(PHP 5)
mysqli::multi_query -- mysqli_multi_query — Performs a query on the database
Object oriented style
)Procedural style
Executes one or multiple queries which are concatenated by a semicolon.
To retrieve the resultset from the first query you can use mysqli_use_result() or mysqli_store_result(). All subsequent query results can be processed using mysqli_more_results() and mysqli_next_result().
Procedural style only: A link identifier returned by mysqli_connect() or mysqli_init()
The query, as a string.
Data inside the query should be properly escaped.
Return Values
Returns FALSE
if the first statement failed.
To retrieve subsequent errors from other statements you have to call
mysqli_next_result() first.
Example #1 mysqli::multi_query() example
Object oriented style
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT CURRENT_USER();";
$query .= "SELECT Name FROM City ORDER BY ID LIMIT 20, 5";
/* execute multi query */
if ($mysqli->multi_query($query)) {
do {
/* store first result set */
if ($result = $mysqli->store_result()) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
printf("%s\n", $row[0]);
/* print divider */
if ($mysqli->more_results()) {
} while ($mysqli->next_result());
/* close connection */
Procedural style
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT CURRENT_USER();";
$query .= "SELECT Name FROM City ORDER BY ID LIMIT 20, 5";
/* execute multi query */
if (mysqli_multi_query($link, $query)) {
do {
/* store first result set */
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($link)) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
printf("%s\n", $row[0]);
/* print divider */
if (mysqli_more_results($link)) {
} while (mysqli_next_result($link));
/* close connection */
The above examples will output something similar to:
my_user@localhost ----------------- Amersfoort Maastricht Dordrecht Leiden Haarlemmermeer
See Also
- mysqli_query() - Performs a query on the database
- mysqli_use_result() - Initiate a result set retrieval
- mysqli_store_result() - Transfers a result set from the last query
- mysqli_next_result() - Prepare next result from multi_query
- mysqli_more_results() - Check if there are any more query results from a multi query
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Расширения для работы с базами данных
- Расширения для работы с базами данных отдельных производителей
- MySQL Drivers and Plugins
- Улучшенный модуль MySQL
- Функция mysqli::$affected_rows() - Получает число строк, затронутых предыдущей операцией MySQL
- Функция mysqli::autocommit() - Включает или отключает автоматическую фиксацию изменений базы данных
- Функция mysqli::begin_transaction() - Starts a transaction
- Функция mysqli::change_user() - Позволяет сменить пользователя подключенного к базе данных
- Функция mysqli::character_set_name() - Возвращает кодировку по умолчанию, установленную для соединения с БД
- Функция mysqli::$client_info() - Получает информацию о клиенте MySQL
- Функция mysqli::$client_version() - Возвращает информацию о клиенте MySQL в виде строки
- Функция mysqli::close() - Закрывает ранее открытое соединение с базой данных
- Функция mysqli::commit() - Фиксирует текущую транзакцию
- Функция mysqli::$connect_errno() - Возвращает код ошибки последней попытки соединения
- Функция mysqli::$connect_error() - Возвращает описание последней ошибки подключения
- Функция mysqli::__construct() - Устанавливает новое соединение с сервером MySQL
- Функция mysqli::debug() - Выполняет процедуры отладки
- Функция mysqli::dump_debug_info() - Журналирование отладочной информации
- Функция mysqli::$errno() - Возвращает код ошибки последнего вызова функции
- Функция mysqli::$error_list() - Возвращает список ошибок выполнения последней запущенной команды
- Функция mysqli::$error() - Возвращает строку с описанием последней ошибки
- Функция mysqli::$field_count() - Возвращает число столбцов, затронутых последним запросом
- Функция mysqli::get_charset() - Возвращает набор символов в виде объекта
- Функция mysqli::get_client_info() - Получает информацию о клиенте MySQL
