26.3. Outputting measurements

Measurements can be output in a number of different ways.

Automatic output

Outputting values

Output with unit of measurement

Output as localized string

26.3.1. Automatic output

Zend_Measure supports outputting of strings automatically.

Пример 26.7. Automatic output

require_once 'Zend/Measure/Length.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale('de');
$mystring = "1.234.567,89 Meter";
$unit = new Zend_Measure_Length($mystring,Zend_Measure_Length::STANDARD, $locale);

echo $unit;

[Замечание] Measurement output

Output can be achieved simply by using echo or print .

26.3.2. Outputting values

The value of a measurement can be output using getValue().

Пример 26.8. Output a value

require_once 'Zend/Measure/Length.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale('de');
$mystring = "1.234.567,89 Meter";
$unit = new Zend_Measure_Length($mystring,Zend_Measure_Length::STANDARD, $locale);

echo $unit->getValue();

The getValue() method accepts an optional parameter 'round' which allows to define a precision for the generated output. The standard precision is '2'.

26.3.3. Output with unit of measurement

The function getType() returns the current unit of measurement.

Пример 26.9. Outputting units

require_once 'Zend/Measure/Weight.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale('de');
$mystring = "1.234.567,89";
$unit = new Zend_Measure_Weight($mystring,Zend_Measure_Weight::POUND, $locale);

echo $unit->getType();

26.3.4. Output as localized string

Outputtig a string in a format common in the users' country is usually desirable. For example, the measurement "1234567.8" would become "1.234.567,8" for Germany. This functionality will be supported in a future release.

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