
(PHP 4)

xpath_eval Вычисляет XPath Location Path в переданной строке


XPathObject XPathContext::xpath_eval ( string $xpath_expression [, domnode $contextnode ] )
XPathObject xpath_eval ( XPathContext $xpath_context , string $xpath_expression [, domnode $contextnode ] )

Необязательный аргумент contextnode можно использовать для указания относительных адресов XPath.

См. также xpath_new_context().

[an error occurred while processing the directive]


$ctx = xpath_new_context($doc);
$xpath_nodes = xpath_eval($ctx, "//some_element");

$xpath_nodes->nodeset[i]->set_content($string) allows you to set the node content.  Try it and then do a $doc->dumpmem, you'll see the nodes in the original document are indeed updated properly.

I've used this feature lots.  It does work.
2001-06-24 17:35:24
it seems that namespaces are not yet (PHP 4.06) implemented - xpath_eval($cnx,"/ns:tag") does work on w2k and does NOT on linux
2001-10-22 08:34:08
This function has come in handy for recursively viewing the results of xpath searches.  It iterates through a node and converts it to a big associative array:

* Recursive function to convert xml root node to big assoc array
function xmlnode2array($node) {
    if ($node->type==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
        if ($attrArray = $node->attributes()) {
            // parse attributes //
            foreach($attrArray AS $attr) {
                $out['ATTRIBUTE'][$attr->name] = $attr->value;
        if ($childArray = $node->children()) {
            // add child nodes //
            foreach($childArray AS $child) {
                if ($child->type==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    $out[$child->tagname][] = xmlnode2array($child);
                } else {
                    if ($content = xmlnode2array($child))
                        $out['CONTENT'] = $content;

    } else { 
        // this is a CONTENT NODE //
        $out = trim($node->content);
        if (!$out) return false;
    return $out;
2002-03-20 20:33:10
$xpath $xml->xpath_new_context();

* object access
$ret $xpath->xpath_eval('//tag');

* function access
$ret2 xpath_eval($xpath'//tag');

2002-10-04 07:58:22
If you want to get the XPath for a particular node:

function getXPath($node) {
    /* node id is held in a property named '1', this is
    illegal in php so we use a workaround */
    $one = '1';
    $xpath = '';
    while ($parent = $node->parent_node()) {
        $siblings = $parent->child_nodes();
        $index = 1;
        foreach ($siblings as $sibling) {
            if ($sibling->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || $sibling->tagname != $node->tagname) continue;
            if ($sibling->$one == $node->$one) {
                $xpath = '/' . $node->tagname . '[' . $index . ']' . $xpath;
        $node = $parent;
    return $xpath;
2002-11-08 17:54:42
If you want to apply an XPath-Expression to a particular node:

2002-11-29 04:32:58
You can indeed use the result object of xpath_eval(). You just have to be careful to pass the result by reference! (note the ampersand's position).

$objXP = xpath_new_context($objDom)
$objTest = &xpath_eval($objXP,"//lalala");
$objTest->nodeset[0]->set_attribute("test","test data");
echo htlentities($objDom->dump_mem());

just be careful that is you pass around values from $objTest then they also need to be passed by reference.
2003-01-19 19:46:37
Querying documents closed inside a namespace can be tricky

2003-09-06 13:05:30
In order to use the default namespace you must understand 
how namespace prefixes work.  Prefixes are simply convenient mappies to the namespace URI.

For example, if you set the namespace: 


and you have the following document fragment:


this is essentially equivalent to:


because the namespace URI is what matters, not the namespace prefix.

Unfortuantly, if you have a default namespace:


then all elements without a prefix belong to that namespace, and yet, it appears that PHP, and the underlying LIBXML2 don't let you register a default namespace with 

"xpath_register_ns(context, prefix, uri)" 

i.e. by leaving the prefix = "".  Therefore, to get around the problem, simply give the default prefix a simple name, such as "pre". 

For example, if you have a default namespace declaration such as the following document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rootname xmlns="http://www.some.org" xml:lang="en-US">
   <childnode>Some text</childnode>

And you want to evaluate the xpath expression: 


then you need to register the default namespace in PHP like this:

xpath_register_ns(context, "pre", "http://www.some.org");

and then use the following xpath expression: 


As you can see this is a lot prettier and more intuititive than using the local-name() function.  In addition, it makes your code more portable, because you are guaranteed to always be working on nodes that belong to your explicitly stated namespace, uniquely identified by your URI.
2003-09-06 16:52:41

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