- Функция mysqli_get_client_stats() - Возвращает статистику клиента для каждого процесса
- Функция mysqli_get_client_version() - Возвращает информацию о клиенте MySQL в виде строки
- Функция mysqli::get_connection_stats() - Возвращает статистику соединения с клиентом
- Функция mysqli::$host_info() - Возвращает строку, содержащую тип используемого соединения
- Функция mysqli::$protocol_version() - Возвращает версию используемого MySQL протокола
- Функция mysqli::$server_info() - Возвращает версию MySQL сервера
- Функция mysqli::$server_version() - Возвращает версию сервера MySQL, представленую в виде integer
- Функция mysqli::get_warnings() - Получает результат SHOW WARNINGS
- Функция mysqli::$info() - Извлекает информацию о последнем выполненном запросе
- mysqli::init
- Функция mysqli::$insert_id() - Возвращает автоматически генерируемый ID, используя последний запрос
- Функция mysqli::kill() - Запрос для сервера завершить выполнение процесса MySQL
- Функция mysqli::more_results() - Проверка, есть ли еще результаты в мультизапросе
- Функция mysqli::multi_query() - Выполняет запрос к базе данных
- Функция mysqli::next_result() - Подготовка следующего доступного результирующего набора из multi_query
- Функция mysqli::options() - Задание настроек
- mysqli::ping
- Функция mysqli::poll() - Опрос подключений
- Функция mysqli::prepare() - Подготавливает SQL выражение к выполнению
- Функция mysqli::query() - Выполняет запрос к базе данных
- Функция mysqli::real_connect() - Устанавливает соединение с сервером mysql
- mysqli::real_escape_string
- Функция mysqli::real_query() - Выполнение SQL запроса
- Функция mysqli::reap_async_query() - Получение результата асинхронного запроса
- Функция mysqli::refresh() - Обновление
- Функция mysqli::release_savepoint() - Rolls back a transaction to the named savepoint
- Функция mysqli::rollback() - Откат текущей транзакции
- Функция mysqli::rpl_query_type() - Возвращает RPL тип запроса
- Функция mysqli::savepoint() - Set a named transaction savepoint
- Функция mysqli::select_db() - Устанавливает базу данных для выполняемых запросов
- Функция mysqli::send_query() - Отправка запроса и возврат
- Функция mysqli::set_charset() - Задает набор символов по умолчанию
- Функция mysqli::set_local_infile_default() - Отмена привязки callback-функции для команды load local infile
- Функция mysqli::set_local_infile_handler() - Задает callback-функцию для команды LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
- Функция mysqli::$sqlstate() - Возвращает код состояния SQLSTATE последней MySQL операции
- Функция mysqli::ssl_set() - Используется для установления безопасных соединений, используя SSL
- Функция mysqli::stat() - Получение информации о текущем состоянии системы
- mysqli::stmt_init
- Функция mysqli::store_result() - Передает результирующий набор последнего запроса
- Функция mysqli::$thread_id() - Возвращает ID процесса текущего подключения
- Функция mysqli::thread_safe() - Показывает, безопасна ли работа с процессами
- Функция mysqli::use_result() - Готовит результирующий набор на сервере к использованию
- Функция mysqli::$warning_count() - Возвращает количество предупреждений из последнего запроса заданного подключения
Note that you need to use this function to call Stored Procedures!
If you experience "lost connection to MySQL server" errors with your Stored Procedure calls then you did not fetch the 'OK' (or 'ERR') message, which is a second result-set from a Stored Procedure call. You have to fetch that result to have no problems with subsequent queries.
Bad example, will FAIL now and then on subsequent calls:
$sQuery='CALL exampleSP('param')';
Working example:
$sQuery='CALL exampleSP('param')';
Of course you can do more with the multiple results then just throwing them away, but for most this will suffice. You could for example make an "sp" function which will kill the 2nd 'ok' result.
This nasty 'OK'-message made me spend hours trying to figure out why MySQL server was logging warnings with 'bad packets from client' and PHP mysql_error() with 'Connection lost'. It's a shame the mysqli library does catch this by just doing it for you.
