the 2.0 release of the driver: » SQLSRV 2.0 download.

For more information about system requirements, see » SQLSRV System Requirements.

The PDO_SQLSRV extension is only compatible with PHP running on Windows. For Linux, see ODBC and » Microsoft's SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux.

Предопределенные константы

Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным драйвером и будут доступны только в случае, если PHP был собран с поддержкой этого расширения или данное расширение было подгружено динамически во время выполнения. Вдобавок, эти драйверо-зависимые константы должны быть использованы только совместно с этим драйвером. Использование атрибутов, специфичных для некоторого драйвера с другим драйвером может вызвать неожиданное поведение. Если ваш код выполняется с несколькими драйверами, то можно использовать функцию PDO::getAttribute() для получения атрибута PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME для проверки драйвера.

This constant is an acceptable value for the SQLSRV DSN key TransactionIsolation. This constant sets the transaction isolation level for the connection to Read Uncommitted.
This constant is an acceptable value for the SQLSRV DSN key TransactionIsolation. This constant sets the transaction isolation level for the connection to Read Committed.
This constant is an acceptable value for the SQLSRV DSN key TransactionIsolation. This constant sets the transaction isolation level for the connection to Repeateable Read.
This constant is an acceptable value for the SQLSRV DSN key TransactionIsolation. This constant sets the transaction isolation level for the connection to Snapshot.
This constant is an acceptable value for the SQLSRV DSN key TransactionIsolation. This constant sets the transaction isolation level for the connection to Serializable.
Specifies that data is sent/retrieved as a raw byte stream to/from the server without performing encoding or translation. This constant can be passed to PDOStatement::setAttribute, PDO::prepare, PDOStatement::bindColumn, and PDOStatement::bindParam.
Specifies that data is sent/retrieved to/from the server as 8-bit characters as specified in the code page of the Windows locale that is set on the system. Any multi-byte characters or characters that do not map into this code page are substituted with a single byte question mark (?) character. This constant can be passed to PDOStatement::setAttribute, PDO::setAttribute, PDO::prepare, PDOStatement::bindColumn, and PDOStatement::bindParam.
Specifies that data is sent/retrieved to/from the server in UTF-8 encoding. This is the default encoding. This constant can be passed to PDOStatement::setAttribute, PDO::setAttribute, PDO::prepare, PDOStatement::bindColumn, and PDOStatement::bindParam.
Specifies that data is sent/retrieved to/from the server according to PDO::SQLSRV_ENCODING_SYSTEM if specified during connection. The connection's encoding is used if specified in a prepare statement. This constant can be passed to PDOStatement::setAttribute, PDO::setAttribute, PDO::prepare, PDOStatement::bindColumn, and PDOStatement::bindParam.
A non-negative integer representing the timeout period, in seconds. Zero (0) is the default and means no timeout. This constant can be passed to PDOStatement::setAttribute, PDO::setAttribute, and PDO::prepare.
Indicates that a query should be executed directly, without being prepared. This constant can be passed to PDO::setAttribute, and PDO::prepare. For more information, see » Direct and Prepared Statement Execution.


  • PDO_SQLSRV DSN — Connecting to MS SQL Server and SQL Azure databases


As of 12/12/2014, Microsoft has officially released Version 3.1.

Support for 5.5 has 4 drivers

Note: Version 3.1 now supports PHP 5.5 and requires Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 (or higher) 

You can downlod the new driver from
2014-12-16 19:29:59
SQLSRV 3.2 is now available from Microsoft that supports PHP 5.6
2015-04-17 21:04:41
An updated driver compatible with both PHP 7.0 and Linux is available on the PHP-7.0-Linux branch of

This is more up to date and supports some additional features over the ODBC / DBLIB drivers.

It is currently considered an 'Early Technical Preview' and hence has some limitations, but in my experience it has been stable.
2016-10-31 18:52:17
Watch out!

If you use PDO SQLSRV on windows 7, using 32 bit php on XAMMP, you might encounter driver problems : "This extension requires the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server to communicate with SQL Server"

The reason, Microsoft 32-bit ODBC driver doesn't install properly on 64-bit Windows 7.

Check the solution to PDO SQLSRV driver problem here in StackOverflow
2017-09-18 16:35:42

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