The IntlDateFormatter class
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)
Date Formatter is a concrete class that enables locale-dependent formatting/parsing of dates using pattern strings and/or canned patterns.
This class represents the ICU date formatting functionality. It allows users to display dates in a localized format or to parse strings into PHP date values using pattern strings and/or canned patterns.
Class synopsis
, int $datetype
, int $timetype
[, mixed $timezone
[, mixed $calendar
[, string $pattern
= ""
]]] )$locale
, int $datetype
, int $timetype
[, mixed $timezone
[, mixed $calendar
[, string $pattern
= ""
]]] )$object
[, mixed $format
[, string $locale
]] )Predefined Constants
These constants are used to specify different formats in the constructor for DateType and TimeType.
(integer) - Do not include this element
(integer) - Completely specified style (Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST)
(integer) - Long style (January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm)
(integer) - Medium style (Jan 12, 1952)
(integer) - Most abbreviated style, only essential data (12/13/52 or 3:30pm)
The following int constants are used to specify the calendar. These calendars are all based directly on the Gregorian calendar. Non-Gregorian calendars need to be specified in locale. Examples might include locale="hi@calendar=BUDDHIST".
Table of Contents
- IntlDateFormatter::create — Create a date formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::format — Format the date/time value as a string
- IntlDateFormatter::formatObject — Formats an object
- IntlDateFormatter::getCalendar — Get the calendar type used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getDateType — Get the datetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getErrorCode — Get the error code from last operation
- IntlDateFormatter::getErrorMessage — Get the error text from the last operation.
- IntlDateFormatter::getLocale — Get the locale used by formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getPattern — Get the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeType — Get the timetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZoneId — Get the timezone-id used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject — Get copy of formatterʼs calendar object
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone — Get formatterʼs timezone
- IntlDateFormatter::isLenient — Get the lenient used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::localtime — Parse string to a field-based time value
- IntlDateFormatter::parse — Parse string to a timestamp value
- IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar — Sets the calendar type used by the formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::setLenient — Set the leniency of the parser
- IntlDateFormatter::setPattern — Set the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneId — Sets the time zone to use
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone — Sets formatterʼs timezone
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Поддержка языков и кодировок
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- Примеры
- The Collator class
- The NumberFormatter class
- The Locale class
- The Normalizer class
- The MessageFormatter class
- The IntlCalendar class
- The IntlTimeZone class
- The IntlDateFormatter class
- The ResourceBundle class
- The Spoofchecker class
- The Transliterator class
- The IntlBreakIterator class
- The IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator class
- The IntlCodePointBreakIterator class
- The IntlPartsIterator class
- The UConverter class
- Grapheme Функции
- IDN Функции
- IntlChar
- Exception class for intl errors
- The IntlIterator class
- intl Функции
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