[ class tree: HTML_TreeMenu ] [ index: HTML_TreeMenu ] [ all elements ]

Class: HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox

Source Location: /HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2/TreeMenu.php

Class Overview


HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox class



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class: HTML_TreeMenu_Presentation

Base constructor simply sets the menu object
Prints the HTML generated by the toHTML() method.

Class Details

[line 493]
HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox class

This class presents the menu as a listbox

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Class Variables

$indentChar =

[line 505]

The character used for indentation

Type:  string

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$indentNum =

[line 512]

How many of the indent chars to use

per indentation level

Type:  integer

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$linkTarget =

[line 518]

Target for the links generated

Type:  string

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$promoText =

[line 499]

The text that is displayed in the first option

Type:  string

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Class Methods

constructor HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox [line 535]

HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox( object $structure, [array $options = array()])



object  $structure  The menu structure
array  $options  Options whic affect the display of the listbox. These can consist of:
  • promoText The text that appears at the the top of the listbox Defaults to "Select..."
  • indentChar The character to use for indenting the nodes Defaults to " "
  • indentNum How many of the indentChars to use per indentation level Defaults to 2
  • linkTarget Target for the links. Defaults to "_self"
  • submitText Text for the submit button. Defaults to "Go"

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method toHTML [line 552]

void toHTML( )

Returns the HTML generated

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