
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0)

DomDocument::create_cdata_sectionCreate new cdata node


domcdata DomDocument::create_cdata_section ( string $content )

This function returns a new instance of class DomCData. The content of the cdata is the value of the passed parameter. Этот узел не будет отображаться в документе до тех пор, пока он не будет вставлен, например, функцией domnode_append_child().

The return value is FALSE if an error occurred.

See also domnode_append_child(), domdocument_create_element(), domdocument_create_text(), domdocument_create_attribute(), domdocument_create_processing_instruction(), domdocument_create_entity_reference(), and domnode_insert_before().

[an error occurred while processing the directive]


Beware if you're using the PEAR package XML_BEAUTIFIER. This causes the DOM processor to recognise any CDATA section nodes as text nodes. Better just to stick with the formatting option when using dump_file()......
2004-04-01 07:55:06
Since php 5.2.7 release, this function work properly with empty content : 

Function call : dom_document->createCDATASection("");

- php < 5.2.7 will return an empty node like : <MyNode></MyNode>
- php >= 5.2.7 will return an empty node with CDATA like : <MyNode><![CDATA[]]></MyNode>

it can make problem if you make a xsd validation after it with node cannot be empty
2009-01-06 06:55:48

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