(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5)
preg_replace_callback — Выполняет поиск по регулярному выражению и замену с использованием функции обратного вызова
Поведение этой функции во многом напоминает preg_replace(), за исключением того, что вместо параметра replacement необходимо указывать callback функцию, которой в качестве входящего параметра передается массив найденных вхождений. Ожидаемый результат - строка, которой будет произведена замена.
Пример #1 preg_replace_callback() пример
// Этот текст был использован в 2002 году
// мы хотим обновить даты к 2003 году
$text = "April fools day is 04/01/2002\n";
$text.= "Last christmas was 12/24/2001\n";
// функция обратного вызова
function next_year($matches)
// как обычно: $matches[0] - полное вхождение шаблона
// $matches[1] - вхождение первой подмаски,
// заключенной в круглые скобки, и так далее...
return $matches[1].($matches[2]+1);
echo preg_replace_callback(
// результат:
// April fools day is 04/01/2003
// Last christmas was 12/24/2002
Достаточно часто callback функция, кроме как в вызове preg_replace_callback(), ни в чем больше не участвует. Исходя из этих соображений, можно использовать create_function() для создания безымянной функции обратного вызова непосредственно в вызове preg_replace_callback(). Если вы используете такой подход, вся информация, связанная с заменой по регулярному выражению, будет собрана в одном месте, и пространство имен функций не будет загромождаться неиспользуемыми записями.
Пример #2 preg_replace_callback() и create_function()
/* фильтр, подобный тому, что используется в системах Unix
* для преобразования в заглавные начальных букв параграфа */
$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r") or die("can't read stdin");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp);
$line = preg_replace_callback(
// Использование одиночных кавычек в данном случае принципиально,
// альтернатива - экранировать все символы '$'
'return strtolower($matches[0]);'
echo $line;
Смотрите также preg_replace() и create_function().
it is much better on preformance and better practice to use the preg_replace_callback function instead of preg_replace with the e modifier.
function a($text){return($text);}
// 2.76 seconds to run 50000 times
// 0.97 seconds to run 50000 times
preg_replace_callback returns NULL when pcre.backtrack_limit is reached; this sometimes occurs faster then you might expect. No error is raised either; so don't forget to check for NULL yourself
A simple function to replace a list of complete words or terms in a string (for PHP 5.3 or above because of the closure):
function replace_words($list, $line, $callback) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'/(^|[^\\w\\-])(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $list)) . ')($|[^\\w\\-])/mi',
function($v) use ($callback) { return $v[1] . $callback($v[2]) . $v[3]; },
Example of usage:
$list = array('php', 'apache web server');
$str = "php and the apache web server work fine together. php-gtk, for example, won't match. apache web servers shouldn't too.";
echo replace_words($list, $str, function($v) {
return "<strong>{$v}</strong>";
Decode Hexa to Strings =)
class PhpHex2Str
private $strings;
private function x_hex2str($hex) {
$hex = substr($hex[0], 1);
$str = '';
for($i=0;$i < strlen($hex);$i+=2) {
return $str;
public function decode($strings = null) {
$this->strings = (string) $strings;
return preg_replace_callback('#\%[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}#', 'x_hex2str', $this->strings);
// Example
$strings = 'a %20 b%0A h %27 h %23';
$obj = new PhpHex2Str;
$strings = $obj->decode($strings);
The good version of the class PhpHex2Str
class PhpHex2Str
private $strings;
private static function x_hex2str($hex) {
$hex = substr($hex[0], 1);
$str = '';
for($i=0;$i < strlen($hex);$i+=2) {
return $str;
public function decode($strings = null) {
$this->strings = (string) $strings;
return preg_replace_callback('#\%[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}#', 'PhpHex2Str::x_hex2str', $this->strings);
// Exemple
$obj = new PhpHex2Str;
$strings = $obj->decode($strings);
Created this to fetch the link and name of an anchor tag. I use this when cleaning an HTML email to text. Using regex for HTML is not recommended but for this purpose I see no issue with it. This is not designed to work for nested anchors.
A note to keep in mind:
I was primarily concerned with valid HTML so if attributes do no use ' or " to contain the values then this will need to be tweaked.
If you can edit this to work better, please let me know.
* Replaces anchor tags with text
* - Will search string and replace all anchor tags with text (case insensitive)
* How it works:
* - Searches string for an anchor tag, checks to make sure it matches the criteria
* Anchor search criteria:
* - 1 - <a (must have the start of the anchor tag )
* - 2 - Can have any number of spaces or other attributes before and after the href attribute
* - 3 - Must close the anchor tag
* - Once the check has passed it will then replace the anchor tag with the string replacement
* - The string replacement can be customized
* Know issue:
* - This will not work for anchors that do not use a ' or " to contain the attributes.
* (i.e.- <a href=http: //></a> will not be replaced)
function replaceAnchorsWithText($data) {
* Had to modify $regex so it could post to the site... so I broke it into 6 parts.
