(No version information available, might be only in CVS)
DOMDocument::createElement — Create new element node
This function creates a new instance of class DOMElement. Этот узел не будет отображаться в документе до тех пор, пока он не будет вставлен, к пример функцией DOMNode->appendChild().
Список параметров
- name
The tag name of the element.
- value
The value of the element. By default, an empty element will be created. You can also set the value later with DOMElement->nodeValue.
Возвращаемые значения
Returns a new instance of class DOMElement or FALSE if an error occured.
Raised if name contains an invalid character.
Пример #1 Creating a new element and inserting it as root
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
$element = $dom->createElement('test', 'This is the root element!');
// We insert the new element as root (child of the document)
echo $dom->saveXML();
Результат выполнения данного примера:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <test>This is the root element!</test>
Смотрите также
- DOMNode::appendChild
- DOMDocument::createAttribute
- DOMDocument::createAttributeNS
- DOMDocument::createCDATASection
- DOMDocument::createComment
- DOMDocument::createDocumentFragment
- DOMDocument::createElementNS
- DOMDocument::createEntityReference
- DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction
- DOMDocument::createTextNode
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Обработка XML
- Document Object Model
- Функция DOMDocument::__construct() - Создание нового DOMDocument объекта
- Функция DOMDocument::createAttribute() - Создает новый атрибут
- Функция DOMDocument::createAttributeNS() - Создает новый узел-атрибут с соответствующим ему пространством имен
- Функция DOMDocument::createCDATASection() - Создает новый cdata узел
- Функция DOMDocument::createComment() - Создает новый узел-комментарий
- Функция DOMDocument::createDocumentFragment() - Создание фрагмента докуента
- Функция DOMDocument::createElement() - Создает новый узел-элемент
- Функция DOMDocument::createElementNS() - Создание нового узла-элемента с соответствующим пространством имен
- Функция DOMDocument::createEntityReference() - Создание нового узла-ссылки на сущность
- Функция DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction() - Создает новый PI-узел
- Функция DOMDocument::createTextNode() - Создает новый текстовый узел
- Функция DOMDocument::getElementById() - Ищет элемент с заданным id
- Функция DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName() - Ищет все элементы с заданным локальным именем
- Функция DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS() - Ищет элементы с заданным именем в определенном пространстве имен
- Функция DOMDocument::importNode() - Импорт узла в текущий документ
- Функция DOMDocument::load() - Загрузка XML из файла
- Функция DOMDocument::loadHTML() - Загрузка HTML из строки
- Функция DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile() - Загрузка HTML из файла
- Функция DOMDocument::loadXML() - Загрузка XML из строки
- Функция DOMDocument::normalizeDocument() - Нормализует документ
- Функция DOMDocument::registerNodeClass() - Регистрация расширенного класса, используемого для создания базового типа узлов
- Функция DOMDocument::relaxNGValidate() - Производит проверку документа на правильность построения посредством relaxNG
- Функция DOMDocument::relaxNGValidateSource() - Проверяет документ посредством relaxNG
- Функция DOMDocument::save() - Сохраняет XML дерево из внутреннего представления в файл
- DOMDocument::saveHTML
- DOMDocument::saveHTMLFile
- Функция DOMDocument::saveXML() - Сохраняет XML дерево из внутреннего представления в виде строки
- Функция DOMDocument::schemaValidate() - Проверяет действительности документа, основываясь на заданной схеме
- Функция DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource() - Проверяет действительность документа, основываясь на схеме
- Функция DOMDocument::validate() - Проверяет документ на соответствие его DTD
- Функция DOMDocument::xinclude() - Проводит вставку XInclude разделов в объектах DOMDocument
To avoid warning message "unterminated entity reference" you may use htmlentities() for escaping supplied value:
$dom->createElement('name', htmlentities($text))
With regard to the note below about needing htmlentities to avoid warnings about unterminated entity references, I thought it worthwhile to mention that that you don't need to with createTextNode and DOMText::__construct. If you mix both methods of setting text nodes and do (or don't) apply htmlentities consistently to all data to be displayed, you'll get &s (or warnings and badly-formed xml).
It's probably in one's best interest to extend DOMElement and DOMDocument so that it creates a DOMText node and appends it, rather than passing it up to the DOMElement constructor. Otherwise, good luck using (or not using) htmlentities in all the right places in your code, especially as code changes get made.
