(No version information available, might be only in CVS)
DOMNode::appendChild — Adds new child at the end of the children
This functions appends a child to an existing list of children or creates a new list of children. The child can be created with e.g. DOMDocument::createElement, DOMDocument::createTextNode etc. or simply by using any other node.
Список параметров
- newnode
The appended child.
Возвращаемые значения
The node added.
Raised if this node is readonly or if the previous parent of the node being inserted is readonly.
Raised if this node is of a type that does not allow children of the type of the newnode node, or if the node to append is one of this node's ancestors or this node itself.
Raised if newnode was created from a different document than the one that created this node.
The following example will add a new element node to a fresh document.
Пример #1 Adding a child
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$node = $doc->createElement("para");
$newnode = $doc->appendChild($node);
echo $doc->saveXML();
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Обработка XML
- Document Object Model
- Функция DOMNode::appendChild() - Добавляет новый дочерний узел в конец списка потомков
- Функция DOMNode::C14N() - Canonicalize nodes to a string
- Функция DOMNode::C14NFile() - Canonicalize nodes to a file
- Функция DOMNode::cloneNode() - Клонирует узел
- Функция DOMNode::getLineNo() - Возвращает номер строки узла
- Функция DOMNode::getNodePath() - Получение XPath пути к узлу
- Функция DOMNode::hasAttributes() - Проверяет, содержит ли данный узел атрибуты
- Функция DOMNode::hasChildNodes() - Проверяет, содержит ли данный узел потомков
- Функция DOMNode::insertBefore() - Добавляет новый дочерний узел перед опорным узлом
- Функция DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace() - Проверяет, совпадает ли URI пространства имен узла с пространством имен по умолчанию
- Функция DOMNode::isSameNode() - Проверяет, являются ли два узла одним и тем же узлом
- Функция DOMNode::isSupported() - Проверяет, поддерживается ли заданное свойство в определенной версии
- Функция DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI() - Получает URI пространства имен узла по префиксу
- Функция DOMNode::lookupPrefix() - Возвращает префикс пространства имен узла из URI пространства имен
- Функция DOMNode::normalize() - Нормализует узел
- Функция DOMNode::removeChild() - Удаляет дочерний узел из списка потомков
- Функция DOMNode::replaceChild() - Заменяет дочерний узел
If you want to create nested DOM elements:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$foo = $doc->createElement("foo");
$bar = $doc->createElement("bar");
$bazz = $doc->createElement("bazz");
echo $doc->saveXML();
Is equivalent to:
What's not mentioned here is that DOMNode::appendChild() can also be used to move an existing node to another part of the DOMDocument, e.g.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$bar = $doc->documentElement->firstChild;
$foo = $doc->documentElement->lastChild;
print $doc->saveXML();
This produces:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note that the nodes "<foo/>" and "<bar/>" were siblings, i.e. the first and last child of "<foobar>" but using appendChild() we were able to move "<bar/>" so that it is a child of "<foo/>".
This saves you the trouble of doing a DOMNode::removeChild($bar) to remove "<bar/>" before appending it as a child of "<foo/>".
Kris Dover
Aware dealing with DOMNodeList and appendChild() on the same Node.
If you want to replace only the children not the DOMElement itself you probably foreach childNodes-property or get the DOMElements with a for-loop and item()-method of the DOMNodeList.
You will fail if you not clone the received single DOMElement. Actually the count of the DOMNodelist will be decreased on appendChild count but appendChild seems to refer to the old Nodelist and nothing visible will happen. Cloning will help.
If you want to move the children of one node to another, you cannot simply iterate on $element->childNodes - you have to make an array first:
$children = [];
foreach ($elemWithChildren->childNodes as $child) {
$children[] = $child;
foreach ($children as $child) {