
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

pg_field_size Returns the internal storage size of the named field


int pg_field_size ( resource $result , int $field_number )

pg_field_size() returns the internal storage size (in bytes) of the field number in the given PostgreSQL result.


This function used to be called pg_fieldsize().



PostgreSQL query result resource, returned by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_execute() (among others).


Field number, starting from 0.

Return Values

The internal field storage size (in bytes). -1 indicates a variable length field. FALSE is returned on error.


Example #1 Getting information about fields

pg_connect("dbname=publisher") or die("Could not connect");

$res pg_query($dbconn"select * from authors where author = 'Orwell'");
$i pg_num_fields($res);
  for (
$j 0$j $i$j++) {
"column $j\n";
$fieldname pg_field_name($res$j);
"fieldname: $fieldname\n";
"printed length: " pg_field_prtlen($res$fieldname) . " characters\n";
"storage length: " pg_field_size($res$j) . " bytes\n";
"field type: " pg_field_type($res$j) . " \n\n";

The above example will output:

column 0
fieldname: author
printed length: 6 characters
storage length: -1 bytes
field type: varchar 

column 1
fieldname: year
printed length: 4 characters
storage length: 2 bytes
field type: int2 

column 2
fieldname: title
printed length: 24 characters
storage length: -1 bytes
field type: varchar 

See Also


How i can extract the struct of a Postgresql Table?

I want to do a dynamic php code, that see the pg table, and print name, type and size of fields
2002-07-03 00:44:56
function get_create_syntax( $table )
  $qry  =  "
            SELECT    *
            FROM      $table
            LIMIT     1
  $res = pg_query( $qry );
  $row = pg_fetch_assoc( $res );

  $create = "CREATE TABLE $table \n(\n";

  $item = array();
  for( $i = 0; $i < count( $row ); $i++ )
    $name = pg_field_name( $res, $i );
    $type = pg_field_type( $res, $i );
    $size = pg_field_size( $res, $i );

    $item[$i] = '"'.$name.'" '.$type;

    $qry  =  "
              SELECT    a.atttypmod    AS size,
                        a.attnotnull  AS notnull
              FROM      pg_attribute  AS a,
                        pg_class      AS c
              WHERE     c.relname   = '$table'
              AND       a.attrelid  =  c.oid
              AND       a.attname    =  '$name'
    $res2  = pg_query( $qry );
    $out  = pg_fetch_object( $res2 );

    if( $out -> size != -1 )
      $item[$i] .= '('.( $out -> size - 4 ).')';
    if( $out -> notnull == 't' )
    $item[$i] .= ' NOT';

    $item[$i] .= ' NULL';

  $create .= implode( ",\n", $item ) ."\n);";

  return $create;
2005-02-23 07:49:50
To view the file structure of a table using a sql query

select pg_class.relname, pg_attribute.attname, pg_type.typname, pg_type.typlen from pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_type  where pg_class.relname = 'YOURTABLENAME' and pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid and pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid having attnum > 0
2005-06-14 07:21:44

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