class XDOMElement extends DOMElement {
function __construct($name, $value = null, $namespaceURI = null) {
parent::__construct($name, null, $namespaceURI);
class XDOMDocument extends DOMDocument {
function __construct($version = null, $encoding = null) {
parent::__construct($version, $encoding);
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'XDOMElement');
function createElement($name, $value = null, $namespaceURI = null) {
$element = new XDOMElement($name, $value, $namespaceURI);
$element = $this->importNode($element);
if (!empty($value)) {
$element->appendChild(new DOMText($value));
return $element;
$doc1 = new XDOMDocument();
$doc1_e1 = $doc1->createElement('foo', 'bar & baz');
echo $doc1->saveXML();
$doc2 = new XDOMDocument();
$doc2_e1 = $doc2->createElement('foo');
$doc2_e1->appendChild($doc2->createTextNode('bar & baz'));
echo $doc2->saveXML();
Text specified in createElement:
<?xml version=""?>
<foo>bar & baz</foo>
Text added via createTextNode:
<?xml version=""?>
<foo>bar & baz</foo>
Note that the second parameter (value), although convenient, is non-standard. You should create elements like this instead:
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
$root = $doc->createElement('test');
$root_text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the root element!');
print $doc->saveXML();
Or, alternatively, extend the DOMDocument class and add your own custom, convenience method to avoid intruding on the standard:
class CustomDOMDocument extends DOMDocument {
function createElementWithText($name, $child_text) {
// Creates an element with a child text node
// @param string $name element tag name
// @param string $child_text child node text
// @return object new element
$element = $this->createElement($name);
$element_text = $this->createTextNode($child_text);
return $element;
$doc = new CustomDOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
$root = $doc->createElementWithText('test', 'This is the root element!');
print $doc->saveXML();
Also use caution with (or avoid) the 'DOMElement->nodeValue' property. It can return some unexpected values and changing its value will replace (remove) all descendants of the element with a single text node. It's also non-standard; according to the DOM spec it should return NULL.
Note that the NUL character "\0" is not in the list of invalid characters for $name, so no error is triggered, but the tag name will be truncated at the null byte:
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$el = $dom->createElement('foo' . "\0" . 'bar', 'Hello World');
echo $el->tagName; // outputs "foo"
To create elements with attributes,
function createElement($domObj, $tag_name, $value = NULL, $attributes = NULL)
$element = ($value != NULL ) ? $domObj->createElement($tag_name, $value) : $domObj->createElement($tag_name);
if( $attributes != NULL )
foreach ($attributes as $attr=>$val)
$element->setAttribute($attr, $val);
return $element;
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$elm = createElement($dom, 'foo', 'bar', array('attr_name'=>'attr_value'));
echo $dom->saveXML();
outputs :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<foo attr_name="attr_value">bar</foo>
You may think insertBefore and insertAfter is a direct alternative for appendChild, this is not the case.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->appendChild($newNode); //Works fine
$dom->insertBefore($newNode, $refNode); //Will fail
$refNode->parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $refNode); // thanx to yasindagli (first post)
Although the built-in DOM functions are great, since they're designed to support generic XML, generating HTML DOMs becomes particularly verbose. I ended up writing this function to drastically speed things up.
Instead of calling something like
$div = $dom->createElement("div");
you can accomplish the same thing with:
$div = newElement("div", $someOtherDiv, "class=MyClass;id=MyID");
The "key1=value;key2=value" syntax is really fast to use, but obviously doesn't hold up if your content has those characters in it. So, you can also pass it an array:
$div = newElement("div", $someOtherDiv, array("class","MyClass"));
Or an array of arrays, representing different attributes:
$div = newElement("form", $someOtherDiv, array(array("method","get"), array("action","/refer/?id=5");
Here's the function:
function newElement($type, $insertInto = NULL, $params=NULL, $content="")
$tempEl = $this->dom->createElement($type, $content);
if(gettype($params) == "string" && strlen($params) > 0)
$attributesCollection =split(";", $params);
foreach($attributesCollection as $attribute)
$keyvalue = split("=", $attribute);
$tempEl->setAttribute($keyvalue[0], $keyvalue[1]);
if(gettype($params) == "array")
if(gettype($params[0]) == "array")
foreach($params as $attribute)
$tempEl->setAttribute($attribute[0], $attribute[1]);
} else {
$tempEl->setAttribute($params[0], $params[1]);
If you want to perform multiple actions with a new node, you may need to create a copy of it before
## Create an address to an unique memory block !
$td = $dom->createElement('td');
## Change some things in this original unique pattern
$td->setAttribute('class', 'saldo');
## clone the unique pattern to two own one's
$td1 = clone $td;
$td2 = clone $td;
## alter properties in each one
$td1->nodeValue = 'Ich bin die erste neue Node';
$td2->nodeValue = 'Ich bin die zweite neue Node';
## find the parent element
$tr = $dom->getElementById('t001-tr001');
## find the first and the last child (here only for clearity)
$first = $tr->firstChild;
$last = $tr->lastChild;
## produce the new nodes
$newtd1 = $tr->insertBefore($td1, $first);
$newtd2 = $tr->appendChild($td2);
To create an element with DomDocument and to escape ampersand in the value.
Do this:
$element = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$test = $element->createElement('text');
$test ->appendChild($element->createElement('name'))
->appendChild($element->createtextNode('& I am ampersand');