(PHP 4)
hw_Root — Root object id
int hw_root
( void
Returns the object ID of the hyperroot collection. Currently this is always 0. The child collection of the hyperroot is the root collection of the connected server.
Return Values
Returns 0.
[an error occurred while processing the directive]
- hw_Array2Objrec
- hw_changeobject
- hw_Children
- hw_ChildrenObj
- hw_Close
- hw_Connect
- hw_connection_info
- hw_cp
- hw_Deleteobject
- hw_DocByAnchor
- hw_DocByAnchorObj
- hw_Document_Attributes
- hw_Document_BodyTag
- hw_Document_Content
- hw_Document_SetContent
- hw_Document_Size
- hw_dummy
- hw_EditText
- hw_Error
- hw_ErrorMsg
- hw_Free_Document
- hw_GetAnchors
- hw_GetAnchorsObj
- hw_GetAndLock
- hw_GetChildColl
- hw_GetChildCollObj
- hw_GetChildDocColl
- hw_GetChildDocCollObj
- hw_GetObject
- hw_GetObjectByQuery
- hw_GetObjectByQueryColl
- hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj
- hw_GetObjectByQueryObj
- hw_GetParents
- hw_GetParentsObj
- hw_getrellink
- hw_GetRemote
- hw_getremotechildren
- hw_GetSrcByDestObj
- hw_GetText
- hw_getusername
- hw_Identify
- hw_InCollections
- hw_Info
- hw_InsColl
- hw_InsDoc
- hw_insertanchors
- hw_InsertDocument
- hw_InsertObject
- hw_mapid
- hw_Modifyobject
- hw_mv
- hw_New_Document
- hw_objrec2array
- hw_Output_Document
- hw_pConnect
- hw_PipeDocument
- hw_Root
- hw_setlinkroot
- hw_stat
- hw_Unlock
- hw_Who
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