The IntlTimeZone class

(PHP 5.5.0, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)


Class synopsis

IntlTimeZone {
/* Constants */
const integer DISPLAY_SHORT = 1 ;
const integer DISPLAY_LONG = 2 ;
/* Methods */
public static integer countEquivalentIDs ( string $zoneId )
public static IntlTimeZone createDefault ( void )
public static IntlIterator createEnumeration ([ mixed $countryOrRawOffset ] )
public static IntlTimeZone createTimeZone ( string $zoneId )
public static IntlTimeZone fromDateTimeZone ( DateTimeZone $zoneId )
public static string getCanonicalID ( string $zoneId [, bool &$isSystemID ] )
public string getDisplayName ([ bool $isDaylight [, integer $style [, string $locale ]]] )
public integer getDSTSavings ( void )
public static string getEquivalentID ( string $zoneId , integer $index )
public integer getErrorCode ( void )
public string getErrorMessage ( void )
public static IntlTimeZone getGMT ( void )
public string getID ( void )
public integer getOffset ( float $date , bool $local , integer &$rawOffset , integer &$dstOffset )
public integer getRawOffset ( void )
public static string getTZDataVersion ( void )
public bool hasSameRules ( IntlTimeZone $otherTimeZone )
public DateTimeZone toDateTimeZone ( void )
public bool useDaylightTime ( void )

Predefined Constants



Table of Contents


Currently there is no documentation available for IntlTimeZone::parse(), so it took some while to figure out a working example:

// Example for 32-bit PHP 7.0.30 with Intl version 1.1, ICU version 56.1
// To get the offset of a date including daylight saving time, getRawOffset() is
// not sufficient, getOffset() is needed. And a date is needed to take history
// in to account.

$date '25-03-2018 12:34:56.123456 CEST'// 3rd of Februari
$timezone \IntlTimeZone::createDefault();  // = CEST = GMT +02:00
print 'Time zone: ' $timezone->getDisplayName() . PHP_EOL;
'DST: ' . ($timezone->useDaylightTime() ? 'DOES' 'DOES NOT')
' happen to this timezone' PHP_EOL;
'Possible DST difference (usec): ' $timezone->getDSTSavings() . PHP_EOL;

$formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
$timestamp $formatter->parse($date);
if (
FALSE === $timestamp) {
  throw new 
\Exception('Can not parse date');
elseif (
is_float($timestamp)) {
  throw new 
\Exception('Y2K38 bug @ 32 bit, please use 64 bit');
'Date parsed by IntlFormatter::parse(): ' date('c'$timestamp)

$cal \IntlCalendar::createInstance();
// set UNIX timestamp offset (1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000) and add the timestamp
$cal->set(\IntlCalendar::FIELD_MILLISECOND0); // note: msec, not usec
$cal->add(\IntlCalendar::FIELD_SECOND$timestamp); // note: no milliseconds
$cal->add(\IntlCalendar::FIELD_MILLISECOND124);  // hardcode for simplicity

header('Content-type: text/plain');
'Date constructed with IntlCalendar: ' $formatter->format($cal)
'Raw offset by getRawOffset(): ' $timezone->getRawOffset() . PHP_EOL;

 * Function IntlTimeZone::getOffset()
 * @link
 * @param float $date
 *   moment in time for which to return offsets, in units of milliseconds from
 *   January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT time or local wall time, depending on
 *   `local'.
 * @param bool $local
 *   if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it is in GMT time.
 * @param int &$rawOffset
 *   output parameter to receive the raw offset, that is, the offset not
 *   including DST adjustments
 * @param int &$dstOffset
 *   output parameter to receive the DST offset, that is, the offset to be added
 *   to `rawOffset' to obtain the total offset between local and GMT time. If
 *   DST is not in effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value,
 *   typically one hour.

$rawOffset NULL;
$dstOffset NULL;
$timestamp *= 1000.0// convert unix timestamp from secs to msecs
$timezone->getOffset($timestamp$local FALSE$rawOffset$dstOffset);
'Output of getOffset():' PHP_EOL json_encode([
'rawOffset' => $rawOffset,
'dstOffset' => $dstOffset
2018-07-13 11:40:51

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