(PHP 4)
hw_InsertObject — Inserts an object record
int hw_insertobject
( int
, string $object_rec
, string $parameter
)Inserts an object into the server.
Note: If you want to insert an Anchor, the attribute Position has always been set either to a start/end value or to 'invisible'. Invisible positions are needed if the annotation has no corresponding link in the annotation text.
The connection identifier.
The object can be any valid hyperwave object.
See the HG-CSP documentation for a detailed information on how the parameters have to be.
See Also
- hw_pipedocument() - Retrieve any document
- hw_insertdocument() - Upload any document
- hw_insdoc() - Insert document
- hw_inscoll() - Insert collection
[an error occurred while processing the directive]
- hw_Array2Objrec
- hw_changeobject
- hw_Children
- hw_ChildrenObj
- hw_Close
- hw_Connect
- hw_connection_info
- hw_cp
- hw_Deleteobject
- hw_DocByAnchor
- hw_DocByAnchorObj
- hw_Document_Attributes
- hw_Document_BodyTag
- hw_Document_Content
- hw_Document_SetContent
- hw_Document_Size
- hw_dummy
- hw_EditText
- hw_Error
- hw_ErrorMsg
- hw_Free_Document
- hw_GetAnchors
- hw_GetAnchorsObj
- hw_GetAndLock
- hw_GetChildColl
- hw_GetChildCollObj
- hw_GetChildDocColl
- hw_GetChildDocCollObj
- hw_GetObject
- hw_GetObjectByQuery
- hw_GetObjectByQueryColl
- hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj
- hw_GetObjectByQueryObj
- hw_GetParents
- hw_GetParentsObj
- hw_getrellink
- hw_GetRemote
- hw_getremotechildren
- hw_GetSrcByDestObj
- hw_GetText
- hw_getusername
- hw_Identify
- hw_InCollections
- hw_Info
- hw_InsColl
- hw_InsDoc
- hw_insertanchors
- hw_InsertDocument
- hw_InsertObject
- hw_mapid
- hw_Modifyobject
- hw_mv
- hw_New_Document
- hw_objrec2array
- hw_Output_Document
- hw_pConnect
- hw_PipeDocument
- hw_Root
- hw_setlinkroot
- hw_stat
- hw_Unlock
- hw_Who
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