I was developing my own CMS and I was having problem with attaching the database' sql file. I thought mysqli_multi_query got bugs where it crashes my MySQL server. I tried to report the bug but it showed that it has duplicate bug reports of other developers. To my surprise, mysqli_multi_query needs to bother with result even if there's none.
I finally got it working when I copied the sample and removed somethings. Here is what it looked liked
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE....;...;... blah blah blah;...";
/* execute multi query */
if (mysqli_multi_query($link, $query)) {
do {
/* store first result set */
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($link)) {
//do nothing since there's nothing to handle
/* print divider */
if (mysqli_more_results($link)) {
//I just kept this since it seems useful
//try removing and see for yourself
} while (mysqli_next_result($link));
/* close connection */
bottom-line: I think mysql_multi_query should only be used for attaching a database. it's hard to handle results from 'SELECT' statements inside a single while loop.
mysqli_multi_query handles MySQL Transaction on InnoDB's :-)
$mysqli = mysqli_connect( "localhost", "owner", "pass", "db", 3306, "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" );
SELECT @lng:=IF( STRCMP(`main_lang`,'de'), 'en', 'de' )
FROM `main_data` WHERE ( `main_activ` LIKE 1 ) ORDER BY `main_id` ASC;
SELECT `main_id`, `main_type`, `main_title`, `main_body`, `main_modified`, `main_posted`
FROM `main_data`
WHERE ( `main_type` RLIKE "news|about" AND `main_lang` LIKE @lng AND `main_activ` LIKE 1 )
ORDER BY `main_type` ASC;
$query = mysqli_multi_query( $mysqli, $QUERY ) or die( mysqli_error( $mysqli ) );
if( $query )
do {
if( $result = mysqli_store_result( $mysqli ) )
$subresult = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );
if( ! isset( $subresult['main_id'] ) )
foreach( $subresult AS $k => $v )
var_dump( $k , $v );
} while ( mysqli_next_result( $mysqli ) );
mysqli_close( $mysqli );
It's very important that after executing mysqli_multi_query you have first process the resultsets before sending any another statement to the server, otherwise your
socket is still blocked.
Please note that even if your multi statement doesn't contain SELECT queries, the server will send result packages containing errorcodes (or OK packet) for single statements.
You can use prepared statements on stored procedures.
You just need to flush all the subsequent result sets before closing the statement... so:
$mysqli_stmt = $mysqli->prepare(....);
... bind, execute, bind, fetch ...
$discard = $mysqli->store_result();
Hope that helps :o)
Be sure to not send a set of queries that are larger than max_allowed_packet size on your MySQL server. If you do, you'll get an error like:
Mysql Error (1153): Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
To see your MySQL size limitation, run the following query: show variables like 'max_allowed_packet';
or see
if you don't iterate through all results you get "server has gone away" error message ...
to resolve this, in php 5.2 it is enough to use
// ok for php 5.2
while ($mysqli->next_result());
to drop unwanted results, but in php 5.3 using only this throws
mysqli::next_result(): There is no next result set. Please, call mysqli_more_results()/mysqli::more_results() to check whether to call this function/method
so it should be replaced with
// ok for php 5.3
while ($mysqli->more_results() && $mysqli->next_result());
I also tried but failed:
// can create infinite look in some cases
while ($mysqli->more_results())
// also throws error in some cases
if ($mysqli->more_results())
while ($mysqli->next_result());
WATCH OUT: if you mix $mysqli->multi_query and $mysqli->query, the latter(s) won't be executed!
$mysqli->multi_query(" Many SQL queries ; "); // OK
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #1 ; ") // not executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #2 ; ") // not executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #3 ; ") // not executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #4 ; ") // not executed!
The only way to do this correctly is:
$mysqli->multi_query(" Many SQL queries ; "); // OK
while ($mysqli->next_result()) {;} // flush multi_queries
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #1 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #2 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #3 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #4 ; ") // now executed!
