
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imagepsencodefont — Change the character encoding vector of a font


bool imagepsencodefont ( resource $font_index , string $encodingfile )

Loads a character encoding vector from a file and changes the fonts encoding vector to it. As a PostScript fonts default vector lacks most of the character positions above 127, you'll definitely want to change this if you use an other language than English.

If you find yourself using this function all the time, a much better way to define the encoding is to set ps.default_encoding in the configuration file to point to the right encoding file and all fonts you load will automatically have the right encoding.

Список параметров



The exact format of this file is described in T1libs documentation. T1lib comes with two ready-to-use files, IsoLatin1.enc and IsoLatin2.enc.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.


Замечание: Эта функция доступна только в том случае, если PHP был скомпилирован с опцией --enable-t1lib.


Because I have had problems with this function to find out that there is no result to store in a variable, a short example how to use:

$font = imagepsloadfont( "/home/www/font/Arial.pfb" );
imagepsencodefont( $font, "/home/www/font/IsoLatin1.enc" );

afterwards you can use the resource $font in each other ps function like imagepstext() or imagepsbbox().
2002-10-24 04:41:55
The t1lib-5.0.0 source includes 5 different encoding files under Fonts/enc/. For my text with German umlauts, using IsoLatin1.enc did not work, but PSLatin1.enc did the trick.
2003-07-15 08:15:08

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