$regex = '/(<a\s*'; // Start of anchor tag
$regex .= '(.*?)\s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist
$regex .= 'href=[\'"]+?\s*(?P<link>\S+)\s*[\'"]+?'; // Grab the link
$regex .= '\s*(.*?)\s*>\s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist before closing tag
$regex .= '(?P<name>\S+)'; // Grab the name
$regex .= '\s*<\/a>)/i'; // Any number of spaces between the closing anchor tag (case insensitive)
if (is_array($data)) {
// This is what will replace the link (modify to you liking)
$data = "{$data['name']}({$data['link']})";
return preg_replace_callback($regex, 'replaceAnchorsWithText', $data);
$input = 'Test 1: <a href="http: //php.net1">PHP.NET1</a>.<br />';
$input .= 'Test 2: <A name="test" HREF=\'HTTP: //PHP.NET2\' target="_blank">PHP.NET2</A>.<BR />';
$input .= 'Test 3: <a hRef=http: //php.net3>php.net3</a><br />';
$input .= 'This last line had nothing to do with any of this';
echo replaceAnchorsWithText($input).'<hr/>';
Will output:
Test 1: PHP.NET1(http: //php.net1).
Test 2: PHP.NET2(HTTP: //PHP.NET2).
Test 3: php.net3 (is still an anchor)
This last line had nothing to do with any of this
The pcre.backtrack_limit option (added in PHP 5.2) can trigger a NULL return, with no errors. The default pcre.backtrack_limit value is 100000. If you have a match that exceeds about half this limit it triggers a NULL response.
e.g. My limit was at 100000 but 500500 triggered a NULL response. I'm not running unicode but I *guess* PCRE runs in utf-16.
Don't use this function to fetch BBCode, as explained. If you have some text that runs over 5000 chars (average), it will run out of its limit and makes you download the PHP page.
According to this, you should instead use something more advanced yet complex. You will need a function called "str_replace_once()" (search for it), one called "countWord()", the famous "after()", "before()", "between()".
str_replace_once does same as str_replace, but only replace first occurence. As for countWord, I guess you know how to count the number of a word occurence. As for after, before and between, this is a function that you may find easily somewhere on the site by a user. Else, you can do it.
The following function is able to do all blocks, supposing [code] and [/code], you might wish things between parents dont get parsed, including [code] if inside of another [code].
function prepareCode($code, $op, $end)
$ix = 0;
$iy = 0;
$nbr_Op = countWord($op, $code);
while($ix < $nbr_Op)
if(in_string($op, before($end, $code), false))
// The following piece of code replace the default [tag] by [tag:#]
$code = str_replace_once($op, substr($op, 0, -1).':'.$ix.']', $code);
elseif(in_string($end, before($op, $code), false))
$iy = $iy-1;
$code = str_replace_once($end, substr($end, 0, -1).':'.($ix-1).']', $code);
$ix = $ix-2;
while(in_string($end, $code))
$code = str_replace_once($end, substr($end, 0, -1).':'.($iy-1).']', $code);
$code = preg_replace('#\\'.substr($end, 0, 1).':-[0-9]\]#i', '', $code);
if(in_string(substr($op, 0, -1).':0]', $code) && !in_string(substr($end, 0, -1).':0]', $code))
$code .= substr($end, 0, -1).":0]";
return $code;
$code returns the whole text semi-formated. You only need to use it as :
$code = prepareCode($code="Your text", $op="[tag]" , $end="[/tag]");
Then just replace the parent tags :
str_replace("[tag:0]", "<tag>", $code);
str_replace("[/tag:0]", "</tag>", $code);
So at the end something like :
This small class allows PHP users to read JSON files with include statements in them. For instance the include {{{ "relative/to/including.json" }}} is replaced by the content of the json file located at "relative/to/including.json".
* Handles JSON files with includes
* Purpose: handle bigger JSON files by featuring "includes"
* @author Florian Arndt
class JWI {
* Parses a JSON file and returns its contents
* @param String $filename
static function read($filename) {
throw new Exception('<b>JWI Error: JSON file <tt>'.$filename.'</tt> not found!</b>');
$content = join('', file($filename));
$dir = dirname($filename);
* replace
* include statements
* with
* content of the file to include
* recursively
$content = preg_replace_callback(
'/{{{\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"\s*}}}/', // >include file< - pattern
'$matches', // callback parameter
'$fn = "%s/".$matches[1];'.
'return JWI::read($fn);',
return $content;
From PHP 5.3 you can use an anonymous function to pass local variables into the callback.
public function replace_variables( $subject, $otherVars ) {
$linkPatterns = array(
'/(<a .*)href=(")([^"]*)"([^>]*)>/U',
"/(<a .*)href=(')([^']*)'([^>]*)>/U"
$callback = function( $matches ) use ( $otherVars ) {
$this->replace_callback($matches, $otherVars);
return preg_replace_callback($this->patterns, $callback, $subject);
public function replace_callback($matches, $otherVars) {
return $matches[1] . $otherVars['myVar'];
The easiest way to pass more than one parameters to the callback function is with the 'use' keyword.