If your second or late query returns no result or even if your query is not a valid SQL query, more_results(); returns true in any case.
I'd like to reinforce the correct way of catching errors from the queries executed by multi_query(), since the manual's examples don't show it and it's easy to lose UPDATEs, INSERTs, etc. without knowing it.
$mysqli->next_result() will return false if it runs out of statements OR if the next statement has an error. Therefore, it's important to check for errors when the loop ends. Also, I believe it's useful to know when and where the loop broke, so consider the following code:
$statements = array("INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('1', 'one')", "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('2', 'two')");
if ($mysqli->multi_query(implode(';', $statements))) {
$i = 0;
do {
} while ($mysqli->next_result());
if ($mysqli->errno) {
echo "Batch execution prematurely ended on statement $i.\n";
var_dump($statements[$i], $mysqli->error);
The IF statement on the multi_query() call checks the first result, because next_result() starts at the second.
Getting "Error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" after running a multi-query? Make sure you've cleared out the queue of results.
Here's what I've used to discard all subsequent results from a multi-query:
while($dbLink->more_results() && $dbLink->next_result()) {
$extraResult = $dbLink->use_result();
if($extraResult instanceof mysqli_result){
Here are more details about error checking and return values from multi_query(). Testing shows that there are some mysqli properties to check for each result:
If error or errno are not empty then the remaining queries did not return anything, even though error and errno will appear to be empty if processing further results is continued.
Also note that get_warnings() will not work with multi_query(). It can only be used after looping through all results, and it will only get the warnings for the last one of the queries and not for any others. If you need to see or log query warning strings then you must not use multi_query(), because you can only see the warning_count value.
Use generator.
PHP 5.5.0
// Quick multiQuery func.
function multiQuery( mysqli $mysqli, $query ) {
if ($mysqli->multi_query( $query )) {
do {
if ($result = $mysqli->store_result()) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
foreach ($row as $key => $value) yield $key => $value;
} while( $mysqli->more_results() && $mysqli->next_result() );
$query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `question`;" .
"LOCK TABLES `question` READ;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=2;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=7;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=8;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=9;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=11;" .
"SELECT * FROM `question` WHERE `questionid`=12;" .
"TRUNCATE TABLE `question`;";
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'pswd', 'dbnm');
// result
foreach ( multiQuery($mysqli, $query) as $key => $value ) {
echo $key, $value, PHP_EOL;
Good luck!
If you want to create a table with triggers, procedures or functions in one multiline query you may stuck with a error -
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; xxx corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER' at line 1
The solution is very simple - don't use DELIMITER keyword at all! So, instead of :
just use :
For more information read answers at StackOverflow for question #5311141
To be able to execute a $mysqli->query() after a $mysqli->multi_query() for MySQL > 5.3, I updated the code of jcn50 by this one :
$mysqli->multi_query(" Many SQL queries ; "); // OK
while ($mysqli->next_result()) // flush multi_queries
if (!$mysqli->more_results()) break;
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #1 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #2 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #3 ; ") // now executed!
$mysqli->query(" SQL statement #4 ; ") // now executed!
I appreciate the advice from crmccar at gmail dot com regarding the proper way to check for errors, but I would get an error with his/her code. I fixed it by changing the code a little:
$sql = file_get_contents( 'sql/test_' . $id . '_data.sql');
$query_array = explode(';', $sql);
// Run the SQL
$i = 0;
if( $this->mysqli->multi_query( $sql ) )
do {
while( $this->mysqli->more_results() );
if( $this->mysqli->errno )
Query #' . ( $i + 1 ) . ' of <b>test_' . $id . '_data.sql</b>:<br /><br />
<pre>' . $query_array[ $i ] . '</pre><br /><br />
<span style="color:red;">' . $this->mysqli->error . '</span>'
Following code can be used to resolve
mysqli::next_result(): There is no next result set. Please, call mysqli_more_results()/mysqli::more_results() to check whether to call this function/method
/* execute multi query */
if (mysqli_multi_query($this->conn, $query)) {
$i = true;
do {
/* store first result set */
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($this->conn)) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
printf("%s\n", $row[0]);
/* print divider */
if (mysqli_more_results($this->conn)) {
$i = true;
} else {
$i = false;
} while ($i && mysqli_next_result($this->conn));
Please note that there is no need for the semicolon after the last query. That wasted more than hour of my time...
