(PHP 4, PHP 5)
rewind — Rewind the position of a file pointer
bool rewind
( resource
Sets the file position indicator for handle
to the beginning of the file stream.
If you have opened the file in append ("a" or "a+") mode, any data you write to the file will always be appended, regardless of the file position.
The file pointer must be valid, and must point to a file successfully opened by fopen().
Return Values
Returns TRUE
on success or FALSE
on failure.
Example #1 rewind() overwriting example
$handle = fopen('output.txt', 'r+');
fwrite($handle, 'Really long sentence.');
fwrite($handle, 'Foo');
echo fread($handle, filesize('output.txt'));
The above example will output something similar to:
Foolly long sentence.
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Расширения для работы с файловой системой
- Функции для работы с файловой системой
- basename
- chgrp
- chmod
- chown
- clearstatcache
- copy
- delete
- dirname
- disk_free_space
- disk_total_space
- diskfreespace
- fclose
- feof
- fflush
- fgetc
- fgetcsv
- fgets
- fgetss
- file_exists
- file_get_contents
- file_put_contents
- file
- fileatime
- filectime
- filegroup
- fileinode
- filemtime
- fileowner
- fileperms
- filesize
- filetype
- flock
- fnmatch
- fopen
- fpassthru
- fputcsv
- fputs
- fread
- fscanf
- fseek
- fstat
- ftell
- ftruncate
- fwrite
- glob
- is_dir
- is_executable
- is_file
- is_link
- is_readable
- is_uploaded_file
- is_writable
- is_writeable
- lchgrp
- lchown
- link
- linkinfo
- lstat
- mkdir
- move_uploaded_file
- parse_ini_file
- parse_ini_string
- pathinfo
- pclose
- popen
- readfile
- readlink
- realpath_cache_get
- realpath_cache_size
- realpath
- rename
- rewind
- rmdir
- set_file_buffer
- stat
- symlink
- tempnam
- tmpfile
- touch
- umask
- unlink
Note that rewind($fd) is exactly the same as fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET)
rewind() just moves the location inside the file to the beginning, nothing more. Check if your stream is "seekable" before planning to use fseek/rewind.