[This is better than using global, because it works even when we are already inside a function.]
In this example, the callback function is an anonymous function, which takes one argument, $match, supplied by preg_replace_callback(). The extra
"use ($ten)" puts the $ten variable into scope for the function.
$string = "Some numbers: one: 1; two: 2; three: 3 end";
$ten = 10;
$newstring = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($ten) { return (($match[0] + $ten)); },
echo $newstring;
#prints "Some numbers: one: 11; two: 12; three: 13 end";
If you want to call non-static function inside your class, you can do something like this.
For PHP 5.2 use second argument like array($this, 'replace'):
class test_preg_callback{
private function process($text){
$reg = "/\{([0-9a-zA-Z\- ]+)\:([0-9a-zA-Z\- ]+):?\}/";
return preg_replace_callback($reg, array($this, 'replace'), $text);
private function replace($matches){
if (method_exists($this, $matches[1])){
return @$this->$matches[1]($matches[2]);
For PHP 5.3 use second argument like "self::replace":
class test_preg_callback{
private function process($text){
$reg = "/\{([0-9a-zA-Z\- ]+)\:([0-9a-zA-Z\- ]+):?\}/";
return preg_replace_callback($reg, "self::replace", $text);
private function replace($matches){
if (method_exists($this, $matches[1])){
return @$this->$matches[1]($matches[2]);
Note that, as of PHP 5.3, it seems that named subpatterns are now included in the matches array by their named key as well as their numerical key.
To build off of Chris' previous example, as of PHP 5.3, you *can* do
preg_replace_callback('/(?<char>[a-z])/', 'callback', 'word');
function callback($matches) {
and expect to get $matches['char'] in your function. * BUT ONLY AS OF PHP 5.3 *
Please be mindful of this if you intend to support PHP 5.2.
Text lines numeration:
// Multieline text:
$Text = "
// For count:
// Replace linestart on number:
PRINT preg_replace_callback("/^/m",function ()
return $GLOBALS["LineNUMBER"]++." ";
2 Some
3 Multieline
4 text
5 for
6 numeration
For the callback I advise only to use a permanent or anonymous function.
Depending on the usage you may encounter memory issues when using create_function for the callback possibly due to attempts at being compatible with PHP 5.2 or prior. Some servers refuse to update their PHP for whatever reason.
Please peruse the create_function documentation for more details regarding its memory usage.
Be aware that as of php5.4 you MUST NOT pass variables by reference, as in '[, int &$count ]' - if you do it will result in a fatal error.
I think the writer is trying to say that the function accepts the parameter by reference, but that is not how it reads. -Manual needs updating/clarifying ?
// Nice little function that convert a string to uppercase by keeping the HTMLentities intact.
public static function strtoupper_entities($str) {
$str = preg_replace_callback ($patternMajEntities,
function ($matches) {
return "&" . $matches[2] . strtolower($matches[3]) . ";";
}, strtoupper($str));
return $str;
$format = <<<SQL
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON :database_name.* TO ':user'@':host';
$args = ["database"=>"people", "user"=>"staff", "pass"=>"pass123", "host"=>"localhost"];
preg_replace_callback("/:(\w+)/", function ($matches) use ($args) {
return @$args[$matches[1]] ?: $matches[0];
}, $format);
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON :database_name.* TO 'staff'@'localhost';
The `:database_name` placeholder doesn't exist as a matching key in `$args` so it's returned as is.
This way you know you need to correct the array by adding the "database_name" item.
To use variable from the parent scope of the anonymous callback function passed to preg_replace_callback(), utilize the use() parameter.
$var1 = "one";
$var2 = "two";
$line = preg_replace_callback('/^.*$/',
function( $matches ) use ( $var1, $var2 ) {
return( $var1 . " " . $var2 );
}, $line);
Will replace the entire string with the concatenated values or $var1 and $var2 ("one two") from the parent scope.
* 将中文转为Html实体
* Turning Chinese into Html entity
* Author QiangGe
* Mail
$str = <<<EOT
你好 world
function ChineseToEntity($str) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'/[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]/u', // utf-8
// '/[\x7f-\xff]+/', // if gb2312
function ($matches) {
$json = json_encode(array($matches[0]));
preg_match('/\[\"(.*)\"\]/', $json, $arr);
* 通过json_encode函数将中文转为unicode
* 然后用正则取出unicode
* Turn the Chinese into Unicode through the json_encode function, then extract Unicode from regular.
* I think this idea is seamless.
return '&#x'. str_replace('\\u', '', $arr[1]). ';';
}, $str
echo ChineseToEntity($str);
// 你好 world
Note that when using the 'Use ($variable)' with preg_replace_callback, if you wish the value to be altered by the anonymous function, you must pass the value in by reference. eg preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($matches) use (&$alterThis) { $alterThis+=$something;},$string);
Please note! if you have defined namespace,
the usage format must me changed:
echo preg_replace_callback(
__NAMESPACE__ . '\\next_year',