If you're importing a sql-file with triggers, functions, stored procedures and other stuff, you'll might be using DELIMITER in MySQL.
Notice: This function assumes that all delimiters are on it's own line, and that "DELIMITER" are in all caps.
function mysqli_multi_query_file($mysqli, $filename) {
$sql = file_get_contents($filename);
// remove comments
$sql = preg_replace('#/\*.*?\*/#s', '', $sql);
$sql = preg_replace('/^-- .*[\r\n]*/m', '', $sql);
if (preg_match_all('/^DELIMITER\s+(\S+)$/m', $sql, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$prev = null;
$index = 0;
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$sqlPart = substr($sql, $index, $match[0][1] - $index);
// move cursor after the delimiter
$index = $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);
if ($prev && $prev[1][0] != ';') {
$sqlPart = explode($prev[1][0], $sqlPart);
foreach ($sqlPart as $part) {
if (trim($part)) { // no empty queries
} else {
if (trim($sqlPart)) { // no empty queries
while ($mysqli->next_result()) {;}
$prev = $match;
// run the sql after the last delimiter
$sqlPart = substr($sql, $index, strlen($sql)-$index);
if ($prev && $prev[1][0] != ';') {
$sqlPart = explode($prev[1][0], $sqlPart);
foreach ($sqlPart as $part) {
if (trim($part)) {
} else {
if (trim($sqlPart)) {
while ($mysqli->next_result()) {;}
} else {
while ($mysqli->next_result()) {;}
This example shows how to read data from multiple stored procedures. Here I have two stored procedures proc1() and proc2() and retrieve their data into 2D array:
$db=new mysqli(...);
$sql="CALL proc1(...); CALL proc2(...);";
$procs=[]; //outer array for resultsets (tables)
$cols=[]; //inner array for columns (fields)
$cols[]=$row[0]; //fetch 1st column value
$cols[]=$row[1]; //fetch 2nd column value
$procs[]=$cols; //add cols to procedures array
Multi-queries open the potential for a SQL injection.
The often cited "fallback" loop:
while ( $db->more_results() and $db->next_result() ) {
$rs = $db->use_result();
if( $rs instanceof \mysqli_result ) {
certainly will avoid the dreaded error 2014 "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" error. However, that technique will completely disregard the fact that any excess result sets are a likely indication of an infiltrated system.
Instead, it may be wise to tightly manage the correct number of expected, individual result sets and throw an exception of more are received.
However, it's important to understand that any closing comment (which might have been appended as one defense against command appending) will result in an EXTRA, EMPTY result set.
will produce THREE result sets:
#1 - the ten data rows,
#2 - the overall row count,
#3 - an empty result set, where: FALSE === $db->use_result(), even though it had been TRUE === ($db->more_results() and $db->next_result() ) .
To get the affected/selected row count from all queries
$q = "UPDATE `Review` SET `order` = 1 WHERE id = 600;" // aff 1
. "UPDATE `Review` SET `order` = 600 WHERE id = 1;" //aff 1
. "SELECT 0;" //for testing, aff rows == -1
$affcnt = 0;
$rowcnt = 0;
$res = $db->multi_query($q);
if($res == false)
Lib::throw( $q . "\n[" . $db->errno . "]\n" . $db->error . "\n" );
$affcnt += $db->affected_rows;
if( isset($res->num_rows) )
$rowcnt += $res->num_rows;
while( $db->more_results() && $res = $db->next_result() );
//IMPORTANT: call more_results First!, THEN next_result to get new data.
return $res;