Below is a table that lists all extensions typically found in PHP,
and how they are used in Zend Framework. This can help guide you
to know which extensions are required for your application.
Not all extensions used by Zend Framework are required for every
A usage type of "Dependency" means that the components or classes
are not usable if the respective extension is not available. A
usage type of "Optional" means that if the extension is not
available, the components or classes automatically fall back to
use alternative code.
Таблица A.1. PHP Extensions Used in Zend Framework
Extension |
Usage Type |
Used by Zend Framework Components |
apc |
Dependency |
Zend_Cache_Backend_Apc |
bcmath |
Optional |
Zend_Locale_Math |
bitset |
Optional |
Zend_Search_Lucene |
bz2 |
-- |
calendar |
--- |
com_dotnet |
--- |
ctype |
Dependency |
Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http ,
Zend_Gdata_App ,
Zend_Http_Client ,
Zend_Pdf ,
Zend_Rest_Client ,
Zend_Rest_Server ,
Zend_Search_Lucene ,
Zend_Uri ,
curl |
Dependency |
Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl |
date |
--- |
dba |
--- |
dbase |
--- |
dom |
Dependency |
Zend_Feed ,
Zend_Gdata ,
Zend_Log_Formatter_Xml ,
Zend_Rest_Server ,
Zend_Search_Lucene ,
Zend_Service_Amazon ,
Zend_Service_Delicious ,
Zend_Service_Flickr ,
Zend_Service_Simpy ,
Zend_Service_Yahoo ,
exif |
--- |
fbsql |
--- |
fdf |
--- |
filter |
--- |
ftp |
--- |
gd |
Dependency |
Zend_Pdf |
gettext |
--- |
gmp |
--- |
hash |
Dependency |
Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http |
ibm_db2 |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2 |
iconv |
Dependency |
Zend_Locale_Format ,
Zend_Mime_Decode ,
Zend_Pdf ,
Zend_Search_Lucene ,
Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler ,
Zend_Service_Flickr ,
imap |
--- |
informix |
--- |
interbase |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Firebird |
json |
Optional |
Zend_Json |
ldap |
--- |
libxml |
Dependency |
SimpleXML ,
mbstring |
Dependency |
Zend_Feed |
mcrypt |
--- |
memcache |
Dependency |
Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached |
mhash |
--- |
mime_magic |
Dependency |
Zend_Http_Client |
ming |
--- |
msql |
--- |
mssql |
--- |
mysql |
--- |
mysqli |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli |
ncurses |
--- |
oci8 |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Oracle |
odbc |
--- |
openssl |
--- |
pcntl |
--- |
pcre |
Dependency |
Virtually all components |
pdo |
Dependency |
All PDO database adapters |
pdo_dblib |
--- |
pdo_firebird |
--- |
pdo_mssql |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql |
pdo_mysql |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql |
pdo_oci |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Oci |
pdo_pgsql |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql |
pdo_sqlite |
Dependency |
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Sqlite |
pgsql |
--- |
posix |
Optional |
Zend_Mail |
pspell |
--- |
readline |
--- |
recode |
--- |
Reflection |
Dependency |
Zend_Controller ,
Zend_Filter ,
Zend_Filter_Input ,
Zend_Json ,
Zend_Log ,
Zend_Rest_Server ,
Zend_Server_Reflection ,
Zend_Validate ,
Zend_View ,
session |
Dependency |
Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector ,
shmop |
--- |
SimpleXML |
Dependency |
Zend_Config_Xml ,
Zend_Feed ,
Zend_Rest_Client ,
Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler ,
soap |
Dependency |
Zend_Service_StrikeIron |
sockets |
--- |
Dependency |
Virtually all components |
SQLite |
Dependency |
Zend_Cache_Backend_Sqlite |
standard |
Dependency |
Virtually all components |
sybase |
--- |
sysvmsg |
--- |
sysvsem |
--- |
sysvshm |
--- |
tidy |
--- |
tokenizer |
--- |
wddx |
--- |
xml |
Dependency |
Zend_Translate_Adapter_Qt ,
Zend_Translate_Adapter_Tmx ,
XMLReader |
--- |
xmlrpc |
--- |
XMLWriter |
--- |
xsl |
--- |
zip |
--- |
zlib |
Dependency |
Zend_Pdf ,