Application Configuration
You should give an array of config or an ini config file(see Yaf_Config_Ini) path to Yaf_Application::__construct().
Yaf will merge the application configurations and user configurations automatically. The application configurations have prefix "yaf." or "application.". If both "yaf." and "application." exist, "application." will be accepcted preferentially.
Пример #1 An PHP array example
$configs = array(
"application" => array(
"directory" => dirname(__FILE__),
"dispatcher" => array(
"catchException" => 0,
"view" => array(
"ext" => "phtml",
$app = new Yaf_Application($configs);
Пример #2 An ini file example
[yaf] = APPLICATION_PATH "/appliation" yaf.dispatcher.catchException = 0 [product : yaf] ; user configuration list here
Имя | По умолчанию | Список изменений |
---|---|---| | ||
application.ext | "php" | |
application.view.ext | "phtml" | |
application.modules | "index" | |
application.library | . "/library" | | | . "/library" | |
application.library.namespace | "" | |
application.bootstrap | . "/Bootstrap" . application.ext | |
application.baseUri | "" | |
application.dispatcher.defaultRoute | ||
application.dispatcher.throwException | 1 | |
application.dispatcher.catchException | 0 | |
application.dispatcher.defaultModule | "index" | |
application.dispatcher.defaultController | "index" | |
application.dispatcher.defaultAction | "index" | |
application.system |
Краткое разъяснение конфигурационных директив.
string -
The directory of the application, that is the folder which contains the "controllers", "views", "models", "plugins" folders.
This config entry is the only one which doesn't has a default value. You should always define it manually.
string -
The file ext of the PHP script, used in class autoloading( Yaf_Loader).
string -
The file ext of the view template scripts.
string -
A comma-separated list of the registered modules, used in the route process, especially while there are more than three segments in the PATH_INFO,
Yaf need a way to find out whether the first segment is a module name or not.
string -
The local library directory, see Yaf_Loader and yaf.library.
After Yaf 2.1.6, this config entry can be an array. The library path will try to use the items setted in
string -
Alias of application.library. Introduced in Yaf 2.1.6
string -
A comma-separated prefix of local library namespace.
Introduced in Yaf 2.1.6
string -
A absolute path of the Bootstrap class script.
string -
Used to remove a fixed prefix of request uri in route process. Take a example, comes a request with request uri "/prefix/controller/action". if you set application.baseUri to "/prefix", then only "/controller/action" will take as the PATH_INFO in route process.
In generally, there is no need to set this value.
bool -
If it set to On, Yaf will throw an exception while some error occurring. See also Yaf_Dispatcher::throwException().
bool -
If it set to On, Yaf will forward to Error controller/Action while there is an unhandled exception. See also Yaf_Dispatcher::catchException().
string -
The default Route, if it is not specificed, Static route will be used as default. See: Yaf_Router::addRoute().
string -
The default module name, see also Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultModule().
string -
The default controller name, see also Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultController().
string -
The default action name, see also Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultAction().
string -
Set yaf runtime configure in application.ini, like: application.system.lowcase_path
only those PHP_INI_ALL configures can be set in this way
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- Примеры
- Application Configuration
- The Yaf_Application class
- The Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Dispatcher class
- The Yaf_Config_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Config_Ini class
- The Yaf_Config_Simple class
- The Yaf_Controller_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Action_Abstract class
- The Yaf_View_Interface class
- The Yaf_View_Simple class
- The Yaf_Loader class
- The Yaf_Plugin_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Registry class
- The Yaf_Request_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Request_Http class
- The Yaf_Request_Simple class
- The Yaf_Response_Abstract class
- The Yaf_Route_Interface class
- The Yaf_Route_Map class
- The Yaf_Route_Regex class
- The Yaf_Route_Rewrite class
- The Yaf_Router class
- The Yaf_Route_Simple class
- The Yaf_Route_Static class
- The Yaf_Route_Supervar class
- The Yaf_Session class
- The Yaf_Exception class
- The Yaf_Exception_TypeError class
- The Yaf_Exception_StartupError class
- The Yaf_Exception_DispatchFailed class
- The Yaf_Exception_RouterFailed class
- The Yaf_Exception_LoadFailed class
- The Yaf_Exception_LoadFailed_Module class
- The Yaf_Exception_LoadFailed_Controller class
- The Yaf_Exception_LoadFailed_Action class
- The Yaf_Exception_LoadFailed_View class
$app = new Yaf_Application($config)=>$app = new Yaf_Application($configs);